Is the reason why capitalism is so succesful because its compatible with human nature?

Is the reason why capitalism is so succesful because its compatible with human nature?

Is communism inorganic and unnatural which is why it failed?

Depends what you mean by "natural". So called "primitive communism" is certainly natural, however on a large scale it runs into problems, not solely because strangers have no loyalty to each other, also practical organizational problems. Most people can barely run their own households, when it comes to a complex highly competitive business the more abstract "unnatural" capitalism often has an advantage, though this advantage could be described as one of natural selection.

How is this history or humanities related?

>human nature
What does it mean? No meme answers.

The cold war

No, its degenerate and human nature is completely against it. Human nature is collectivism and thinking that greed is good is product of Jewish ((("""intelectuals"""))) like Rosenbaum or Rothbard

But if WC3 taught me anything it's that greedisgood

>Is communism inorganic and unnatural which is why it failed?

Meanwhile, in History.
>Some Latin American countries, Korea, and Vietnam hold elections.
>People choose the Communist candidate
>REEEEE DON'T CHOOSE THEM *initiates dictatorship.*

>Capitalism is successful
You have a pretty fucked up idea of what successful is

for a Jew

Simultaneous inclination towards incredible selfishness and strong benevolence. Some argue that the latter results from the former.

>being a greedy, selfish piece of shit who'd sell their own children for profit is human nature

I'm not sure if i want to be a human.

It's not.
See Marcel Mauss' works on giving and receiving as a unifying principle.

On a macro scale capitalism works better than orthodox Marxism for two reasons:

-There is not really any better way to determine the value of goods and resources than the price mechanism. In countries that attempted to abolish it the military ends up hoarding all the resources, resulting in societies which are even more stratified than Capitalist countries

-Capitalism has a built in pruning mechanism, whereby inefficient and obsolete institutions are allowed to fail and be replaced, rather than remain preserved by those who have a vested interest in seeing said institutions preserved and the political capital to do so.

orthodox Communism fails as a means of organizing labor because it puts the cart before the horse: rather than change the material conditions of humanity to instigate social change, it attempts to instigate social change by imposing ideology on the masses. If you want to bring about true socialism/communism, invest in education, healthcare, and science and let the market do the rest. Capitalism didn't become practical until certain technological milestones and a level of social complexity were met, and that will be the case with socialism and communism as well.

Communism is a consequence of capitalism, capitalism is just an early phase of communism.

Is the reason why feudalism is so succesful because its compatible with human nature?

Is capitalism inorganic and unnatural which is why it failed?


nature is unequal
communism tries to make everyone equal

competition is what makes capitalism successful and fully adapt at distribution. I personally believe competitive edge is a shinning example of human nature. While the perpetuation and apology of a clearly failed and immoral ideology also speaks leagues about human nature

Man is such a sad creature, I can only feel sympathy for him now especially in his quite, apathetic ignorance

and it strives for equality above freedom

>protective bodies

>capitalism is compatible with human nature

In my '1st world', capitalist country there is currently a homelessness epidemic, and tens of thousands of children are going hungry. If to care for other humans (have empathy) is human nature, then my country's capitalism is not compatible with human nature, because all these people are suffering and we are sad for them.

You're talking about markets, not capitalism. Markets are indeed the best system for resource allocation for now. With the advances in IT and AI we can expect planning to become workable though.

>Some argue that the latter results from the former.

It's total bullshit, though

>protest against the Tsar leading to the war failing even more
>lead revolution to get rid of tsar
>protest the war and demand elections rather than working to win the war
>suppourt a violent demagogue who ignores the election result
>starves to death

Where can I read more on him

Not necessarily capitalism, but I do indeed think that markets are outgrowths of our biology, because they are the only forms of competitive-cooperative social organization that doesn't include direct violence or the threat of it.

Economics, politics, philosophy are all humanities

It's not though

Capitalism after crash of gold standard model is more stable than before. Government now always can steal money from citizenry, simply by print out money.

Capitalism isn't successful outside of US, a lot of countries are where conversion from socialism to capitalism was ended with poverty of major part of citizenry. Democracy is power of of major part of citizenry by the way.

"Freedom" in capitalism means freedom for slave owners. There's a reason that the French Revolution was about equality AND freedom: you can't have one without the other.

but caring about homeless people and hungry kids is literally communism and kills 100 billion trillion people!!! Stefan Molyneux said so!

Capitalism is successful because the "invisible hand" (greed) provokes and motivates people into looking for new ideas that advance humanity in terms of our tools, tech, etc.

It just werks

>"human nature"
>"only my way to behave is natural"
>"social behaviours are determined by biology"
>"lol commies get REKT"
Can we ban the burgers already?

Sort of, inequality is human nature.

Capitalism isn't even successful in the US. The average person is actually pretty poor and/or lives pay check to pay check, and the average wealth is inflated in statistics from billionaires. Additionally, look at the homelessness epidemic, or the vacant housing epidemic, or the fact that millions of Americans are starving or suffering from food insecurity, or the income inequality.

Communism has never been tried because it can only be achieved in a post-scarcity society.

>After Japanese are driven out, Soviets and Americans agree to partition Korea between themselves
>Norks chimp out and attack the South but its ok because democracy or something

This ffs

Enshrining greed as mankind's highest virtue?

WT actual F.

>Human nature is collectivism
Only at the level of the extended family or tribe. The weaker the ties are between two people, the less inclined they are to behave altruistically/collectively towards each other.

There's a reason the emergence of large cities in which the people have little or no kinship coincided with the rise of capitalism.

Yeah, the highest quality of life attained in the history of humanity coupled with the most scientific advances in the shortest time span known to man is a complete failure because not everything is perfect

t. retarded commies living in the most prosperous societies on earth and not starving to death

There is no such thing as nature, its a made up term by us to explain biological phenomenas. Many of us think that capitalism is "natural" becouse we are being raised in this system that makes us greedy since that is how you literally survive in capitalism

> > inefficient and obsolete institutions are allowed to fail and be replaced
> You're talking about markets, not capitalism.

Indeed, and we can use the too-big-to-fail banks as an example of capitalism in action; they got bailed out with bazillions of American tax payer dollars (while those same tax payers were left swinging in the wind) and literally only one (1) banking executive went to jail, and he was some meaningless middle management patsy.

>he average person is actually pretty poor and/or lives pay check to pay check
Yes, "pretty poor" that's why they own iPhones, a personal vehicle and spend billions of things like sports and make up industries.

>and the average wealth is inflated in statistics from billionaires
Use median wealth then. Guess you don't like doing that because what you're saying is just empty steam with no substance to appeal to left leaning retards.

>or the fact that millions of Americans are starving or suffering from food insecurity
Yes, starving and food insecurity, that's why there's an obesity epidemic among the poor. And before you start bitching about low quality food, healthy food is fucking cheaper than McDonalds.

>or the income inequality.
The biggest meme of them all. If everyone earns 1 dollar than there's no income inequality, if you earn a million and I earn 100k there's a large income inequality but we're both better off than earning 1 dollar. You mongrel retard.

Except any society that puts equality above freedom ends up with neither.

>some meaningless middle management patsy.
he represents the state-planners. Like the ones stalin killed. IF the americans had not sinned they would not have had to suffer the way they did. Just when they abandoned 90's-kid-losophy they find a new idol to worship. White guilt, marxism and intersectionality. Though, it was winding its way down even during the 1970s when the whole hippie-retardation began that forced the US to ban drugs. Leading to a new age of crime. And so the reaper goes to the fields.

The idea that people have right to own their own money and start enterprises outside of the state that resulted in incredible fall of global poverty level from generation to generation and fastest development in world's history.

How are you not free in a capitalist society?

Capitalism is contrary to nature, actually. And Communism is basically a subset of capitalism; even Karl Marx's theory of social evolution focused on the evolution of capitalism into socialism.

Normally, in nature, a human would forage, hunt and fish. Given a shortage, the humans found ways to preserve things. Preservation wasn't merely enough to completely sustain a growing population.

People worked until they were fed. After they were fed, there was no urgency, therefore they didn't need to keep working. But because they didn't work, they would later starve. To prevent starvation, someone had to make sure they would keep working. So a lord came to exist, and this lord would store as much of a surplus of food as possible, giving the people a daily allowance, even though there was more than enough to feed everyone. The excess food (let's call it capital) was invested to people who invented better tools, because the lord wanted more workers and more trade. This led to an economic boom. Eventually, the agricultural revolution gave rise to the Industrial revolution, and that made us grow exponentially.

But for what purpose? To feed us? We had a surplus for thousands of years.
To heal us? Medicine was being invented thousands of years ago.
To clothe us and keep us warm? Clothes and dwellings were invented ages ago.

The only reason we buy the bottle of soda, is because we're thirsty from buying all the salty fries; we will drink the caffeine rich soda and become even more dehydrated, causing us to consume more water. We're constantly creating new urgencies that we then waste our money on. If man once had the capacity to be satisfied by a live concert or play, then he doesn't need television or internet. We're only extending our lives to the natural limit of 130; and it's never going to go beyond that, so why even waste your whole life in servitude to feed such a system. Youre feeding the urgency that enslaves you, and you think it's natural.

What is life without a goal?

Ambition is natural. The average person dreams of standing out, of having the latest advances, of enjoying his life as much as possible before the cold embrace of death finally overtakes their lives.

If altruism and collectivism alone made us happy, we would've naturally evolved into communism, not from it (primitive/tribal communism).

We drink coke because we like the taste, we eat fries because we want to treat ourselves, we buy the latest phones because we don't want to miss out on what new things have to offer. Above all else, we dislike stagnation; in fact, that's the reason why a revolution seems so pleasing to imagine, a change of pace and a glorious romantic struggle between the machinations of greed against the desire for unity.

But it does not work like that. As soon as the upper classes are removed, someone will take their place. When someone excels in their job, they need to be paid more. When someone is clever enough to create robots to speed up a job, they should be able to make a profit from it, reducing labor spots in the process and making it cheaper for the owner.

Bottom line, communism just isn't natural. It's the stagnation of progress and is why it can only ever be achieved in a post-scarcity society.