what would the world look like today if Malcom X was more popular and got more traction than Martin Luther King. Would white and black people each have their own ethno state in the USA? why was Martin Luther more popular than Malcom? is multiculturalism a bad and unobtainable thing or is it the future? youtube.com
What would the world look like today if Malcom X was more popular and got more traction than Martin Luther King...
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>Would white and black people each have their own ethno state in the USA?
Do you even know about Malcolm X? He eventually abandoned his black nationalist phase.
oh shit really? i didn't know that. source?
well what would the world look like if hypothetically he didn't abandon black nationalism/separatism
Both intersected often. MLK was whitewashed (literally) making him more palpable to the white upper class liberals. Conservatives used him as the ultimate example of peaceful black protest. A literal Jesus figure to dangle in front of activists and try to silence them.
Ironically MLK would speak out against the entrenched revisionist version of MLK, the Black Panthers and Malcom X. There was nothing wrong with any of their approaches. They were all needed at the time and they are products of their time. Just like BLM is a product of our time and is needed now.
>we need to throw temper tantrums and burn down black neighbourhoods to save black people
Historically speaking America the nation has never listened to black people until violence was used. So when you have more than a century of this happening, with a state that actively supresses peaceful demonstration or ignores them, yeah. People are going to escalate.
Add in white supremacist groups which are about as American as Apple Pie and Hamburgers. What you get is social and political violence because that is often the only option left. Heck, American politicians gerrymander to remove black votes or take advantage of them. Both Democrats and Republicans do this.
America has a massive problem. The problem is that nazi groups are red white and blue as fuck.
so how do we separate since integration isn't working and will never work
There won't be any. But we can go a long way by killing the whole alt-right/nationalist/fascist groups.
Trump will declare them illegal and force them to disband with state power.
>black people each have their own ethno state in the USA?
US is a country founded, built and maintained by white people
Do you think white people will just smile and accept a blacm state?
No, they will just kill them or send them to africa
Your pic is impossible to happen
i think its more likely anti fa will be declared illegal and forced to disband especially with what they are going to pull nov 4th also go back to lefty pol
You can't disband antifa groups. They're not organized beyond the local levels or online. However the nazi groups have nation wide organizations. They can be removed and order restored. And since antifa is a reaction to them, antifa goes away. America has never had a strong antifa history and it will never stay organized once the nazis are gone.
Therefore you're the first to go.
As a white nationalist I fully support giving blacks 5 southern states
White Nationalist/ White Nationalist alliance when?
Segregation doesn't work either, though. Blacks did segregate before, and were successful. And then whites burned down every successful black community, and enacted laws so they wouldn't be successful, and created a situation where segregation only works for whites.
It still happens today, even as those laws ostensibly don't exist, because in places where blacks are the most segregated, it is easy to have policies, formal and informal, that affect on party more than the other. That's why separate and equal don't work in the USA.
Note the places where blacks are doing the best are almost entirely in the south in integrated cities. Why? Because you can't have policies, that affect one party without affecting all parties. It's not just that blacks are doing well in these cities, everyone is.
But the people a the top don't really want the blacks to go back to Africa, unless they can make a new enemy out of the Mexicans are something. Capitialism needs the perpetual underclass, and if the blacks weren't here then poor whites would turn on them. That's why they do so much to stoke the racism, and give whites simultaneously someone to blame for their problems, but feel superior to.
>antifa groups
ANTIFA is one group you fucking idiot, they have a massive online presence and definitely out number the """"nazis""""
>And since antifa is a reaction to them
no they're a reaction to anything that isn't far left, fuck off back to /leftypol/
Blacks and Whites are completely incomparable and should just agree to go their separate ways.
>ANTIFA is one group
it's an affinity group, retard, it's literally a name anyone can take on
what's next, you're gonna tell me about the antifa central headquarters funded by soros?
>muh /leftypol/ boogeyman
I bet you're the same faggot who mentions /leftypol/ in every thread just cause people go against your /pol/ hivemind shit
4/pol/ is like a thousand times bigger than /leftypol/ and has way more crossposters here
>he thinks they're being serious
conspiratards started the soros meme and anti-fascists picked it up, you'll see plenty on leftist facebook and twitter about "sorosbux" and being a paid protestor which are satirical but as usual you can't tell a joke from reality
you are on gullible nigger
>Add in white supremacist groups which are about as American as Apple Pie
Exactly. Instead of tearing down the institutions of america and making it something it's not, races just need to go there own fucking way.
Otherwise whites, the people who built america, become a minority. Something that is possibly even worse than bloodshed itself.
Or this
*plenty of posts on
by the way, you know what soros did fund? the color revolutions in eastern europe which brought neoliberalism to countries which used to have full employment and no homelessness, but you won't see right-wingers complain about it cause they're neoliberal stooges
>Would white and black people each have their own ethno state in the USA?
No because the federal government would never let a section of the population essentially leave with a chunk of land.
how do we destroy the federal government?
Interestingly, Malcolm X is credited with coming up with name 'family planning' for contraceptive surfaces and he was in favour of pushing it on poor blacks. Although the direct eugenicist links are unclear.
He thought 'birth control' would not work because blacks would inherently oppose anything with the word 'control'
So much this
When have blacks been allowed to go their separate ways
But blacks aren't a threat to whites. Their population is stagnant, on the verge of decline. 10% of the USA in 1960, 12% in 2010, currently around 14%, but expected to decline to 13% by 2060.
Only Hispanic and Asian populations are growing, with the former causing waaay more heinous crime than the blacks (i.e. MS13), but white people seem obsessed with blacks, which aren't even a threat to your said concerns.
>MLK was whitewashed
More like Jewwashed, he was a communist tool used to further their influence and aims.
well lets try again and have white people not burn it down. a nation for every race.
My post didn't really mention blacks.
There just needs to be some way of keeping whites the majority without trying to convince everyone to pop out three babies each.
>white people seem obsessed with blacks
Can someone speculate why some white people seem so obsessed with blacks? On both sides of the house Like some seem to lionize, and some detest. I don't get it.
How do you do that when most Hispanics are classified as white?
Technically Ted Cruz, Marc Rubio, Susana Martinez, are all white.
wrong, capitalism gave black people opportunities, for every black business burned down in some meme incident in the deep south there were 100s cropping up all over the country
American legal classifications don't matter.
They could say that japanese are white, but that doesn't mean it's true.
Classification isn't the issue here, it's whute people being cucks for no good reason except anti-white cobditioning.
See idiots here
this is a good video
I actually saw someone say this today, unironically on Jewbook. They speculated that racism, at it's most basic, going back to when Europeans first came to Africa, was rooted in fear of black male sexuality.
It was posted as response to this article, about the "real" reason a lot of porn stars won't fuck black guys.
>Deep South
wew, lads. It wasn't just the deep south. Attacks and riots happened all over the country, as blacks left the South and whites saw them as competition for housing and jobs. And then things like redlining and gerrymandering were put in place, to disenfranchise them
>W.E.B. duboise as a separatist
Like you are right in the pure sense. Everytime blacks are allowed, unfettered, to participate in American Capitalism they are successful. The key word is unfettered. When blacks have been successful, too successful as whole, road blocks, if not outright violence, was put up to stop it. A few token blacks are allowed to cross the bridge, but historically speaking, everytime it happens en masse' it gets shut down.
There was a thread the other day that had a list of race riots, and it was just a fraction of them. Remember the red summer?
I mean, if a guy is ok with her fucking every kind of porn star EXCEPT black guys, it's hard to deny that it's about race and dick size. You're never going to find a guy who says "I don't want you fucking those asians, their technique must be amazing in order to compensate"
Not him, but programs like Planned Parenthood have targeted the black community for years and barely gave a shit for the other races. Abortion is fine, don't get me wrong, but their dedication towards them is pretty alarming.
>their technique must be amazing in order to compensate
Well logic dictates it should be if he's smart
They could not compete for housing and jobs or participate in capitalism at all without capitalism. A large segment of the white population wanted law and order and a stable environment for business, not race riots and chaos, as a result through the 20s, 30s and 40s attacks on black businesses waned. This was the interest of the "capitalist class".
>Truman: "all other races should stay on their native continent but white people can take America"
Really makes you think.
>over 400 years majority
>implying anyone is truly native to anywhere
I see you missed that post on race riots last week.
And I am not disagreeing that most white people aren't full on racists, just like most black people aren't criminals. But it doesn't take most. It was only a handful of people that participated in the 1943 Detroit Race Riots. That was one of the ones where whites attacked because they felt blacks were taking housing and jobs.
And black communities were dismantled in the 70s, and further destroyed in the 80s, through Democratic policies, crack, and such, so not much need for direct confrontation. There are wealthier black communities springing back up, look at the earlier Forbes article, so we will see what happens. Then again it feels like racial tensions have not been this high since civil rights. And for what reason is it this way?
>Then again it feels like racial tensions have not been this high since civil rights. And for what reason is it this way?
The Russians
Looks like your mother should have been BLACKED, user.
>where whites attacked because they felt blacks were taking housing and jobs.
Don't see why they shouldn't still do so.
Fight or be replaced.
Are you saying that someone should beat another person to death because the other person got a job they were both after?
>whites, the people who built america
More like the people who sat on the porch and sipped lemonade while minorities built America.
Tbh, we should have carved up the Confederate States after the Civil War, and used forced migration to make one large or a few smaller black-majority states in the South. Would have avoided that Jim Crow mess altogether.
>everything is made out of cotton!
Well, in the Reconstruction Era, everything went well, and some states and areaa were black majority, until about the turn of the century. Former slaves were productive members of society. This pretty much signaled the beginning of the end of that.
how is it possible for you to be so fucking retarded. Leftist thought is seriously a mental disorder
shitty bait, though
Blacks had also been in the Americas for centuries.
I for one, am glad my "white," POLISH ancestors created and maintained this country.
So when are all non-Anglo Saxons returning to their countries of origin?
Well I don't see how it proves capitalism is to blame. Irrational mobs just randomly erupt and destroy things, it is like a natural disaster, study hurricanes all you want but you can't stop them. It is only people who learn to be rational that progress beyond this, for example the wholesome capitalist who sets themselves on an enterprise and discovers important life lessons on their journey.
> I am not disagreeing that most white people aren't full on racists
They may well have been racist, however they also liked money and placed money above race. If you want to solve problems in your own life you are better off reading manuals or something instead of dancing around a flaming cross.
>There are wealthier black communities springing back up
Wealthy black people tend to mingle and move around.
>And for what reason is it this way?
The internet allows people with similar views to come together and allows everyone to see what they do.
[pic related] is Caernarfon Castle. Any good history book will tell you it was built by one or both of two men - King Edward I of England, who ordered its construction, and/or James of St George, the architect thought to have designed it. These men were the ones with the drive, vim, passion, knowledge and technical skill to have it erected.
Nobody cares about the Anglos, Flemings and Bretons hired to construct it, no matter how vital their blood, sweat and tears were.
Having lived in Bama and Mississippi and seen what white leaders are doing with it, this isn't a bad idea though there would definitely be some fight over Florida. For some reason I always thought we would have landlocked them and gave them some of the praeries.
Antifa isn't one group, if they were then the American Antifa wouldn't be so disorganised and considering the technology available making it possible it's really pathetic and why I have no faith in a leftist revolution. There's some small organised groups of commies and anarchists, some identity as Antifa, but there's so much infighting that they are basically harmless. The South needs some sort of socialist revolution whether peaceful or otherwise. I'm not saying take guns or force abortion laws on them like liberals are trying to do, but we need help out here, we're too behind and the system won't let us help ourselves nor are most people here ready to.
Supposedly he also helped rig the victory of Yeltsin in Russia (I think it was his second election) so Soros has a lot to pay for
>what would the world look like today if Malcom X was more popular and got more traction than Martin Luther King
literal unironic race wars
>literal unironic race wars
oh cool like mad max?
Just because he tossed a nickel at them doesn't mean he orchestrated the whole thing.