Stop burning fossil fuels

Stop burning fossil fuels.

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fuck off elon

Tfw daily driving a 2002 E55 mercedes amg shitbox and givin zero fucks about the enviroment

*mines inefficiently*

Suck a dick golf cart man.

why does Veeky Forums hate elon again?

oh that's right, he's richer than them

Do Lambos burn fossil buels?

Elon you're not allowed to post here you fucking carpet-headed moron.

Elon, which of the following will likely moon tomorrow: BAT, LTC or should I buy more of NEO, MTL or OMG?

Only if you let me fuck amber Heard

Nope, they burn money.

He dumped her ages ago

it's official, I consider him a bro for teaching me zolpidiem+alcohol
love this guy, too bad my wife loves him more than me


gibe monies pl0x

>driving a VW TDI since 2011
>emissions scandal breaks 2 years ago
>getting $18.5K settlement
>drive it for 2 more years anyway

Really love the car and sad to see it go back. Seriously, there are so many huge trucks blowing black smoke into the air and somehow that's cool, versus my little 2 liter Jetta.

looks like he got mongoloided a few generations back

>wants us to stop using fossil fuels
>hates nuclear

He's using his money to advance science and industry, rather than using it to buy slovenian women and pay hookers to piss on him

Science is a jewish conspiracy here on Veeky Forums

Uhh why???? Don't you know that God put all the oil on the earth and its never gonna run out?

With nuclear you're producing some really bad shit that will take ages to not be damaging to everything around it, and it's also a bad idea to trust that companies will actually adhere to safety protocols to avoid shit going bad when a natural disaster hits

I'd still take it over fossil fuels though

>his money

Tesla and SpaceX wouldn't even exist without billions of $ of government subsidies

Nuclear is the future. Controlled nuclear fusion will be THE characteristic power development of our time. Wind and solarfags are brainlets. That's all

stop getting divorce-cucked and findomed by blondes who all look the same lel

That's cool but it doesn't contradict what I said in any way. It's still what he's putting money into, which is what I said.

everyone KNOWS global warming isn't real. TRUMP said so. What are you, a fucking commie??? I'm 14 btw


I don't subscribe to a fearful view of the world

It's cleaner than fossil fuels and orders of magnitude more power efficient than anything else

France has done fine operating 50% off of nuclear for a long time and I don't consider them champions of regulation

Fossile fuels are a meme, kids. Asphalt / oil is natural byproduct of processes in the molton core, and continually reproduces. Peak oil is a meme to take your shekels. t. Geochemical Engineer.

>what are reactors than burn waste
>what is deep borehole disposal
Also nuclear waste gamma emmiters become insignificant within 300 years, after that the only real hazards is that of alpha and beta particles, and heavy metals.

The production of solar panels, on the other hand, tends to have waste end up in Chinese villages and rivers.

Pic related, the Weissbach study of EROIE from 2016, showing the amount of energy needed to create a source versus the amount it makes in its lifetime.

What is that black van doimg across the street? Is that a sn

I will only do this when there is a great alternative that is cheaper and not cheaper because of subsidy. Clear economic incentives OP

All of you, brainlets

THIS is the future

All of you nuke promoters are brainless NIMBY's. Youbwill take the power, but when it comes to where to store the waste for all eternity you all jump up and down amd scream NOT IN MY BACK YARD!!!! Kys faggits.

I agree

t. petroleum engineer


A lot of people have been telling me I look a lot like Elon Musk pre surgery, does anyone else agree? Ill just leave my youtube page here for some reference but I get this all the time.
Does anyone else get this?!?!

stop raping africa for your battery materials.

>Buying into the meme that nuclear waste is a problem

Why do you demand that alternatives aren't subsidized when you're using something that's subsidized?


When/if i make it, I'm going to unironically buy a tesla-x for this reason.

LFTR produces more energy and less waste, waste can be re used to create more energy and for medical and fertilizing matters, amongst others

You didnt even read it, did you?

I consider prices as general indicators of efficiency. I hate all government fuckery.