>Germany started WWI
Germany started WWI
Other urls found in this thread:
>being this buttblasted from being owned in the other thread
>I got BTFO in the other thread so now I'm here
We already have a thread for this.
>gets ass kicked in thread
>starts a new one
>Britain was only fighting to help end the war
>it's impossible that you just didn't see the thread which had it's last reply 20 minutes before
Imagine being so pathetic that you defend Germany on the internet. I might have had to drop a class due to a poor test grade but thank god I'll never be as pathetic as a German apologist.
holohoax is a lie
> falling for /pol/ memes
>that filename
this is fucking embarassing, you can just tell you're fresh off the boat from reddit and already eating all the /pol/ shit
its true
>the romans saw germans as barbaric savages
this has to be one of the most idiotic claims I've ever heard. the ruling class of rome was literally germanic. why would they see whole tribes composed of the type of people who ruled them as inferior?
so answer them
...Which just happens to have the same subject as the thread you got buttstomped in. You should also look at the catalogue before making the thread.
What do you see in this picture?
If you read it all your questions will be answered
>wow there's two threads about the very specific topic WWI! must be the same person!
man being executed...this was supposed to be it?
holy shit nazis btfo. /pol/ will never recover from this.
Your over reaction only solidifies my claims, brainlet.
What do you see here?
>if you're answering you're overreacting!
>If I post my entire collection of mediocre images I am not overreacting at all! Also, I will not answer to any other post in my thread, since I obviously made this thread as a reaction to the absolute devastation my ass suffered in the other thread!haha
another 3 being shot by god knows who since that photo is blurry af but i suppose its kikes and nazis. Still 5 999 980 to go
>Global Rule 3: You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
it's nothing of those
typhus victims
I would like you to believe me. I saw the gas chambers. I saw the crematoria. I saw the open fires. I was on the ramp when the selections took place. I would like you to believe that these atrocities happened because I was there.[106]
Oscar Groning SS officer
>Let me show you some infographs, I know the real story!
Show evidence.
nice random poster without sign of place or time
>if you answer with shitty memes to my lengthy, retarded accusations you're overreacting and the same person!
Old memes, they aren't worth answering.
1) Because Jews were used as slave labor and because the Nazis wanted to exploit them before they killed them. Of course the legendery German efficiency is a meme. Gas chambers and krematoria had a certain capacity so it wasn't possible to murder everyone at once (which is the reason why some young kids survived).
2) There is a mention of the Holocaust in Churchill's History... I don't know about others, maybe their books were mostly about military operations.
>Crimes were committed by the Germans under the Hitlerite domination to which they allowed themselves to be subjected which find no equal in scale and wickedness with any that have darkened the human record. The wholesale massacre by systematised processes of six or seven millions of men, women and children in the German execution camps exceeds in horror the rough-and-ready butcheries of Genghis Khan, and in scale reduces them to pygmy proportions.
3) Auschwitz was a huge complex consisting of 3 big camps (mass executions happened in Birkenau) and some 50 sub-camps. Infirmary was necessary because many prisoners were used for forced labor and brothel was used by privileged prisoners such as kapo.
I can't be bothered to answer all of them.
Conviently forgeting my other point only makes you stand out more as the devastated retard from the other thread honey.
>I won't believe you till you can show pictures of every single jew that got killed
>poster in english
what did he mean by this?
Brainlet Wojak is truly a new low
Jan Karski gave this report before any camps were liberated and it is still accurate
wasnt UN established after WWII?
The Declaration by United Nations was a World War II document agreed on 1 January 1942 during the Arcadia Conference by 26 governments: the Allied "Big Four"[1][2] (the US, the UK, the USSR, and China), nine other American countries in North and Central America and the Caribbean, the four British Dominions, British India, and eight Allied governments-in-exile, for a total of twenty-six nations.
This would become the basis for the UN we know today
The Arcadia Conference had the initial creation but it wasn't formalized in what it actually did until after the war
Where are 60 gorillions killed by Stalin, mate?
lmao kys
here, mate
How cute... it's like the Stormfag version of this one except it has NO SOURCES, NO CITATIONS, and no ACADEMIC CREDIBILITY whatsoever unlike pic related.
so the best Veeky Forumstards can come up with is guy who knows about holocaust before anyone else in the world, without setting a foot in the deathcamps and even before camp liberation by allies.
>without setting a foot in the deathcamps
You what?
>the best
> implying
This whole thread has been destroying your argument.
Also Jan was smuggled into the Warsaw Ghetto twice to give his report on what was happening.
If your interested in someone who stepped foot in the death camps read about Rudolf Vrba
He escaped Auschwitz at the height of the Holocaust and wrote a detailed report about it
Otherwise fuck off back to
No, the best we can come up with (in terms of making it harder for Stormtards to yell "fake Jewish forgeries") is Himmler's Posen speech where you can hear in his own voice as he describes the ongoing efforts for the "extermination of the Jewish people" and the call to punish those officers stealing "marks, furs, or watches" from the "bodies" of Jews.
This memo, where the SS Chief Architect at Auschwitz refers to the room identified as the gas chamber as the "vergasungskeller" (Gassing basement) seems pretty conclusive as well.
>Also Jan was smuggled into the Warsaw Ghetto twice to give his report on what was happening.
Warsaw ghetto=/=death camp
>If your interested in someone who stepped foot in the death camps read about Rudolf Vrba
He escaped Auschwitz at the height of the Holocaust and wrote a detailed report about it
oh you mean detailed reports like these?
>be jew
>get balls chewed off by nazi dogs
>be a jew
>see hitler personally burn your father alive at the stake
>be a jew
>get electrocuted to dust by a rube goldberg machine
>be a jew
>survive getting gassed six times
No as in sketches of the crematorium
Again you are not going to convince anyone that you are right
>be a jew
>get killed by james bond villain contraptions
>nazis wrote their plans in english
what did he mean by this?
>Vrba's sketch
Are you seriously fucking retarded
Neither of those books was backed by historians and they were not part of the official findings and mainstream historical record.
Imagine if someone 500 years from now took David Icke's books where he claims the planes that brought the WTC were missiles or holograms, and used that to claim 911 never happened and the Twin Towers fell from an earthquake.
That's basically what you are doing.
Awaiting for your reply on this btw
>Jewish survivor guilt bullshit is historically relevant
It got thrown out at Nuremburg, also I guess this means Vietnam didn't really happen because of all the fake veterans making up bullshit stories
he said no such word as extermination of genocide. he said something like "final solution" or "special treatment" and jews twist it into "muh literal shoah"
Please translate this for me.
Wir haben das moralische Recht, wir hatten die Pflicht unserem Volk gegenüber das zu tun, dieses Volk, das uns umbringen wollte, umzubringen.
>ausrotten means special treatment
Well, I suppose the German word for extermination does denote some special treatment
so these were bullshit but this one isntreally activates my almonds
>poster in English, in a German run camp in Europe where the prisoners don't speak English
Shouldn't even bother responding to fuckwits like you
I am now referring to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It's one of those things that is easily said: 'The Jewish people are being exterminated', says every party member, 'this is very obvious, it's in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination, we're doing it, hah, a small matter.' And then they turn up, the upstanding 80 million Germans, and each one has his decent Jew. They say the others are all swines, but this particular one is a splendid Jew. But none has observed it, endured it. Most of you here know what it means when 100 corpses lie next to each other, when there are 500 or when there are 1,000. To have endured this and at the same time to have remained a decent person — with exceptions due to human weaknesses — has made us tough, and is a glorious chapter that has not and will not be spoken of. Because we know how difficult it would be for us if we still had Jews as secret saboteurs, agitators and rabble-rousers in every city, what with the bombings, with the burden and with the hardships of the war. If the Jews were still part of the German nation, we would most likely arrive now at the state we were at in 1916 and 17 [...]
The report contains sketches and information about the layout of the gas chambers, describing the large room where victims were made to undress before being pushed into the gas chambers, as well as the attached crematoriums. In a deposition for the trial of Adolf Eichmann in 1961, and in his book I Cannot Forgive (1964), Vrba said that he and Wetzler obtained the information about the gas chambers and crematoria from the Sonderkommando Filip Müller and his colleagues, who worked there. Müller confirmed Vrba's story in his Eyewitness Auschwitz (1979).[13] The report offered a description of the camp's four crematoria.[a]
If you're going to pretend that the bird and bear electrified swimming pool holocauster tycoon masturbation machine insanity is just as admissible where are any of those places on that diagram? If the Jews and their allied puppets had total control of the hoax why weren't any of these meme stories part of the Nuremberg trials or in any floorplan produced as evidence of the gas chambers?
>He escaped Auschwitz at the height of the Holocaust and wrote a detailed report about it
thats funny cause these survivors tell something different
why are you fags talking about jews?
Look I've already shown how he got proof from a Nazi about Auschwitz (en.wikipedia.org
All you have is poorly edited videos and screaming its da joos
This isn't history It is antisemitism
You know that even Robert Conquest and Alexander Solzhenitsyn knew the Holodomor was made up?
honey, you are getting pretty desperate
And absolutely no mention of Ukrainians
holy shit, you got me there buddy, critic of the USSR openly talking about slaughter of millions of russian is definitelly denying slaughter of ukrainians for some reason
your superior logic is destroyed me
Stalin a good boy, he dindu nuffin
Well maybe next time you could post something with any bearing on the Holodmor and not just a meme quote?
>holocaust is undeniably real and can't be discussed
>holodomor was fake
We should have never stopped the Cold War and continued to napalm communists alive.
Well, what i considered troll attempt turned into pretty holocacust debate. Though i supposed you guys would bring more convincing arguments. I only watched couple videos on YT and it was pretty even fight and i expected i would get devastated,
anyway you should learn from this guy: yuki.la
give me a single proof of holodomor having anything to do with Soviet government
kill yourself