Remember when this was the most shilled coin on Veeky Forums?
Remember when this was the most shilled coin on Veeky Forums?
What kind of shitcoin is that?
golem? nah it was always a shitcoin, omg on the other hand...
calm down and go buy some; for the first time in your life you could make a smart move
Honestly it's a pretty good time to buy most coins. Pretty easy 20% gains to be made.
enjoy your bags lul
Please tank. I need more.
>retards say buy buy when up high
>retards say sell sell when down low
Now is time to buy you idiots.
The only people freaking out over this dip are dumb newcoiners. Omg will explode once plasma is launched and the merge of omise/omisego happens.
Sell, fud, or stay comfy. This thing is going nowhere but up long term.
>buy when overpriced
OMG hodler here. Not a concern about this dip or the 3 dozen others that came before it. Stay scared, newfags.
Doesn't understand how prices fluctuate with usd/sat's when bitcoin is making moves.
if you look at the charts you'll notice it tested a point previous right at its low it just had. This was a fantastic buy but to bad I bought a shit ton last night and had no more money to buy. And my 4k doesn't clear until sat. it hurt I could of bought 1k instead of 820. My only regret with this coin is not buying in at the right time to get the lows ive bough at just about every price point except under $8 but I buy and hodl so long run if it works its no matte just have to order 1 lambo instead of 2.
Are you experiencing financial difficulties?
A guy in the last OMG thread posted charts and tried to get people to buy and sell that dip but everybody just called him a nigger pajeet. His response after buying then selling the bounce was priceless. That's about the time everybody else got lockjaw and the thread died. Never change Veeky Forums
I remember finally cracking to the shill when it was at 40k sats, and buying some.
What is it now? Like 5x that?
>mfw bought at 276 and 244 near ATH
mfw almost sold at 330 when it hit poloniex but pussied out because i didnt want to time the market
by that logic why don't you just buy bitcion?
Same. Should have sold fuuuuu
I was fucking logged into Bittrex when that moon happened. Didnt pull the trigger. I will not be making that mistake again.