Bitcoin bashing

One of the most followed Italian finance gurus is literally bashing Bitcoin every week.

I sadly have to admit he has at least three good reasons:

1) it's a long time Bitcoin stopped being a currency, and only being a mere unregulated speculative shit.

Everyone willing to jump on the cryptocurrencies train only wants to become rich overnight. The only people using cryptocurrencies for actually buying/selling stuff are those puny penor fagets involved with weed and other illegal shit.

2) speculation is a shark thing, not a herring thing.

Sharks earn big bucks by hit-and-run, both when a crypto is mooning and when it's dipping. If something has a daily 3% oscillation, sharks feast upon it.

3) your life won't actually change if you earn or loose a few thousands bucks (except if you were a Pajeet investing the few rupees you had).

A lucky dude cashing out five grands out of 500 hours spent managing his cryptoassets (and talking/reading/writing about them) is literally like a Pajeet getting $10/hr at McDonald.

>Benetazzo - now about 40 - talked about two 40yo women, his former gf's when he was a teen, abruptly rushing to call him to ask where to buy some Bitcoin.

If your ex of 25 years ago remembers your name and suddenly phones you, then there's a tsunami of liquid shit going on.
>And if two of your highschool ex's suddenly phone you...
Fun fact - one of them asked Benetazzo about "Bitcoin being backed by actual gold"...

Other urls found in this thread:

>boomers on bitcoin

>Italian opinion leader

I'm Italian and this is the first time I hear of this guy. Sounds like a total clown.

1) give it time bro, things are in the making to change this, you don't buy MTL or TENX?
2) most of us are holders anyway, I only trade on confirmed trends like most normal human beings. This is no different in any market whales control the swings to some extent

3) meh, if I spent 500 hrs making 5k that's my own thing bro, I enjoy crypto and learning about it, doesn't feel like a job to me. I make 100k salary and made so far about 70k in 2017 from my 8k investment in January. Normie's are happy, unless like you they got into crypto in August

Bitcoin Cash only came to be because:
1. Greedy devs crippled the currency in order to sell crutches
2. Everyone knew what they were doing (unless they believe the censored /r/bitcoin sub) but were afraid that admitting that btc is turning into a ponzi will destroy their profits.

So yeah it's now a ponzi.

He's right, Bitcoin is shit. There's real value and actual use in anonymous crypto.

is it worth getting in on the ponzi scheme?

hes right you know.
Bitcoin has no real world use case anymore. Blockstream actively killed it as a currency. Nobodys talking about microtransactions anymore. Why do you think they forked Bitcoin Cash to begin with?

>muh digital gold

thats what theyre peddling it as now, as a store of value. When it was supposed to be a cryptoCURRENCY. Doesnt mean it cant go up quite a bit from here. But 500k a piece? Thats never gonna happen.

Bitcoin actually went from a "buy buy buy" to a "hold" for me, after I realized all this. Im not seling mine, but Im not buying more either. Much more interested in Monero and Bitcoin Cash these days. Both coins that actually got a real world use case, as opposed to (((Bitcoin))).

Is Bitcoin cash a separate crypto coin?

1. That's because nobody accepts it yet. As soon as Amazon starts taking btc, I'm getting rid of all my fiat

2. That's because the market cap is still relatively small so the markets are more easily manipulated

3. You life will actually change if you get gud

It could easily reach $100,000 before it bursts but it lacks the intrinsic value od being a currency so it will be replaced.

It might be Eth doing the flippening, it might be Bitcoin Cash that becomes Bitcoin again, or it might as well be DeepOnion that takes over or even something that is not developed yet.

But this current segwitcoin will not be the top crypto in 2 years.

Unfortunately nobody knows which one will replace it, so at this point we're gambling.

>bitcoin Cash
ver shill detected
kys nigger

Send em this:

yes they forked not too long ago.
it was pretty big and all, you know
not sure how you missed that

> As soon as Amazon starts taking btc

except people will never buy their shit on amazon with bitcoin. have you tried actually using it recently? I wanted to buy some shit online for 20 bucks, fees were like 5 bucks.

>b-b-but muh lightning network

LN is vaporware. Was announced ages ago and its still not here. Because they have zero interest in Bitcoin becoming mainstream-tier. Thats why AXA bought out Blockstream and jewed us all over.

They actually recently announced that LN will take at least another 18 months, while blockstream employees are spamming twitter with messages saying that btc has too many users now.

How anyone can trust them is beyond me.

We might see some form of flippening by the end of this year even...

>here's some legit proofs brah
>boomer arguments

might as well tell us how antifa has good points

>posts pictures complaining about not being able to get a job confirming NEETdom
>is a trumpledyte
>reinforces the stereotype of the alt-right being beta white manchildren who got conned into voting against their own interests

Tickles my funny bone every time

>Everyone willing to jump on the cryptocurrencies train only wants to become rich overnight.
Why does anybody invest money into any asset class other than the house they're living in? People whose career is based on commenting on things say some of the dumbest shit imaginable about cryptocurrencies.

1. It's a pic about boomers.
2. Antifa are fucking retards.
3. Not an alt-righter.

Lots of baseless implications.

Really activates the almonds.

No need to defend your fragile ego by lying on an anonymous image board, kiddo - you've provided all the evidence needed. Thanks for the laugh.

fuck that I don't want a return on my investment, I just want to pay tons of fees, taxes, management and performance costs so that I can stay an inch ahead of inflation while all these stupid fucking kids buy my bags of shiny rocks

>1) it's a long time Bitcoin stopped being a currency, and only being a mere unregulated speculative shit.
>Everyone willing to jump on the cryptocurrencies train only wants to become rich overnight. The only people using cryptocurrencies for actually buying/selling stuff are those puny penor fagets involved with weed and other illegal shit.

I agree with this. So long as nothing real is backing cryptocurrencies, they will suffer from instability. That instability is great for people looking to make money off the oscillating price. Literally every crypto thread on biz is based around the idea that people can get rich off massive price changes. But this instability makes crypto absolute dogshit as a currency. No one would put their life savings or accept a paycheck in crypto as long as they run the risk of their assets going to shit in anywhere from a day to a month.

>really bad at inductive reasoning
>spends time on Veeky Forums

not surprised

Lots of these faggots just like to bait bitcoiners because it gives them clicks and views.

They all have some bitcoin. I bet this italian faggot has a few bitcoin despite what he says

>italian finance guru

Projection suits you very well.

>agrees with boomer
>calls complete strangers "kiddo"
t. boomer

You surrender more evidence to me, confirming even more while unraveling your lies just in a desperate attempt to make some distinction that upsets only yourself.

You're just too predictable, kiddo. It would almost be boring if it wasn't for the fact that I get off for being so right.

t. pseudo-intellectual boomer who tries to fit in with the cool kids but can't drop his condescending attitude due to his age


>mexican intellectuals

I'm 31 and both of you homosexuals sound like you're not legal.

>first time you heard about him
>you already know he's a clown

this is why Italy is rekt.

a store of value should have little to no oscillations, just like a currency.

because when you need to cash out some of that value, you shouldn't be tempted to HODL.

that guy looks white, not italian wtf

If he was an actual opinion leader people would know about him. Since he's a total random it's safe to say he is a clown pretending to be an authority on finance.

i turned 2000 into 70k since june 2017 (market is only 15% higher from when i started). im a complete neet, couldn't have done anything better with my time than investing in cryptos

seems like you confuse mainstream shill with opinion leader

there's always some dumb nigger posted this shit

Where's the 'chink coin' bit dumbarse? You're forgetting your lines
