This is the chainlink contract myself and other bizrealis put our eth into. Did we get BTFO? Still no Link.
This is the chainlink contract myself and other bizrealis put our eth into. Did we get BTFO? Still no Link.
You got scammed
this motherfucker got like 100 free ETH from you stupid faggots lmao
Holy shit are you serious? What have you done OP hahah
Lmao, get fucked.
I admire this scammers ability to scam people someone else is trying to scam.
wew lad
what is the connection between the address you posted and the OP address? There doesn't appear to be any link between them
This kid made 15k yesterday?
That's it, I'm a scammer now
>what is the connection
there both addresses of scammers that retards like yourself fell for, or your just larping, i hope the former.
330 ether actually
so i guess a shitload of biz got scammed by faulty linkcontracts??
Not really, you just have a special talent for it.
Get rekt bitch
I sent mine here:
Can somebody explain how I was scammed if it was an official link
Sorry OP you got scammed, just let it go.
lol right. Can you explain, tho?
sure it wasnt this one?
Sorry for your lots.
Holy shit op you got btfo.
dang..... sry mate
>I sent mine here:
No you didn't