This triggers the byzaboo

>This triggers the byzaboo

Other urls found in this thread:

This triggers the A-rab

why is that

Why would acknowledging our superiority to inbred Ar*b parasites be triggering?

arab antifoot fetish

I would argue that someone wanting to drink your blood is a fairly valid reason to get triggered over. And subsequently shoot that someone in the face.





tell me more of these subtitles. Are they all fake? Who makes these?

memri tv, most of them are real

They are mostly accurate, Arab TV is fucking weird

Memri TV
an Arab TV network


At least they aren't you know who

Lol arabized niggers are the worst

That's my favorite one

My favorite is this


part 2

They seem really interested in kids shows for some reason


Yeah I don't know why

But isn't he basically saying that suicide attacks are haram?


Farfour was a true hero

Correct, he was discussing whether suicide bombings are different from other ways of killing yourself and whether suicide bombers can be considered martyrs, but it sounds funny when taken out of context


Are there no lows the west and it's Zionist overlords won't stoop to?

>serving a turkey during fucking christmas
Truly, the anglo must be eliminated

Anglos are very sensitive about their Christmas Turkeys


you lucky wh*te dogs, we are banned from this network

>The Turkposter was Russian all along
What a shock

It's actually not, it's a Jewish think tank that translates Arab media among other things.

This can't be real!

The bants can get out of control

I want to bleach that hostess so badly
