So, in what stage do you think we are?

so, in what stage do you think we are?

Capitulation. No doubt.


That would imply that the chart is accurate. I don't think it is.

Fear after the bull trap.
We'll probably stabalize around 3k and start all over again.

Capulation short term, bear trap long term (20+ years).

stealth phase

Bear trap.

First sell off
We are not even close to a trillion market cap yet. The bubble pops when we reach a market cap of 5 trillion, because it's such a nice arbitrary number

I've heard countless people referring to the current stage as a return to "normal". It will wooble around some value until people realize that there is no more money (no more fools coming to the game) to be made and everyone will jump ship. It is near I think. There is value in bitcoin, but probably more around the 200$ or 300$, where it was before speculators and greediness poured in.

that depends how long term you are looking at crypto. in your case, we are in stages of fear and capitulation.

in my case, we are still in takeoff

Wrong graph faggot.

Take a Guess which stage we're in at the moment?


Seems accurate.

The world may go crypto eventally, but it will be just a way to turn fiat more stable, p.e., the UE making a crypto-euro and phasing out the euro. Or do you really think that the world wealth will be distributed according to who bought bitcoin sooner?

Awareness. Mania won't happen until it can be traded like a regular stock.

wouldn't work, they need heavy machine power to have a crypto network. this can only be crowd-distributed among people(miners)
It would be much easier to use preexisting technology.

also please don't only think of bitcoin, there are many other cryptos which solve the problems of bitcoin. (i. e. distribution of wealth)

stealth phase

I wish I could buy binary call options for cryptos 2019 market cap being over 10 trillion

So far to the left we're not even on the chart yet

Just after return to "normal".

most people on earth do not have access to the internet, most that do do not understand the internet and cant navigate it
most people on earth do not have a cell phone
most people on earth do not understand inflation and its consequences
most people on earth do not 'invest' and most do not have enough money to invest

normies have no fucking clue what 'crypto' is, institutions and investors are just starting to see how they can implement blockchain into their business models

we've got a long way to go my friends