What was the fucking point of shooting a dog in space? What did it prove?
What was the fucking point of shooting a dog in space? What did it prove?
Soviet Union dogs > American dogs
That's literally it
That mammals could survive in space
To see if their ship can make it to space
Did the dog tell that to them?
I vote we shoot all the cats into space. Just to see if it can be done.
Dog came alive so that means a human can go to space
Dog didn't come alive, she actually died rather quickly. The main point of shooting the dog was to prove that animals could survive the launch conditions, and that she did.
so the dog died?
>Force of launch won't instantly kill a mammal
>Space particles won't instantly kill a mammal
the ultimate game of fetch
>dogs under communism
healthy, proud cosmonauts of the Motherland
>dogs under capitalism
inbred monstrosities, used by whores to get likes on Instagram
At least compare 1950s' American dogs to 1950s' Russian dogs
Yep. The life support equipment failed and she died after a few hours. At the time it wasn't even known how to deorbit a spacecraft anyway.
It proved they could do it.
Seriously, that’s it. Why would they waste a perfectly good Cosmonaught on a potential failure?
But murdering the absolute cunt outta chimps and other higher mammals was all good?
More like certain death. Exactly certain death.
Spacecraft wasnt well insulated either. direct sunlight make it like an oven
It proved who the goodest boy was
But seriously it was testing launch conditions. Dog is a hero as far as I am concerned
number 1, to see if living things could survive up in space
number 2, why the fuck not?
Daily reminder that NASA never intentionally harmed any animal that it into space, and that every chimp employed was considered an astronaut the same way that K-9s are considered police officers.
The entire start of the space race was just the Soviets trying to get every "first" they possibly could before the Americans inevitably caught up.
The soviet space program was under political pressure to do something big. The head of the project later said he regretted it because realistically they leaned very little from the launch, and the death of the animal in the experiment was a certainty.
doggo status: ded
At least you can talk, who are you?
If the dog can survive in the cosmos, a citizen of socialistic country can survive in the cosmos too. Easy as piece of cake.
Why not shoot dog on ground?
He is going all out