The Spero Research Paper is out on IOC

The Spero Research Paper is out on IOC

Let's read it

Other urls found in this thread:"Authors":.QT.Derek Hatton.QT.&newsearch=true

Posting from another thread:
Overall, I think the report was good. A lot of regurgitated information from the IOC website and DIONS roadmap, but it is in one comprehensive report that offers a nice, simple research "package" for people looking for a brief overview of the coin. They said they need to step up marketing, and this is a good first step.

scam scam scam. Read the Derek Hatton profile in the pdf.

jesus glad I dumped my 20k IOC. feels like im high af when reading and research paper is full of grammatical errors

you must be high. report seems fine to me you illiterate fuck. will be on my DIONS rocket in a couple of weeks tool.

I think if they went all out and said "buy this coin, it'll be $30 in a month" yada yada and just shilled the hell out of it, it would hurt us in the long run. Overall I think this report was great for the coin and helpful for marketing.

what did you make of the Derek Hatton part? Fucking hilarious.

>Dev 1 is a former rapper
>Dev 2 is Cheese head
>Dev 3 is mystery man
>IOC is doing extremely innovative shit that is like Bitcoin 4.0
>Devs 1 and 2 can't do that kind of shit
>However they are still somehow on the bleeding edge and poised to win a world scale blockchain award

Derek Hatton the mystery developer is Satoshi Nakamoto. He has been working on a new Bitcoin and this is it.

Minister you, satoshi

I'll be on the fintech dions rocket next couple weeks. so if you don't wanna get on get off now

>Derek Hatton the mystery developer is Satoshi Nakamoto. He has been working on a new Bitcoin and this is it.

could he have picked a better name?

It's a perfectly fine report, great research "all in one" as OP said.
What was so hilarious about Derek, the fact that someone in the industry has actually done something useful before?

There is no fucking proof this person exists.

He'a published you mong. Literally here:

Nigga, these guys had to rebrand cuz they never got anything right.

That doesnt mean he works for IO/Digital
What the fuck would an Electrical Engineer be doing coding anyway?

>electrical engineer

Did you not read the paper? He coded the platform for that CMS system to run on. Fucking monkey

As I suspected, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Here's more papers he's published on."Authors":.QT.Derek Hatton.QT.&newsearch=true

DYOR next time monkey

If you say so.
What part did he code and what part did the rest of the team code?

Gerry Bauer, Barbara Beccati, Ulf Behrens, Kurt Biery, James Branson, Sebastian Bukowiec, Member, IEEE, Eric
Cano, Harry Cheung, Marek Ciganek, Sergio Cittolin, Jose Antonio Coarasa Perez, Christian Deldicque, Samim
Erhan, Dominique Gigi, Frank Glege, Robert Gomez-Reino, Michele Gulmini, Derek Hatton, Yi Ling Hwong,
Member, IEEE, Constantin Loizides, Frank Ma, Lorenzo Masetti, Frans Meijers, Emilio Meschi, Andreas Meyer,
Remigius K. Mommsen, Roland Moser, Vivian O’Dell, Alexander Oh, Luciano Orsini, Christoph Paus, Andrea
Petrucci, Marco Pieri, Attila Racz, Olivier Raginel, Hannes Sakulin, Member, IEEE, Matteo Sani, Philipp
Schieferdecker, Christoph Schwick, Dennis Shpakov, Michal Simon, Member, IEEE, Konstanty Sumorok and
Andre Sungho Yoon


@3.69 I'm prety much at where I bought it and I'm tell you to sell the news.

I'm about to go on a vacation for a week, and this is about to be real comfy when I get back.

>What the fuck would an Electrical Engineer be doing coding anyway?

I'll disregard any opinion you have on the matter based solely on this question.

If you can't understand why pic is an actual issue, then just don't invest and move on.

Here's more.

I shouldn't even be doing this, but i'm getting annoyed

Serious features added in the latest code update.
Did Derek manage todo this all by himself?

Merry christmas

>This guy who got trolled so hard as a kid he thinks everything MUST be a scam

You have no devs.
You are LARPing

"Wallet Compiling Dev"

>Spero may receive payments from organizations which are the subject of research


IOC Is the fucking best

So good they need to employ two Wallet Compiling Devs for a HTML5 Wallet.

>Compact Muon Solenoid
this coin is guaranteed to moon

The most elaborate scam of all time; the devs didn't even premine or ICO'd, they bought their own (relatively small) share of coins.
Then they got together with IBM, KPMG and TomTom just to keep the appearances, you know.
After waiting for 3 YEARS, they can finally execute their plan.

>kill yourselves

If you actually researched you'd find out HTML5 wallet wasn't the only one. This team list is outdated.
But who are we kidding, you never actually did any research, otherwise you'd have bought earlier and wouldn't have needed to fud like this.


Where is the fucking code?
All I can see is a fork with most commits from before 2014.
Nothing has been updated in years.
As for Chameleon?

there is no code =) DIONS CHADS don't need code we get money and bitches and lambos.


I literally want to bash your skull in you stupid fuck. They don't release their code because other coins would steal it in a heart beat. Joel says he constantly gets messages about coins wanting to join up or wondering about how they are approaching aliases. Hang yourself you fucking retard.

Because of the one thing you don't seem to be getting for all of this.

IOC is a first mover.

Many other coins want their code and are willing to blatantly steal their work. In fact it has happened already.

Just WHY would they make their great product open source before even releasing the main platform.
Same goes for the Derek situation. He doesn't need to be known, he needs to code, and that he does.

I'm in for $ 28. Don't fail me Veeky Forums

you are smart. Hold...

gonna read this report whilst listening to the great music by Joel, the guy who dances around a lambo with whores:

Derek Hatton isn't exactly a rare name, so it's possible this is a different Derek Hatton.

You dumb faggot with 0 critical thinking skills.

I hope you take a huge loss on IOC fuckface

The Spero repot says the one of the dangers to IOC is that their code has been made open source since june 2017.
Fucking jokers.

From the fucking 'report'

That's when they finished DIONs. Learn to read.

If they released early before completing the code some guys would've straight up stole their code

Is the code open source since 2017 or not?
Send me a link to it.

Oh yes, it's the other Derek Hatton who still worked as programmer at CERN.

Great critical thinking.

>I don't know how git works

You know it doesn't magically become stealable once they create a repo, right?

They strategically push key parts of the platform to avoid it being stolen.

Still waiting for the open source code that was released in June 2017 as outlined in the report.

Check github.


>Screencap this
$15 in 3 months
Top 10 coin withing a year
>Screencap this

One look at the logo and it was clear this is a scam. Stay away, unless you enjoy handing your money to scam artists under the guise of "investing, bro"


This one is a classic.
I'd love to hear what coins you invested under the "logo" premise.
Are you 5? Why do you care about pretty pictures?
Either that or you're one of those artisans who work with marketing and thinks good colour synergy is better than a product.

>Report comes out
>DIONS and Fintech near
>FUD intensifies to unbelievable levels
>nonsensical FUD that is grasping at straws and uses unrelated facts
Boy I sure wonder.

hello, Joel. shouldn't you be working on Dions, bro.

Stop wasting time on Veeky Forums defending your gay company against FUD.

either people believe in it or they don't.

good bye for now.

I did do my research.
Coded from scratch, yet none of the code has been changed in years. The last update was to add one fucking random variable to the code base.
Thats why im on here stopping my biz anons getting fucking scammed.

More coding from scratch

last commit.
I hope Derek got paid handsomely for it

You must be paid in these coins, or the founder himself. LOL! What a scam!

You see my biggest problem is they made a new site and said DIONS at the start of October and are the favorite for Fintech.

If it's a scam they are doing a damn fine job. They managed to scam their way all through it to being the favorite for the finals.

lmao good argument.

I've been called Joel before, usually comes after effortless fudders like you run out of arguments.

Why do you think Joel would even grace you maggots with his presence?

That and he can't even string an english sentence together, but the motherfucker is a god and he's gonna make us rich.

We've already explained why they don't push literally every bit of code to this repo.
If you're too retarded to accept that, then I'm sorry.

Are you the ODN pajeet? You getting jelly that IOC is finally taking off?
Worse than my existance of defending this coin here, is yours of fudding something you don't even intend to hold.
Kill yourself.

I know. I agree.
I had fucking 10,000 dollars in it.
Crashed last night and I went digging.
Either be upfront about it or not.
If the source code is closed fair enough.
But the report claims its open source and I have seen ZERO evidence of a competant dev team. Just some mysterious developer called Derek Hatton.
My guess this is just a HTML page made by the other guy..hes a web developer pretty easy to pretend you have something like this working, All my FUD work mean shit if they do actually have a working product, but my gut says stay away.

That's the gamble isn't it. If they do a block call it's real or they are the most brazen scammers ever. You are basically gambling on if it's an exit scam or the real deal.

If it's the former then you are safe and made the right choice. If you are wrong it's alpha Centauri.

I'm inclined to believe it's not a scam. Most scammers don't take the time to go to competitions to present their scam and face while saying it will be literally be updated in two weeks. I agree there is an incredible amount of weird shit going on here but I'm inclined to think it's just a weird situation.

I really hope I didn't make the wrong choice or my wojacks will be the pinkest.

Im a software developer man.
This doesnt make sense.
They won an award last year too.. and won the 'public' vote this year again. How does a coin with 62 youtube and 300 reddit subscribers win a public vote for a Fintech Award? Baffling.

You think these guys are taking time out of their jobs to write free reports for people on biz who won't even understand them? That's how it works outside your shitcoins world

The other guy.

It's crazy that people still think this is a scam when they are getting reported on by institutional investment researchers like Spero and winning fintech awards. No wonder every time it crashes we're flooded with pink wojaks since this is the quality of DYOR here

>They have a big community on bizz and efukt so it seems.

Because they actually have a good product that they aren't shilling? Biz people are sure but you won't see it outside of here much.

The fact that they are wining despite the lack of presence makes me think they are actually on the level. It's bizzare but they did win awards and they look like they are going to do it again and maybe take the biggest one.

It doesn't make sense but it is what is happening.

We might actually be witnessing a fucking rapper, a cheese head and some mysterious retard create the future of Bitcoin like crypto. Or we might be seeing the most brazen scam ever.

But too many things make me think it isn't one. It's just weird.

>institutional investment researchers like Spero
Site is was only registered 6 days ago
No name put to the report
Handful of retarded twitter followers.

You fucking pajeet, they just rebranded from Oracle investment. Go visit their telegram man

They fixed the Oracle Investment problem?

Fuck off Ranjit

Telegram link Sir?

fuck i laughed hard at this one

You cant even read the fucking text on their old website.


>Software developer
>Can't even find the latest git of IOC is on DIONS section
>Don't even understand how github works

You tell me how github works then faggot.
Show me this DIONs repo that was coded from scratch, and made completely open source in Jun 2017 as outlined in the "institutional investor" report by Spero?

DIONS wasn't made open source faglord
the base wallet and code was.
DIONS isn't even out yet

The report says "Further,
won the “Blockchain” category in the European Fintech Awards in 2017

The awards are not on until sept 26th.
Weird as fuck.

They won the blockchain category.
The awards are where they present for the full conference.
Holy fuck do you have the mental capabilities of a 12 year old?

I genuinely thought he was being honest and actually thought this was a scam so I responded to him honestly with my thoughts.

Now I am certain he is just trying to FUD for some reason and will use whatever bullshit he can come up with logic be damned and he will say whatever he has to.

I've been in their telegram waiting for the report. Their team is actually very responsive, though obviously busy. I'll probably subscribe when they bring out their membership for the public. Unless they're charging huge amounts, finding other coins like ioc early would easily pay off the cost

They have not won anything yet.

Hey Faggot.
The Spero Report says they won.
The Fintech Website says the winner will be decided from three after a presentation.
Which is it?

Fintech awards mean nothing.

Thank you Mr. trading bot!

henlo my name is actually pajeet jr. thank you kindly sir to get my name right in your insult next time