How much does it hurt omisegoys? Your shit is tanking worst than our shit? AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
Omisecucks BTFO, Neochads Back to their rightful position
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Oh and I forgot mfw
I'm not selling until 2019, so, I don't like it, but I don't care that much.
Buy OMG, store, hodl, wait and repeat, that is my strat.
doesn't matter, it all comes TUMBLING DOWN now
both coins are tanking retard
You're laughing at someone in the steam room of the titanic while you're stuck in coach
I am aware of that dipshit, point is OMG is tanking harder and faster.
Tried of reading all the NEO FUD, turns out OMG hands are extremely weak.
They are both shitcoins, neo is crashing so hard it’s about to rebrand back to antshares.
And OMGs **big** announcement was being announced Thailand start up of the year, a country where 80% the population live in huts and the rest are turning into sexy ladyboys. So it was basically nothing
Muh confidence!!!
NEO is stable on its 480k sat floor. OMG needs to crash down to 150k, at least.
Please go back up OMG. I don’t want to be an OmiseGoy I want to be an OmiseGod
OMG is going to be 2x current price and 2x NEO marketcap within 2 weeks
Stay scared you communist loving fucks
OMG is based in Singapore, Thailand, and Japan
OMG trading over 2x NEO volume in this baby dip
I'm buying OMG
yfw never held and will never hold NEO "muh Chinese Ethereum"
Am buying this dip like I bought every dip because, unlike NEO this coin doesn't have a reoccuring history of losing more than 50% of its value
Really, how fucking stupid do you have to be to holding NEO right now
lmao at omisecucks.
lmao at neocucks.
DELUDED Omisegoys
>mfw my portfolio is half OMG and half NEO
Pretty comfy owning these blue chip stocks. Can't wait till next year when I receive steady returns.
I think this pretty much says it all
What a noob. I'm making money on both coins right now trading the swings that just happened.
Stay poor with your "only OMG" attitude.
delet this post right fucking now
desu if you trade the swings and aren't afraid of "missing the moon mission" then you could make a lot of money with these coins
stupid omisegays and neocucks.
Should have hopped on a real coin like Ark, even now it's attttAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Whatever dude. Why anyone would want a ripoff Chinese coin when they can buy real Ethereum is beyond me especially when its been such a shit performer.
you're confident its going back up, I'm going to be laughing at your stupidity over the next few weeks.
Sadly missed the ark mission
He warned us
Fucking pasta fud.
Are you being serious?
Did I say anything about holding either OMG or NEO. No, I did not.
I'll trade whatever coin makes me BTC in the end. If it's OMG one day and NEO the next, it doesn't matter.
If you really want to make money, don't lock yourself into one coin or get into this "my coin is better than yours" mentality. Crypto takes smarts, not emotions.
I get it. I'm recommending people not buy Neo because its returns will be lower than OMG from now on.
I'm sorry you are holding NEO bags, waiting for NWO fags to re-up
NEO fags
> recommending people not buy Neo because its returns will be lower than OMG from now on
You don't know that. I certainly don't. Nobody does.
> I'm sorry you are holding NEO bags
Again, what NEO bags?
That little NEO swing today was a great trade though. Still waiting for the right OMG one today.
Is there any incoming news to definitively drop this coin forever?
>you don't know that
It's in China, all I really need to know. As if the Chinese would ever relinquish control over their fiat
If that's what you believe, then fine by me. I could care less. Just trying to help you anons by seeing past the FUD and your emotional attachment to coins and look at the bigger picture. Wait for your moons then. Whatev.