Thought you would enjoy this.
This 2000 year old pyramid was found near where I live, Sadly after it was discovered that local people were using it to make bricks. It is interesting as it was made from adobe and had some special coating that made it survive here where its super humid and normaly this dont last.
Thought you would enjoy this
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Inside there were this very interesting clay conducts for water
Some of inside drain
after it was discovered that local people were using it to make bricks.
And where do you live, idiot?
There are hundreds of places named "La Joya", all over the world...
But how many have an ancient pyramid?
Quit being evasive, and tell the complete information, or fuck off, idiot.
Sadly, this happens all the time. Even the Great Wall of China has been chipped away by locals.
>local people were using it to make bricks
I hope to Christ that it was only a small amount
Also this.
Not OP, but I think this is it.
Op here first reply forgot to mention Veracruz state, this were found nearby and are at a local museum. Sadly there was a a dozen of mounds that were turned into brick material before the authorities intervene.
Mexicans are subhuman pieces of shit.
It happens all the time. People steal shit from archaeological sites all the time, too. Law enforcement agencies can't really do much to stop people from doing it, even in the US, and things get destroyed all the time because most people don't care very much.
Nigga what do you think happened to Hadrian's Wall in Britain? Farmers pulled stones off it to build houses and paddock walls. Shit happens all the time. Looters wish they could steal as much history as peasants and farmers trying to get by.
On May 13, 2013, the largest structure at Nohmul was almost completely destroyed.[2] Contractors used excavators and bulldozers to remove large portions of the central pyramid for its limestone content to fill roads in nearby
Douglas Village with gravel. Prior to the destruction, the pyramid had a footprint of approximately 50 by 52 meters and was approximately 17 meters tall.[1][3] More than 70% of the structure was destroyed.
>that feel when the Pyramids at Giza were originally covered in a smooth layer of polished marble that was stolen by the locals to use in their houses
same as italians, chinese and scots who did the exact same thing
Fuck off nigger
Didn't this happen with the pyramids as well? That the locals would just rip pieces of limestone off to build houses with, and that the top parts of the pyramid were only spared because it was too difficult to get to?
wow i was not aware of that, must have been impresive
The Old Summer Palace was destroyed by British and French forces.
Professor Norman Hammond of Boston University, who worked on Belizean archaeological sites extensively during the 1980s, told the Associated Press that "bulldozing Maya mounds for road fill is an endemic problem in Belize".[14]
That was a modern creation by an Emperor LARPing as a superior European, looted as recompense for the damage done by the Chinese people to non-Han
Also, Mao would have only had it tor down anyway like he did with the rest of China's history
>Sadly after it was discovered that local people were using it to make bricks
You know, this is the norm for pretty much all buildings throughout history. To re-use what has been abandoned for better purposes by locals who see no use in large monuments who has seen its function gone-by. Who is going to pay for conservation and maintenance? It's not so much a disrespect of 'history' but locals just exercising the right of their land and property - not some middle class white people thousands of miles away designation something history that people cannot touch or repurpose.
Sorry guys but no, it only happens where people are useless piles of shit without any hint of respect for anything. Why do you think we still have remnants of ancient times in fucking Europe where civilizations succeded over countless wars and overpopulation?
Because of the Ecclesiastical confiscations of Mendizábal, secularization of church properties in 1835-1836, several hundreds of church buildings, monasteries, etc., or civil buildings owned by the Church were partly or totally demolished. Many of the art works, libraries and archives contained were lost or pillaged in the time the buildings were abandoned and without owners. Among them were important buildings as Santa Caterina convent (the first gothic building in Iberian Peninsula) and Sant Francesc convent (gothic too, one of the richest in the country), both in Barcelona, or San Pedro de Arlanza Roman monastery, near Burgos, now ruined.
Europeans cannibalized Roman buildings for material all the time dude.
>it only happens where people are useless piles of shit without any hint of respect for anything.
This is true, which is why it has happened literally everywhere on Earth.
Guess where people are piles of shit user
2000 years old, right in the middle of an active urban area. I could spam the thread with examples like that.
>pagans migrate to a former roman province, become christian and ulitmately form a distinct culture which is amongst the most advanced in western europe
what a shit image
And there's countless more other examples opposite of you.
Hint: the buildings that are relatively untouched is usually because it's hard to repurpose or it still has utility to the populace (like a church).
Is this real? This is amazing
Of course it is. Here is another example in another town.
>because it's hard to repurpose or it still has utility to the populace
Nice damage control. These arenas had no use during centuries, and are made of perfectly reusable carved stones.
Yeah and they all are disgusting subhuman trash.
>These arenas had no use during centuries
Wrong. Arenas that survived the test of time invariably saw usage through the centuries. Nimes' was used as a market and at some point even as a defensive structure. Arles' became a fortress, with more than 200 houses built within it and towers all around it. Verona's kept being used as a teathre and arena in addition to use as an open air brothel and other stuff.
nice info user.
What a load of fucking shit.
In Rome itself, I might agree. The Church preserved many of the buildings, but most were lost due to simple decay, not willful destruction by the locals.
The pyramid was clearly built by African American KANGZ and rocket scientists.
>What a load of fucking shit.
Reality is a load of shit? This isn't really obscure knowledge user, this shit you can find on the websites of the arenas I named.
>In Rome itself, I might agree.
The exact opposite actually. Rome itself is far from being one of the best examples of roman preservation, most of the city was cannibalized through the centuries to build new shit.
>The Church preserved many of the buildings, but most were lost due to simple decay, not willful destruction by the locals.
>Medieval Romans pillaging the old forum/even the Colosseum for building materials.