Does beautiful art even exist anymore?
Does beautiful art even exist anymore?
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>you gonna eat that?
Closest we have is that drawfag who does pregnant Anne Frank.
I would happily contribute to paintfag who would do preggo Anne oil panting btw
Please kill yourself
Let me think about that...
Best currently living artist coming through...
There's probably more good art being produced in a single day in current year than the entirety of the Renaissance, Jewish art curators aren't putting in the museums through.
enough of this shit
>I would happily contribute to paintfag who would do preggo Anne oil panting btw
Want to see talented visual artists honing their craft and creating truly beautiful visuals?
Play vidya. Unironically.
>art made this year
>in a museum
Americunt detected.
That picture is fucking awful OP
Do you have the pic comparing that to the legal shit they do with her diary's copyright?
Because pregnant Anne Frank-themed oil paintings are god-tier fapping material, have potential in opening up alt-history as an art genre, and can be used to counter /pol/'s hijacking of fine art to fit their retarded stormfag agenda.
Yes, only reason stuff from the past is decent is because there was so few artist that it was massively sought after and expensive and the shit stuff never withstood the test of time.
Me on the left.
What the fuck?
Yes, in meme form only
Greek mythology
Only anime art is good
this art
There's a lot of great art being produced, the problem is where to look.
>wahhh the truth hurts!!!
>that picture is awful
>posts an awful picture
What a silly question.
jesus fuck is that a painting?
Top post
damn, saturn's son is thicc
This looks like a sheet of LSD
Do they actually sell "I
>bumming your brother
>he doesn't know about the black paintings
I swear something possessed that dying man. Those paintings are the stuff of nightmares.
oy gevalt dont blame da jews
keep trying kid
i've had enough of those fucking kikes as well
>ywn see Mort Kunstler combine his old pulp fiction work and Civil War art with a scantily clad and heavily pregnant Anne Frank being protected by hordes of SS soldiers by a group of Confederate cavalrymen dual-wielding revolvers.
Oops, mean from
I've had enough of these kikes too, why don't you go do something about it?
But most "traditional" style artists are working for vidya or Veeky Forums related companies instead of making paintings for art galleries.
I honestly can't tell if that's 2D or 3D