What's the deal with leftists and deviants always reaching and scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for exceptions...

what's the deal with leftists and deviants always reaching and scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for exceptions when trying to undermine the status quo?

>these two male Neanderthals were found in a frozen grave in a warm embrace, homosexuality was always accepted as normal!
>this remote tribe in Africa is mostly matrilocal, patriarchy as a concept invalidated and it therefore must be taken down!
>pre civilization hunter gatherers were not as rigid in their hierarchial relations and were more egalitarian therefore anarchy is inevitable!
>there's a class of men in Pakistan who wear dresses therefore trannies were always a thing!
>a remote Eskimo tribe in Siberia has no concept of reciprocity, people just take from each other as they wish without compulsion of repaying each other therefore the concept of debts must be abolished!

it's all so tiresome. who exactly are they trying to fool?

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At least they are better than weed smokers. For weed smokers, every historical figure of note smoked weed.


But trannies were always a thing, they just didn't have the means of getting HRT or medical procedures to change their equipment loadouts

Conservatives do the same thing.

>The first black slave in America was owned by a black man! Checkmate, slavery was black people's fault.

No, it was a complex interaction of African and european societies that took years to develop. Just because Anthony Johnson won a court case doesn't mean slavery magically began at that point in time.

those things aren't necessarily trivial but the "therefore" is complete cancer

Also that court case occurred in Virginia, and wouldn't be applicable in any other colony.

Trannies fascinate me. I feel like in some cultures they've been a around for a very long time, and other cultures they're just really not talked about ever. Then you have stuff like Brazil, where you have a huge transexual population/prostitution industry, but seems to be an entirely modern phenomenon related to capitalism and escaping poverty.

I'd read a book on the history of transexuals across the globe

It's jew logic. They think that exceptions disprove a rule. Go argue with any liberal, and this is the foundation upon their logic and arguing.

I remember one time I said that a transvestite will never be a woman because the ultimate femininity is having a child. Then of course they come out of the woodwork to ask "what about infertile women"

It's always exceptions, exceptions, exceptions. When the LV shooting happened
>hurr get rid of the second amendment because it cant protect against sniper fire

Or with border walls
>dont build walls, because 1% of the people will get through therefore it's worthless

It's the entire notion that if it's not true in 100% of the time it's trashed and needs to be scrapped, even if it's true or works 95% of the time.

A leftist would rather let 100% of the people through a gate than build a gate that stops 99% of invaders. They are mentally ill.

Buddy I'm pretty sure 99% of the illegals in the states come in through planes, not 1%

>I feel like in some cultures they've been a around for a very long time

Is this a joke? Do you think people 2000 years ago were able to synthesize estrogen and testosterone blockers, and had sterile needles to inject themselves?

Don't be fooled with this "trannies have existed forever" nonsense. Some mentally ill idiot injecting himself with estrogen is not a woman.

But Jew logic is to build walls, what are you talking about?

literally wrong

or do you think the latino populaiton came from nowhere

Mother fucker cultures have had men who dress and act like women hundreds of years before fucking hormone pills came about

>a man in a dress means he's a woman

Transvestites are not modern day trannies.

>in b4 Elagabalus

I never said that dumbass, I'm talking about the non-masculine role
I'm not talking about transvestites either.

>muh libruls
Why do /pol/fags always try to portray things that everyone does regardless of political affiliation (and things that they do just as much, if not more than liberals do) as something that only "da leftists" do?
>this Roman bust had a nose that somewhat fits my arbitrary, outdated racial categorizations so that means that Rome was made by VIKING NORDICS
>this no name rabbi that adheres to an extreme interpretation of Judaism with said non-Jews are inferior (even though I say other people are inferior all the time) which means that secular Jews HATE DA WHITE RACE AND ARE TRYING TO DESTROY IT
>Jews were slightly over-represented in Bolshevik party leadership because they disliked the autocratic government that subjected their people to decades of murder and robbery which means the Jews ARE ALL COMMUNISTS AND ARE TRYING TO DESTROY DA WHITE RACE
>this retarded college student with no political nuance is waving a USSR flag and he's a progressive which means GOMMUNISTS ARE TRYING TO DESTROY THE FAMILY UNIT EVEN THOUGH MAO ZEDONG AND JOSEF STALIN ACTIVELY ENCOURAGED PEOPLE TO HAVE LARGE, TRADITIONAL FAMILIES
>this Chinese immigrant family that came to the United States with personal belongings and money after racism became mostly taboo in the country is successful, so why aren't blacks, who were essentially dumped from slavery into a society that hated them with no money or personal belongings, refused to allow them into universities, refused to give them business loans and physically attacked them when they succeeded, successful? THIS MEANS THEY'RE INFERIOR!
>Auschwitz, a camp holding tens of thousands of prisoners at any given moment, had a small movie theater equipped for an audience of no more than a few dozen people. This means the HOLOHOAX WAS A LIE!
I could go on with examples of /pol/beards rightards doing the same fucking thing. You need to look in the mirror and realize that this shit is done at the same magnitude, if not more by rightards.

>everyone who is skeptical of left leaning historical revisionism is a /pol/ revisionist
Take a chill pill, bro.

>I know I sound exactly like a /pol/tard, but I swear I'm not a /pol/tard
I'm simply pointing out that the right does the same fucking thing that OP thinks is exclusive to leftists. He sounds exactly like a /pol/tard, using "leftists" in a negative tone unironically and complaining about the standard "muh degeneracy diatribe," so I can only assume he's a /pol/fag trying to "redpill" people.

>secular Jews

Eh, for what it's worth left leaning or "progressive"ish revisionism has much more institutional backing and legitimacy. /pol/ tier revisionism is relegated to anonymous anime forums.

Look at this mad as fuck leftypol shill trying to insert his anti white dogshit into the thread

Because those people are your brothers and sisters, my goy haven't you learned this yet?

>with personal belongings and money

Most of them were poor and in debt to the company that paid for their transport.

>Eh, for what it's worth left leaning or "progressive"ish revisionism has much more institutional backing and legitimacy.
Not really. I agree, what OP is talking about is retarded and I see liberals do shit like that all the time. OP is talking about shit from left-leaning normie news sites like HuffPo and Vox. Just because normies believe some pseudohistorical bullshit that an intersectional feminist with no understanding or academic background in history doesn't mean it's what legit academics believe. It's just normalfags being normalfags. Liberal normies will believe meme articles that back up their opinions and right-leaning normies (or autistic alt-righters) will believe meme articles that back up their worldview. My point is that rightwingers do this shit just as much as left-wingers do.

>slavery was black people's fault
No, but a) the slave trade benefited countless African kingdoms; b) was engaged in by free blacks; c) resulted in all, and I do mean all, New World 'blacks' being descended from white slave owners
As you say, it's very complex, but perhaps if people weren't guilt-tripped into feeling like they owe black people then they wouldn't feel the need to point these things out

What did I say that was "anti-white?" You are one sad human being, that you are so attached to this retarded "white" label that any minor criticism of your retardation triggers you into an autistic hissy fit.
There are plenty of rich Asians that came to the US. That doesn't even explain the fact that the majority of Asians in the US came here after racism started becoming taboo here. Comparing Asians and Blacks in the US is retarded considering their histories are so vastly different.

Stalin killed large, traditional families. And I don't mean that in a metaphorical sense, he literally had entire families killed and deported by the millions for being "reactionaries" who supported, among other things, traditional family units.

That must be why all the Soviet States are unpopulated empty wastelands

>your sad because you aren't a white guilt faggot like me!
Why do you subhuman leftists hate the white race so much?

They actually are.

>he literally had entire families killed and deported by the millions for being "reactionaries" who supported, among other things, traditional family units.
Source. Seems unlikely considering Stalin literally created a fucking award for mothers who had large amounts of children.
>Implying I'm a "white guilt faggot"
You still haven't told me exactly what I said that was "anti-white."

Not unpopulated, just sparsely populated.

Why the fuck are you on Veeky Forums if you don't know about dekulakization and the gulags? That's grade school history.

What the fuck does dekulakization have anything to do with having families? Dekulakization had nothing to with families, it had everything to do with the kulaks being more well off than their neighbors and thus targeted by the Soviet state for it. Not saying it was right, but it had fuck all to do with them wanting to have traditional families.

>it had fuck all to do with them wanting to have traditional families

I never said that, learn to read you fucking retard

>he literally had entire families killed and deported by the millions for being "reactionaries" who supported, among other things, traditional family units.
You literally fucking said that you fucking assclown.

Having a lot of children does not mean having a traditional family . .my country does that to (France) and their politic always have been pro traditional value

Against traditional value

Correcting myself

I smoke weed and I dont think so. Though there may have been people who liked some in a pipe, it wasnt as prevalent as it is now since there is a relatively profitable culture now.

I pointed out a correlation, which anyone with two braincells to rub together (evidently not you) knows does not equal causation.

What was "non-traditional" about Soviet families then?
Well I wasn't looking for a "correlation," fuckstain. I was looking for someone to conclusively prove to me that Stalin discouraged large, traditional families, which you haven't fucking done, which makes your diatribe completely worthless.

>a) the slave trade benefited countless African kingdoms

Yeah some kings benefitted. But Europeans greatly increased the demand for slaves to the point where tribal warfare became endemic. Battles became fought for the sole reason of raiding for slaves to sell. Not to mention the effects of colonialism and the divide/conquer strategies employed followed up arbritary border drawing. These reasons and more have been the reason for much of the strife in Africa today and much of the strife in rest of the world too for that matter including the Middle East.

>b) was engaged in by free black

Of course.

>c) resulted in all, and I do mean all, New World 'blacks' being descended from white slave owners

Yes, I don't get the point here.

>perhaps if people weren't guilt-tripped into feeling like they owe black people then they wouldn't feel the need to point these things out

It's not about guilt. It's simply about understanding the chain of events that lead to the present day situation. i.e.: knowing history.

>Guy didn't have any children
>Guy had a very close male friend
>Guy preferred male company to female company

I'm a faggot myself but liberals doing this shit will never stop angering me.

>guy asks guy why he never thigh-fucked him when drunk (alcibiades to socrates in plato symposium)
fuckin lubrls

building walls would be a waste of money compared to other uses for it though, you could probably use way less fixing the country by taking out the warlords and putting in a puppet leader that can maintain basic stability, iirc the immigration went way up after Reagan's policies. So I don't think a wall would be a good idea in the long run since all you would need to get over it is a ladder or something

What correlation? It seems your argument is "Stalin purged people based on other things so he must have also purged people for having traditional family units," which makes YOU the retard, not the other user.

>tfw you're freezing to death in some god forsaken cave
>in the last vain attempt to conserve heat you stick together with your buddy since childhood
>you feel warmth embrace you one last time as you sink into the abyss of death
>some limp wristed archaeologists finds your body thousands of years later and calls you a faggot

I was thinking about Frederick the Great actually. Obviously there have been fags in history but that doesn't mean every male who isn't drowning in pussy all day is automatically a homo.

/pol/ BTFO

>traditional values
what a fucking meme, cuckservatives use this term to refer to 1950s american suburbs and nuclear families and NEVER to refer to actual traditional values like those of the enlightenment

What's the deal with rightists projecting everything they do onto "leftists"?
Why do they use the term "leftists" to refer to centre-right neoliberals who are invested in identity politics but pursue the same economic and interventionist policy as conservatives?

Kill yourself, you degenerate faggot.

your thinking of "traditionalism" which isn't the same as "tradition". Though I support throne-and-alter traditionalism in a roman sense, american tradition has opposed traditionalism. Though, so did the Romans.

The Europeans tempted them, but in the end it was their decision to dance to their tune

It's far from 99%, but yes, a lot of illegal immigrants come legally via airplane and stay after their visa expires

The primary onus of Trump's wall is supposed to be about impeding drug flow and human trafficking.