Did Jesus really look like this?
Did Jesus really look like this?
Obviously not, he wasn't born in Eastern Europe, he was born in the Middle East. Therefore it is most likely he had a dark skin tone.
no, he didnt, he was semitic
>dark skin tone
he didnt, more like pic related
Nobody really knows what Jesus looked like, no contemporary accounts of his appearance have discovered if they even exist. The early church icons are probably closer than your pic though
>The early church icons are probably closer than your pic though
Yeah, no. Those were made by Greeks and are of a Greek. No-one knows what he looked like because the earliest new testament document ts (Paul's letters) don't mention it and in fact don't even seem to suggest he was a real man rather than "just" a god (not saying Jesus didn't exist, just that Paul, our earliest authority on him, didn't seem to think he was a real man).
He looked like this.
No, he obviously looked like this, and if you disagree it's because you're a Kike shill who wants to genocide white people
All this idolatry.
No. Stop. You already got deleted.
More like this, he is semita
Yes, if Jesus was God he could look however he wanted. Clearly he would be white
No one knows, since the early Christians took O.T. laws seriously and didn't depict him in art.
>Therefore it is most likely he had a dark skin tone.
I'm lebanese and I find this pretty ignorant
there are semitic people who look like that
lol no, that guy looks indian. Why are westerners so woefully ignorant of what north west semites look like?
Go away Pierre, you're about as fair as the Caribbean rape babies and still unrepresentative of the regional phenotype.
Christ was probably Syrian, that would mean that he was a lighter shade of tan. But certainly not European white. But also not dark brown
>there are semitic people who look like that
Pure semitic people werent dark
According to egyptians they werent
You're asking if an ancient Palestinian jew was white?
I've had my genes tested and I have no european ancestry, and I'm very semitic looking. Let me ask you this, why is it that ethnic and religious groups in lebanon and syria which did not convert to islam and which do not intermarry or accept converts all look whiter then muslims?
Why are so many samaritans white according to you? They have been thoroughly tested genetically, because theres only 800 of them. They strictly do not accept converts or intermarry (they have recently decided to accept jewish converts but have not had any so far)
they were white dipshit. They were not arabs pre-islam, they were the same stock as greeks and italians
I'm probably fairer skinned then you. You're probably some golden-brown skinned blond guy
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