>Is the final solution to the Oracle question
>67. marketcap in crypto while being traded on 1D trading platform that is ED
>Cool memes
Are NoLINKERS even human?
>Is the final solution to the Oracle question
>67. marketcap in crypto while being traded on 1D trading platform that is ED
>Cool memes
Are NoLINKERS even human?
NoLINKIES are salty again today. Poor, deluded, NoLINK
You'd have to be an absolute faggot, cuck, or minority to be a noLINKer right now. Easiest investment of our lives right here.
I know, they are niggers of the cryptoworld.... poor for ever, it's like they don't even want money
They certainly aren't intergalactic moon travelers
asks if no linkers are even human doesn't even post the link
Do you think being a noLINKer is genetic or is it enviormental?
i actually feel sorry for NoLinks. I bet they feel the same about themselves
You discords cucks are wasting your time again making jpg edits and shitposting instead of doing something more productive.
What do u mean user?
I think it's both. I think you are born with a genetic defect, but it requires an environmental trigger to activate. I've only been studying it for 1.5 days, but it seems to be a protein coupling disorder originating from an overexpression of GCPR genes. They are most likely born with mutations to these genes, and then when they have gay sex during puberty or watch their wife have sex with an african american man the mutations begin to express themselves.
just bought 5k of LNK
see you on the moon
Gonna filter link now. Have fun with those bags.
Yeah I bought in at .0065 ish. Obviously this has to hit SOME exchange, whether it Polo, hitBTC, Bittrex, Liqui or whatever, which will open it up to people that cant/don't deal with EtherDelta. I honestly hate that website
user, I am unironically in medical field myself. There seems to be alot of disorders like that. For example, some people with positive history of heart disease in their family may avoid the same by leading a healthy lifestyle, but are almost guaranteed to get a heart attack if they smoke and eat shit, while not even exercising. So I think u might be correct here, u are born predisposed to be a noLINKer, but may avoid it, however if u get massively cucked in your lifetime u're a noLINKer for life....
I don't understand why Veeky Forums is even talking about LINK. I have 40k but I don't really want Veeky Forums's stupid meme shilling involved in what is actually a decent project.
Why are people making these threads? To try and get the price up? It's a long term hold are you fuckers retarded?
.00065 i hope you mean
I went all in on link today sitting on 80k
I have no fear of link dipping but I just hope omg doesn't moon while I'm out
If you believe it you can meme it user. Memes got Trump elected.... nuff said
there's a difference?
uh oh
I think u might have cucked yourself
phew that was close
>Can't even run a decent ICO
>registered in the Cayman Islands
>no deal with Swift
>no such "Oracle" problem to solve
>2 devs
Great coin, guys. Where to buy
LNK. That's what you guys have been talking about this past week right?
U trolling user right?
Oh shit what you do?
Is this shit on a decent exchange yet
This Is A Shit Coin Lmao Already Below Ico Prices Sell Sell Sell!!!
Quick question about etherdelta:
Do buy LINK you just send ethereum to the etherdelta key, then how do you buy LINK with it?
we're all gonna make it brahs
I own 200 Links. I'm a poorfag so even $1000 payoff means a lot to me.
>Send ETH to MEW
>Create metamask with MEW key
>Create ED account with metamask
this coin will literally NEVER be below ICO price. better forgive yourself and stop hate yourself because of your fat fingers and get in now
expected value?
I'll say 0,02$ for two month, then probably 0,1$ as stable level
nah bruh this is hitting 0.5-1$ as soon as chinese stop menstruating
What is MEW and what is ED?
Did you read the white paper? This project is more difficult to implement than Gnosis or Augur. Enjoy the ride to nowhere.
Is it on bittrex?
Gnosis isn't even attempting to make a decentralized oracle (they literally said they'd fall back to Augur)
Augur is not really a completely fair comparison since they serve slightly different markets in different ways. The same concept is used though, which is that humans stake tokens to report on real world outcomes or data and if found fraudulent by consensus they lose their money. With Augur those reporters interact directly with Ethereum transactions whereas with ChainLink they run their own oracle node. The scope of those nodes may be incredibly simple. It's hard to say honestly.
It's not an impossible task for either project it just takes some time to implement correctly. But if you would prefer to be left behind that's your call.
How do I withdraw from EtherDelta back to Bittrex?
>Obviously this has to hit SOME exchange
That's a given.
Nearly $4 million in volume after one day on fucking etherdelta. More volume than all other coins combined.
It's just a wallet. When your funds are in your wallet, you can send wherever
Can someone explain to me why I just got bullied into this coin by text comments on this pajeet board?
Well no shit they are different markets. There isn't another Oracle service that has launched aside from Consensys, which is centralized.
It's not an impossible task, but it's going to take a few years. Why would you care if I'm left behind? You don't even know me. The real reason your spewing this garbage is because you're pumping.
One word: Oracle problem
can i put link in my mist wallet?
welcome on board. you made the right decision
>>no deal with Swift
Remember, SIBOS is organized by SWIFT.
So this is SWIFT itself confirming the relationship.
It's ok user, just go on Etherdelta and buy some. None of us will ever know.
There are some fishy points about them:
1. Paper co-authored by a professor having financial interest in the company.
2. Americans and Canadians excluded from ICO. Why?
3. Why ICO, why not IPO? Fear of the SEC?
Also the terms are like "you are not allowed to sue us for anything" and "the technology may not be adopted at all".
WTF, why do you retards trust those people?
There is nothing fishy about literally any of that.
>paper co-authored by prof having financial interest in the company
Ari Juels is literally a confirmed advisor to the project.
>2. Americans and Canadians excluded from ICO. Why?
How new are you?
>"you can't sue if it doesn't pan out"
Boilerplate for any investments at the proof of concept stage.
chainlink xill be at best 0,2
You got the digits the wrong way around desu.
>Buys ICO
>Desperately tries to pump the coin
I'm good OP, I'll buy some after this crashes into the dirt.
deluded, poor, noLINK
Yeah man, you're really rolling in dough. I sure wish I'd gotten in on those sweet gains.
U mean 2$? U should really buy Link, u wouldnt wanna be branded noLINKer now would u ?
>I ended with 02
>considered inadequate
You prefer to point the fact I didn't get duds, rather than the numbers were related, like a typical fake news.
>Pleeeeeease buy my bags!!!
>I-I w-was told there would be easy gainz!
It's already down more than 5%.
The salt of a noLINKer is exquisite. I use it to season all of my finest dishes.
ohhhh.. you poor little noLINKer
Im sorry for you
>tfw haven't even started trading and all I have is like 3$ in bitcoin and eth from faucets
I'm gonna miss out on a once in a lifetime deal aren't I
Rev up them knee pads boyo
Haven't seen this amount of FUDding in such a long time, that's how you know you bought the right thing. So many salty nolinkers trying their best to shake out the weak hands.
Stay strong linkbrahs and keep those hands steady until those sweet SIBOS gains kick in
because you love money
not human at all
Yes, nothing says good investment like negative charts and fud right out of the gate.
Can somone please tell me, does ChainLink has its own wallet? or can it be added as a custom token to my ether wallet? thanks
its erc20. so you can safely store it in your wallet
Thank you! You are a gentleman and a scholar.