Do the French have any right to call themselves "Gauls"? Wouldn't they actually only call themselves Franks?
Gauls were celtics while Franks were Germanic
Do the French have any right to call themselves "Gauls"? Wouldn't they actually only call themselves Franks?
Gauls were celtics while Franks were Germanic
Weren't the Gauls by and large shoah'd and sold into slavery?
Do you think they have the gall
By your definitions of using a language to name the people they are Latins.
The Gauls weren't genocided, only like 1/5th of them were killed and enslaved. The rest submitted to Rome and adopted Latin. The Franks were a Germanic tribe yes but they quickly lost their germanic roots and adopted the Latin languages of the people they conquered (they were already adopting Latin when they conquered Gaul).
They could call themselves Gauls but as silly as the English calling themselves Celts.
France has numerous populaces. Celts, Germanics, Greeks, Romans, Alans, Basque people and of course... well... Africans
70-80% of the French are R1b and several people in France are still named after old Gaulish tribes,
Auvergnats = Arverni
Poitevins = Pictones
Tourrangeaux = Turones
Rennais = Redonenses
Vannetais = Veneti
Angevins = Andevaci
Chartrois = Cartnutes
Berrichons = Bituriges
>70-80% of the French are R1b
Who gives a shit about broad haploautism? Muh R1b, there are several clades in France that have nothing to do with each other despite being R1b.
>people who share a common ancestor are not related at all
>R1b, a marker of the Bell-Beakers Expansion and the spread of IE language (Italo-Celtic) in Europe, is not related to the Gauls at all
really now?
and 20% of syrians are r1b but they sure as fuck were never celts
>muh haplogroup dictates your race, ethnicity and pigmentation XDD
Off yourself, you wanker.
Only R1b-M269 is European(Italo-Celtic), Syrians are R1b-V88
P312 is Italo-Celtic
U152 is Cisalpine Gaulish-Italic
DF27 is Southern Gaulish-Celtiberian
L21 is Gaelic
U106 is Gaulish Belgic
And U are a fucking retard we-wuzer.
t. mad """"""Germanic""""""
Genuine Germanics were R1a and Odin was a R1a war lord,
That doesn't fit the Odin mythology though as R1a was in Scandinavia before I1 and R1b, which dominated over it.
>R1a was in Scandinavia before I1
They live in Gaul, therefore they are Gauls
>genetics are a social construct
Both of you need to eat a bullet
Yeah, unless we include extinct subclades which have nothing to do with modern people and which existed in Hungary as well.
Extant I1 carried by real living people has a fairly low mrca less than 5k years ago, no older than CW.
The oldest subclades of it are distributed all over the North Sea area and not specifically Scandinavian peninsula.
I would guess they came to Sweden together with R1b folks from the North Sea.
Ah, so you're the guy who that thinks all R1b in Scandinavia is due to Celtic slaves who were brought over by the Vikings? Or are you an imposter and only pretending to be retarded?
R1b in Scandinavia is indeed due to Celtic thralls, but also to Cimbri and Teutones(Gaulish tribes)
A better question would be, what right do the Franks have to call themselves Gauls, which is another word for celt.
Barbed Wire Bell Beakers from the North Sea brought U106 and blended into the Corded Ware, absorbing their Satemic substrate into their Centum language.
So how come R1b can be found in Scandinavia prior to the Viking Age and the emergence of tribes such as the Cimbri and Teutones?
Also R1b-L21, i.e. the R1b subclade that would have been dominant amongst Celtic slaves, is essentially contained to the Western regions of Norway (as is to be expected) and even then doesn't reach beyong 10-15%. In the rest of Scandinavia its basically negligible.
>Germanic wuz R1b and the OBVIOUS Satem remnants in the Germanic tongue is a later admixture
Why do the Walloons and the Luxembourgers have more U106 than the Flemish ? Why is U106 present among PRE-Saxon Britons ?
What I said explains it. U106 is from the North Sea area and linked to the local Barbed Wire Bell Beakers and closely related groups. Some of the U106 carriers never became Germanic(or were Germanic for only a short period) as they didn't move into the Germanic homeland.
You seem to be under the impression that haplogroups must be assigned to a singular linguistic or cultural group. It's perfectly possible for, say, a Celtic population to have more U106 than a Germanic population and for U106 to still be associated with the groups that established dominance in Scandinavia and led to the development of Germanic culture. And R1b-U106 predates the entire concept of "Celts" and "Germanics" so it can obviously be ancestral to more than one linguistic/cultural group.
R1b are shitskins, R1a Aesir was blonde.
The Bronze Age Beaker period is noteworthy, since archeological finds seem to indicate a strong continuity with native Bronze Age traditions in Ireland as much as Britain. No evidence of other large-scale immigrations took place, and many scholars[who?] deny Celtic speech originated solely from La Tène culture, whose migrations started at about 400 BC. Instead, those scholars[who?] propose Celtic languages evolved gradually and simultaneously over a large area by way of a common heritage and close social, political and religious links. Although controversial, the theory fits (according to its proponents) the archeological evidence that provides little support for westward migrations of Celtic people matching the historically known movements south and west.[73]
Postulated linguistic connections
Bell Beaker has been suggested as a candidate for an early Indo-European culture; more specifically, an ancestral proto-Celtic.[90]
I1 and R1a correlate more with Germanic, R1b in Europe is wholy Celtic
>R1b in Europe is wholy Celtic
You're delusional.
Germanic languages developed in Scandinavia and Schleswig-Holstein where locals have a mixture of R1b-U106, R1a and I1.
With Germanic languages being Centum instead of Satem, it makes more sense to connect them to the R1b than R1a.
I1 is obviously not IE but correlates far more with R1b than R1a.
Looks like Poles are mainly R1b then
Welcome back, Celtic Brother !
Poles are pretty swarthoid.
Some of them could pass in Israel better than Northern Europe.
Oh look, it's the Polish-bsessed French chinlet. I don't give a shit about slavshits.
Ashamed of their germanic ancestor so they claim celtic-roman ancestors
you fucked up
To be fair he said "BLOND Aesir"