What did proto-indo-europeans look like?

What did proto-indo-europeans look like?

Like Poles



How far back are we talking? Because if we go far enough back, we're heading into "black skin and blue eyes" territory.

Why do you people enjoy talking endlessly about the same trivial bullshit over and over and over again? Do you have any interest in anything beyond this shit? Do you have any interest in Indo-European language or culture or society, or their migrations or their impact on the world, or do you just want to jack off to their haplotypes?

How can this board be so fucking vapid?

Pic related is pretty much the Proto-Indo-European phenotype (i.e. Aryan)

Why are you so butthurt? Do you not know this is a Veeky Forumstory board? Go circle jerk about how awesome communism is on /leftypol/ or on r*ddit.



Even your insults are boring.

Mixed race Iranian/Slavic people

asking how they looked like wouldn't that be phenotype instead of haplotypes?

also t. 10 different communism threads up at the moment


>le boring

Well meme'd

That's an Indo-Iranian, who's language and culture originated from almost Scandinavia-tier whites

* Slavic people
Iranian people didn't exist then. Basically this

Like Slavs probably.

Those people werent slavs either though

Proto-Indo-Europeans were swarthy but their facial structure was quite European. They were a mixture of Western Hunter Gathers, Ancient North Eurasians and farmers from the Caucasus. With the exception of the latter they were very "typical" European ancestors.

They were gingers and I'm barely memeing. They had an extremely high incidence of red hairs.


The people in the relief behind him don't look very Scandinavian.