Why don't you get a real job, like this little guy?
Why don't you get a real job, like this little guy?
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I wish I was as "Happy" as him.
hah kekekekek
Atheist believe all this happened by chance and trial and error. Even though the math can't support it. Topkek
becus simple repetitive jobs are automated and im too stupid to learn new things on the fly
>he does not have a phd in molecular biology
>he doesn't understand how does this work
If the universe wasn't as it is you wouldn't be here to contemplate it's origin.
>tfw too smart to be a protein
Science reveals amazing complexity.
But god is nowhere to be found. DNA proves life evolved for billions of years.
You religious cult faggots don't understand DNA because you are intellectually lazy
Your culture is evil and a failure
deists don't even believe this is real. they think we are made of clay. lol.
>math can't support it
If something goes against the laws of math it literally cannot exist. Brainlet
The universe isn't old enough to support trial and error theory.
agnostic here
>Even though the math can't support it.
I have one but it fucking sucks.
Wouldn't it be very low odds rather than "not possible"? The "rare intelligence" theory is looking pretty solid right now so it could be extremely low odds.
How else do you learn things? Did you already know how to walk when you were born?
god is just a fucking container. science and religion culture is toxic. go back
I-I don't know if there is a spaghetti monster, could totally be!
>trial and error theory
unless the theory is inaccurate, retardo. trial and error works on micro scale at least, and we have literally nothing else to compare to. the concept of a higher power only exists in our imagination.
>all these reddit tier fedora lords
Yes. Please spread your "intellect" from your mothers basement.
>god is nowhere to be found
You exist in God's mind. Everything is God's dream and always has been
Wtf are you talking about
Take the science pill and embrace reality, it's magnificent and wondrous
Religion and good is pure retardedness and functional stupidity
Beliefs without evidence is real ignorance and leads to more ignorance, not less.
Accept that you once never were and will one day be recycled into your constituent molecular components and you will appreciate the value of life
Believe fairy tales and join the groups delusions you will be chasing dust and dreams and building an intellectual and moral castle on the sand.
I don't believe in any organized religion. We've learned a lot about our universe. But the more we learn the more we realize we actually know nothing.
>You exist in God's mind. Everything is God's dream and always has been
Religious belief starts with the unbelievably stupid premise that you can get insight without reflection, without facts, without evidence.
It's why they always start with children. Evil, pure evil, all of it, including you, coward.
Not smart enough.
>Theists believe a complex design requires a creator
>While ignoring the fact their creator is even more complex, and would thus require another creator, thus creating a never ending need for a creator
That's the dumbest shit I've ever read.
It's like you never have learned anything
>we actually know nothing.
Therefore god is real!
Checkmate atheists!
>Implying looking at the starts and loving how pretty things are is part of what drives people to do countless hours of research
Wew, what a way to be an unnecessary nihilistic asshole, breaking a beautiful moment with a girl. No wonder you guys are virgins.
I'm working on my MS in chemistry fuck off. What do you do
I already said I was agnostic.
What's with these all these reddit intellectuals
these straw fucks don't know what agnostic means lol
too closed minded to understand the whole "skepticism" part of the scientific mindset
over your head obviously.
God is real. Christ is real. You are not smarter than the whole of human history because you've studied matter so much you've decided it is the only thing there is. Your ego is robbing you of meaning. It is not too late.
>MS in chemistry
You telling people that 'the more we know, the more we don't know' is fucking retarded you MS in chemistry fuck. You could be an illiterate refugee saying that and still be retarded.
Your philosophy of knowledge is deficient. I assume by your obvious disrespect of scientific method and facts you have no defense against the claim that I could in fact be God himself communicating to you; nothing is too ridiculous to imagine might be true for the cowardly agnostic.
Fuck your degree; your credentials mean nothing. Make some more chemicals to dump in the world after all it could all be an illusion, right? Use your credentials to tell yourself you aren't stupid. Hell, use them to convince yourself that anything is possible!
You're a great example of the fact that you can go through life totally out of touch with reality despite an education. Irrational beliefs require no special knowledge other than the implicit disrespect of knowledge acquired through testing and evidence.
So, there could be a supernatural being! Because you have no evidence! OK. I guess that view needs to be respected because you have an MS in chemistry!
lol yeah actually humans are born with an innate knowledge of basic motor function. the reason it takes so long for us to walk is because we don't have enough muscle to support our bodies until a certain age.
>'the more we know, the more we don't know'
you just dont know enough to realize it's true
>argument is composed entirely of name calling
For all your self proclaimed intellectualism you sure are bad at using the logic that you cherish so much
Kinesin, that's what it's called right?
or if you manage to pick up the level of discussion
Molecular biologist here and I don’t see a contradiction in that. I’ve taken a day’s leave to think about a talk I’m going to do, and am going to steal slides from some crypto webpages for it. Biological systems are deterministic decentralized networks, you see.
As an aside, as pretty as it is, I really don’t like “photo-realistic” pictures of biological processes. This is not as bad as “neurones floating in mid-air”, but still.
Consider water molecules, which you could visualize as like ‘static’ at this scale. These fill the volume. They adhere to or flow over the surface of the proteins so that each protein is cloaked in channelled vortices. At the frame rate the graphic is shown at, this happens too fast to see; slow it down and you won’t see the molecular motor move. So it’s not possible to visualize these things at the same time; but it is possible to think them. To do that, you don’t want a picture to build on, you want data and hypotheses. Science isn’t a dogma, it’s a framework that allows the imagination different kinds of space to play in.
good thing God created it so we could be here to contemplate it then, huh?
Whether god did or did not create the universe is up for debate. But people pointing out the complexity of it all as an argument to there being a God / creating the universe is a fallacy.
Life would not be supported in the first place without said complexity which follows up with if life exists such complexity will be there.
>Can you prove God exists?
>Can you prove God doesn't exist?
Therefore I will believe God doesn't exist, until proven otherwise. Though I do not believe God exists, I will admit there is a possibility there is a God. Until we die, there is no way we can prove there is a God. Why even bother arguing about it?
It's actual a very common occurrence among people.
Smart people realize how little they know because when they learn things they also discover new areas of study. And while they know more after said study they know less percentually of what they know which information in said studies of area exists.
Less intelligent/average people are leas interested in learning new topics, so their scope of information does not widen. They only learn about information within their field resulting in them learning more but because they do not discover new fields of information they know perceptually more.
TL;DR Smart people know what they know and what there is to know. Dumb people know what they know but very little of what there is to know.
That's why smart people are so uncertain. Because they do not know all pieces of the puzzle on very complex questions like "is there a creator" whereas less intelligent people think they know it all and are more confident about their beliefs.
The more you know, the more you realize that you do not know shit.
it works so i don't have to
Wtf is that
if you really really think what would be if there was nothing at all your brain will short circuit and you'll feel dumb for couple of weeks
by the way, i bought posw after thinking about that
If you shine a light across a room and see nothing have you learned anything other than you need a brighter flashlight?
He didn't comment on the mechanics. He mentioned the self-evident truth that this is happenstance.
Trading can't be a job?
Amazing how god even came to program us. All these little micro-networks working together in order for us as humans to function.
as a fungus? gross!
what is this?
I thought I was the only one like that.
>philosophy of knowledge
>that whole paragraph
holy shit dude he said he was fucking AGNOSTIC you foaming at the mouth retard jesus christ
>relying on the presupposition of a flying spaghetti monster somewhere in the universe is so preposterous that belief in its possibility is akin to believing in a supreme deity
>on some gaseous planet, there exists a jellyfish like alien lifeform with tentacles resembling noodles in form and texture, large globular appendages of flesh that resemble meatballs, and oozes out liquid that looks, smells, tastes, and has a similar chemical makeup to tomato sauce
checkm9 ahteists
t. friendly cashier at mcd's
I'm one of the few to know who the mother of quantum physics was.
literally happiness
whatever virgin hahahahahahahaha
That little guy is tireless. I've been watching him now for an hour and a half and he's still going strong. He must be the nigger of the group he has to carry the whole molecule by himself.
>guaranteed replies
>you can only say you love science if you plan to become a researcher
That's kinda retarded. If someone tells you they love sports while you're watching a sports game with them, you don't lecture them on how they they need to be an athlete to enjoy sports.
>ask a question to a Christian
>humans need a creator because they are so complex, correct? would you say that god is more or less complex than humans?
>perfectly reasonable statement
>they challenge the premise of your question and say you can't compare god to people
Fuck that shit man
The whole of human history also died at 40 years old and their kids had a very low survival rate and mothers would die in childbirth
They were all terrified of death because it lingered in every nook and cranny. an alternative came up called science and modern medicine, that we don't have to take on faith, and the results are astronomical. I know what I'm placing my bets on
jesus christ, who hurt you? you said "you're wrong" and continued to spew shit for three paragraphs without refuting it whatsoever
>'the more we know, the more we don't know'
is a contradiction in terms
i.e. just bullshit
>They were all terrified of death because it lingered in every nook and cranny. an alternative came up called science and modern medicine, that we don't have to take on faith, and the results are astronomical. I know what I'm placing my bets on
I sympathize with your latter claim; but I dispute the former.
If you were living in a era where most people died at 40 maybe you were upset about the fact or you took it as motivation to live life to the fullest.
I don't know of any archaeological evidence to suggest people were depressed and anxious. So there is no reason to color their existences as such. Life might have been pretty good for a great many people with the limits of their technology.
WHat is this?
It wasn't that people died at 40 back in the die. People in good health lived to be as old as they do today (70's - 80's) it's just that medical practices were so pants on head retarded that it resulted in tons of people dying from easily curable illnesses because of bullshit like bloodletting and leeching.
also not even close to the whole of humanity believed in god or were christians...
Thats the literal mindfuck
God was not created as we were. He has always been. The assumption you make-- that all things must have a beginning-- is a result of living within the framework of the material universe. The creator is not bound to the rules of the creation.
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He ment:
The more we know the more we realize how much more there is to know and how little we know of all there is to know.
Imagine you have a pie, you have 1/4 of the pie. You discover the pie is bigger then you originally thought and realize you only have 1/8 of the pie. You look at the pie again and see you where wrong again and you only have 1/16. ...
This continues on forever, the pie is infinity big. So yes, you actually know nothing at all.
LOL at all you materialist atheist cucks. Jesus is my King.
this is true. there is literally infinite knowledge out there. God designed the universe this way. only He knows everything, as an infinite being.
But you fall into the same trap.
You state: "God was not created as we were. He has always been. The assumption you make-- that all things must have a beginning-- is a result of living within the framework of the material universe."
"is a result of living within the framework of the material universe."
Why could the universe not exist in the first place? Why does matter have to be created by a being, why can it not just be there in the first place?
It's an unnecessary step you take in your logic.
Ex: "Matter was not created as we were. It has always been. The assumption you make-- that all things must have a beginning-- is a result of living within the framework of the material universe. Matter is not bound to the rules of matter coming into existence."
I think a better question would be: "Where does matter come from?"
Does God create matter arbitrarily? If so who does he do so? Does God also destroy matter arbitrarily? How did God know how much matter to create?
Of what is the immaterial, in where god resides is made of?
Assuming God is an immaterial being does that imply immaterium can create matter? But how was that immaterium created?
Now matter how you look at it the questions make no sense. The only reasonable solution would be: "Matter has always existed existed and will continue to do so"
God just creates more problems, not less.
So eventually people concede and just say "You need to have faith"
How about we just have faith in the assumption that matter has and will always just exist. It seems like a much more reasonable thing to have faith in then the entire concept of a God.
You can apply this logic to the universe itself and end up with a much more sound and evidence-based model that doesn't require the supernatural to work
Cmon man, it's pretty cringey how girls say stupid things like this.
>is math related to science?
non-believers are the worst, their mind is so closed it's pathetic
Pathetic hypocrite, insulting your enemies instead of trying to embrace and teach them like your supposed master would want you to.
No. If evidence for a god were shown, every atheist here would believe wholeheartedly (more strongly than you believe, at least).
Open-mindedness isn't believing the first thing you hear regardless of its veracity. That's empty-mindedness.
>evidence for god, it's like you don't understand the whole concept of believing man. It made me a better man by a lot
Jesus got angry and laughed at nonbeliever cucks all the time. He got plenty sick of you faggots.
What annoys me with non-believers is that they constantly believe and many differents things all the time
They say they are not believers even tho most of them are. and thats how you spot a retard
> Baby's first fedora leveled argument
God doesn't need a creator because he exists outside of time. He's existence itself. His name is literally I Am. That's the belief. Why do atheists have to make arguments against what God isn't?
Do not misrepresent the Lord.
>t h e
>r e d i t
>s p a c i n g
Science reveals that nothing in our universe is by chance and that we are living in a simulation