Is LINK a security

Does it pass the Howey test? Help a brainlet out.

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YES!!!! Why do you think Bittrex said that they're not adding it???
It's dead in the water. Already below ICO price.

lol nonlinker upset he did not get into the crowdsale?

98,986 LINK. Try harder, faggot.

>already below ICO price

lol at all the people who bought in the crowdsale and can sell now at 1.6x. what a bunch of chumps giving money to an obvious scamcoin. 60% profits in a day? I feel sorry for these fags who think this is how you make money. The oracle problem isn't even real. Chainlink is already less than 1/8th of ICO price because I said so. Salty linkers mad it's only on etherdelta trading at 1.6x ICO price, what a garbage coin.

t. every nolinker on this board right now

I know, right!!! I feel like an idiot for buying into one of the Veeky Forumspools.
It's a fucking scam.


Volume dropping, price dropping, FOMO already over. Sell before it's too late user.

Nobody wants your bags, stupid LINKeks. Who's buying it at this price??? It's going to drop hard, really fucking hard.

Delusional fags!!!! SELL NOW!!!!

Rule #1 of Veeky Forums Club: Do the opposite of what Veeky Forums tells you to do.

nolinks BTFO. linkbros see you in lamboland :)

Shit, I sold my 210k LINKs even below ICO price. Glad i am free of this shitcoin

>no1 ever said

Wow you actually bought in to this scam? Enjoy your profits lol what an idiot.

Just dumped my 30K LINK at 0.0002

Why did this get dumped so hard?


nolinker salty at their FAT slow FINGERS

It's not even on any real exchange yet you stupid fucks.

Wait for Liqui and Hitbtc to take it in, Bittrex to notice, and then Bittrex and Polo to list it.

it was a fucking scam from the start how did you not see this?

You got scammed. SFYL.

Muh Bittrex.

another deluded NoLINK. stay poor and KYS after

>Why do you think Bittrex said that they're not adding it?
fake news


Chenero and Roko Roko. Who are these clowns supposed to be??? LMAO.
Lmao at LINKeks.

they're literally (you) and you're both retarded


LINK is obviously not a security and will be on POLO shortly. It has huge volume even on ED.
Deluded NoLINKS stay poor.

>implying you need to be someone to fud

Bought 4 ETH worth if link in ICO. It's worth 6.34 ETH right now. I guess i just can't into math?

Hahaha enjoy your already mooned coins nolinkers.

>that pic

More like lazy fucks don't work hard and make little money then don't put effort into raising kids either. And the kids grow up to do the same.

Socialism is for shit people.

blows my mind people will buy neo and omg with those market caps

>Already below ICO price.
Are you legitimately stupid?

holy shit gonna buy a fuckload more now. based whales giving me this opportunity

>Already below ICO price
It's not below the presale price. Or did you think the crowdsale was the ICO? LOL

It's not below crowdsale either. It just needs to get on a proper exchange.