What will be the economic system that replaces capitalism?
What will be the economic system that replaces capitalism?
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Probably just more capitalism but w. universal basic income
imagine thinking this is what communism is
But that’s exactly what communist countries do
>Embrace false dichotomy, embrace third position
What did they mean by this? Forget about creating values and let's just steal shit?
>tfw too smart to know more about communist countries besides China and/or Soviet Union
>third position
And neither one of tgem did any of that shit. In fact in practice every communist revolution was ultra nationalist. Even today it is almost impossible to immigrate to China.
Do you prefer this?
Like Vietnam or eastern block shitholes? They dynamited churches and other “”””bourgeois”””” buildings there too.
National syndicalism.
Capitalism is not an economic system.
Maximize profits and then distribute them to the company of people who made the thing. There is no argument against this being right, except for 'but I could personally get more if the state used violence for me'.
>family is central
Read Der Ursprung der Familie from Engels.
Stock is actually a pretty shit way to raise money. Its like a loan that you can never finish paying back and also the creditor insists on dictating how you spend the money.
Google Murray Bookchin
In fact capitalism doesn't exist, true capitalism has never been tried.
>Murray Bookchin
>true capitalism has never been tried
Some places get close. North Korea is owned by one person for private gain, so it's a great example of a Galt's Gulch level devotion to capitalism.
The Citadel of Ricks is actually a good example too.
That's a stupid opinion and a stupid pic. Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of pretty much all the fucking life.
>tfw every crapitalist argument boils down to “at least it’s not communism”
Really fried my rice
And there is nothing wrong with it. So long as humans get that growth.
well stalinism was very conservative compared most of the other commies
*Blocks your path*
>They dynamited churches
there's also one in HCM city and tons of others dotted around VN if you don't mind spending some time to visit here.
>ur dumb
Woah great argument kid
Hyper materialism is disgusting. Thanks for revealing your pleb status
>creating values
If obesity and cheap serial production of useless crap are values.
With Georgeist taxation and Basic Income for citizens? Okay.
Otherwise it's just 'might makes right' ism.
>hyper materialism
Yes getting enough food to live when you live in a country with enough food to provide it is hyper materialist.
>Literally attempt to abolish the family unit
>B-b-but the state capitalists ancoms keep droning on about were Nationalistic and pro family, even if they were an country of athiests who sent priests to gulags
This isn't even getting into the anarcho femishits and their side of things today
This is what hitlerfags believe.
>Creating values
>murdering anyone who isn't a positivist , collectivist, and materialists
>Creating values
If anarkiddies had their way, they were have enforced public orgies and burn down all the churches after they shot up some heroin.
Technocratic capitalism, with an added choice of UBI and dystopia
>enforced public orgies
So you're talking about the non-anarchists?
>if you're not a capitalist you must be a communist
Nice argument Schlomo.
That's exactly what communism is.
We got so much useful crap, we can produce useless crap, nothing wrong with that.
What's supposed to be an alternative? Assembling a horde and loot neighboring countries?
Stalin hates fags too, but he was partial to the lesbians
Dont forget destruction of traditional culture and morality and replacement with “mass culture” and pre-fabbed ethics
While fascism embraces multiculturalism and diversity within their nation?
Nope they just select another fabricated culture and enforce it? Oh.
>Anarchists actually places people into a state of anarchism
But what will you do about the counter revolutionaries user? Also, why is it that every ancom is
>Addicted to drugs
>A sexual deviant
>So fucking scrawny it hurts to see them
Stalin was about as communist as Mussolini.
>le hatred of fags means you're based
Just because he hated fags doesn't help your arguments.
Many communist leaders ( Che Guevara, Mugabe, Fidel Castro) hated gays
Fascism celebrates and preserves the organic culture of a state. Think traditional European culture versus Disneyland Paris
>Dude all culture is fabricated man
Now this is retardation
Not just many, but all of them. There hasn't been a single communist country that legalized fag marriage, and 100% of countries that legalized it are capitalist.
>muh culture
>muh land
>muh people
lol caveman
He was a hardline statis and a nationalist so all communism goes out the window. I'm not even a Marxist but seriously, read Marx and Engels, they would flip their shit over someone calling Stalin a communist.
>my buzzwordology is better than urs
Post-liberal bogdanism is the way of the future kids.
>people who created civlization are cavemen
>people who destroyed it are the "advanced" ones
makes you think
One particular version preferred by the elites, yes.
It destroys almost every culture in a nation to support the myth that a nation can have only one culture.
Disneyland Paris is a PERFECT description of fascism's effect on culture. Traditional Europe consists of countries that have hundreds of unique cultures; fascism picks a few elements it likes and imposes it on every population.
>nu/pol/ is still trying to push the reddit Bogdanov shit
consider suicide
>that fucking plastic face man
Who is that guy? And don't be a smartass and say Macron.
In Ian Kershaw’s book The End, he has a great quote from a German officer despairing over a Bolshevik/(((Allied))) victory. He says it would mean
>the victory of the jazz trumpet over the Meistersinger
That’s what crapitslism is. It destroys and mocks 2000+ years of culture for Top 40 hits.
>Fascism celebrates and preserves the organic culture of a state.
>Fascism preserves organic culture
>Culture of a state
>traditional European culture
This is your mind on memes.
>Fascism picks a few that it likes and enforces it
>This is what liberal actually believe
As opposed to liberals forcing faggotry down people's throats in the name of their egalitarian idealogy that asserts humans are all the same and the only thing that makes someone Greek, French, swedish etc is language and the food they eat.
Tell me exactly what you think European culture is and I'll tell you why you're an idiot
Considering how national socialism historically performed as an economic system, I wouldn't be too optimistic.
>Lolbertarians gets triggered but the mere mention of a state
Yes because
>Muh 1776 revolution is coming again
>Individualism is the traditional european life
>Watch more Molymeme
People knows what an organic culture is.
You mean how it worked just fine but really triggers the Mises Institute to this day so they came up with this meme that Germany had to invade other countries because it was on the brink of collapse
What's funnier is that this is coming from the same people who predict an economic collapse every other month
>an ethnic, linguistic or religious group has no original culture binding it together
Hello EUbot
>As opposed to liberals forcing faggotry down people's throats in the name of their egalitarian idealogy that asserts humans are all the same and the only thing that makes someone Greek, French, swedish etc is language and the food they eat.
As opposed to liberals forcing 'do what you like' down peoples throats.
Fascism forces their shittier and very specific version down throats. They're the ones who insist that it's nonsense like food and language that defines someone, and that deviating from that set of demands makes you a traitor. Fascists do not say all humans are the same (nobody does), they only say that all humans should be the same (which liberals do not say).
>Tell me exactly what you think European culture is and I'll tell you why you're an idiot
I don't think there should be or ever was ONE European culture, I am not a fascist.
>Mises institute
literal jewish cultists
>Lolbertarians gets triggered but the mere mention of a state
Burger, please. The point was that the claim about fascism preserving "culture of state" is a fucking nonsense. You are attempting to use language way above your league.
>People knows what an organic culture is.
I know what it is. Do you know what it is?
pro-tip: "Organic" in "organic culture" is not the same "organic" as in "organic food"
>Liberalism is "do what you like"
Unless doing what you like is having a healthy community that cares about each other, because all you do is value the individual ad infinitum as if this will bring people happiness.
Yes because replacing culture and community with consumerism and hedonism has been amazing. Obesity? Addiction? Suicide? Pfffft just do what you want bro
>Fascism asserts a single European culture
It's the exact opposite you moron
European culture exists, doesn't mean it's something monolithic. Spanish culture is different from Polish culture but they're both European, just like Bavarian culture is different from Pommeranian culture but both are German.
>My definition of an organic culture is one that occurs within a free market without state intervention
>Because if an organic culture takes upon statism it is no longer organic , even if the state enforces the culture people already had
Pfffftt hahahahaha
>Unless doing what you like is having a healthy community that cares about each other, because all you do is value the individual ad infinitum as if this will bring people happiness.
This wouldn't be possible under fascism, having police and paramilitary threaten your family if you don't support the state is not a way to create community.
>Yes because replacing culture and community with consumerism and hedonism has been amazing. Obesity? Addiction? Suicide? Pfffft just do what you want bro
I wouldn't want to replace the current set of cultures with one that is based on glorifying the use of violence and destroying almost every culture it shares the world with.
>It's the exact opposite you moron
Wait until they rule all of Europe. When they rule Germany, they say there is only one way to be German.
>do what you like
>but bake that cake
>don’t buy that gun
>don’t tweet that
>don’t criticize PC dogma
>have to hire this woman and nigger
>don’t vote DRUMPF
Etc etc. Modern liberalism is just muh feels soft authoritarianism
I didn't say it was monolithic, the fascists do. I say it's already diverse, and they say it shouldn't be.
Yes, we believe in free speech so people get to say those things.
I guess in fascism we get to hear the official truth from the media but not discuss it.
You mean how the MSM is totally trustworthy and doesnt push 100% fabricated dossiers about trump or doctor phone calls about racist gun owners shooting poor black boys?
>This wouldn't be possible under fascism, having police and paramilitary threaten your family if you don't support the state is not a way to create community.
Oh it's the
>Fascism is just the worship of violence
>Evil evil evil reeeee
Meme. Yes because enforcing exercise laws, starting a national campaign of community outreach based on nationalism meant to assist people on drugs, and trying to teach people the value of intergenerational wisdom is all but murdering everyone and wearing cool uniforms.
Of course. How silly of me.
>When they rule Europe , they will say their is only one way to be German
Tell me of all the other ways to be German, I'm dying to hear it.
I don't think that, fascists do. Of their own media.
>we believe in free speech
>be British
>literally get arrested for a tweet
Except fascists still believe in freedom of speech, they just don't believe in yellow journalism like liberals do.
You could admit that liberals have one iota of hypocrisy to them
As long as you understand that liberalism is just soft racism we’re good. What do you think hate speech laws are?
> people don't bake that cake
>people buy those guns
>people still tweet those things
> people criticize PC dogma
> Trump is the president of the USA
when will authoritarian bootlickers admit that Liberty and Capitalism are the best systems
>inb4 you forgot hire this women and nigger
Not capitalism that is government intervention in business which is communism
Soft fascism
Fascists aren't the ones who say European culture is homogenous. It's the liberals who do that, and it's the liberals hand in hand with the progressives who promote "international" forms of art and architecture. These days the average street in a French city is no different than the average street in a Swedish city and it's not the fascists who are to blame for it.
>We believe in free speech
>But hate speech (speech that criticizes the status quo about egalitarianism foisted upon people by the state) is not free speech
Right. Britain is already on the way to the fascist ideal.
I think hate speech laws are creeping fascism. Why do you oppose them?
>federal judge orders you to bake that cake or go to jail
>get arrested for possessing a non registered fully automatic rifle
>get arrested for hate speech
>quotas forcing you to hire protected groups
Yup, I hate bootlickers too
That's capitalism. Fascists would have a law forcing it, EU style, capitalists just choose to only sell one kind of thing.
>Capitalism isn't capitalism if it works with the state
You could almost say it's not true capitalism
>That's capitalism
Capitalism AND socialism.
The high-street is samey because of capitalism. Perhaps it would be in something that was socialist without being fascist as well, but we don't have examples to go from.
Fascism is 'the country is like this so you must be like this', and some self-selected oligarch is the only one who gets to say how the country is.
You are embarassing yourself. Grab a book and read what does "Organic culture" actually mean.
Both capitalism and socialism create mass produced, unrecognizable, prefab garbage.
Try identifying countries on this picture.
It's not just the Mises institute though. I know Tooze's book is brought up often but it's shown pretty convincingly that military expenditure was so far gone by 1939 that converting back to civilian production would cause so much trouble in retooling, market fluctuations, and unemployment that the regime wouldn't necessarily collapse, but become greatly weakened and leaving the issue of 40+ billion Reichsmarks of debt and 12 billion in Mefo bills unresolved. If they invested so much in weapons of war only for this to happen, what would be the point of it all?
You are embarassing yourself. Grab a book and read what does "Organic culture" actually mean
>Debt financing leads to economic collapse a priori
Reminder that Germany's own people during the rule of the Nazi party were more interested in "degenerate" forms of art (like Expressionism, Futurism, and Jazz) than in State-approved "true German" art. Also that the Nazis deliberately destroyed a lot of that "2000+ years of culture" themselves because it conflicted with their views (see: their attempts to annihilate Romantic composer Felix Mendelssohn's works from existence because he was a Jew).