>Celts genocided by Franks
>Celts genocided by Austrians
>Celts genocided by Anglo-Saxons
>Celts genocided by other Celts
What did they do to deserve this?
>Celts genocided by Franks
>Celts genocided by Austrians
>Celts genocided by Anglo-Saxons
>Celts genocided by other Celts
What did they do to deserve this?
second and third ones never happened. Celts weren't genocided so much as they stopped speaking their languages mostly in the migration era.
>assuming it has to be "deserved" somehow
Non-Euro here, could anyone please give me a summary and differences of these guys:
Would be much appreciated
No, I wont
That sucks, it's just very confusing because of the nomenclature. As in, what is the relation between Gauls and Gaels, what was the relation between Celts and Germans, were Goths the original Slavs, it's all too confounding to look up yourslef
Barbarian scum
Loot, rape, burn, kill
The people who actually mattered later on, ie Brits, Krauts and Frenchies
Non-whites like the Irish
A broad term for people that used to live across Europe (France, Germany, northern Italy, parts of Spain, Bolan, even into Atantolia) who all spoke a related language whose closest relative is Latin. Now they only live in Brittany in France, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland.
Anyone speaking a Germanic language whose descandants what we call today Germans and Scandinavians, as well as extinct/assimilated groups like the Goths, Burgundians, Suebi, Lombards, Getae, etc. Romans casually used this term to describe anyone north of the Alps and east of the Rhine even if they werent actually Germanic.
Celts living in France who spoke Gaulish which is a Celtic language. They were pretty much completely assimilated into Latin culture by the time Rome fell.
The group of Celts living in the British Isles who are now known as Scots, Irish, and Manx. They are different from the Welsh, Breton and Cornish who are ALSO Celts who live/lived in the British Isles but are a separate group known as Brythonic.
A Germanic people who established a kingdom in what is now Portugal.
Even if you're a non-Euro you should know this one, Russians and Balkanlars.
This one has two meanings; today it means Spanish, Portuguese, Catalans, and Basques (basically the people who live in the Iberian peninsula). In Roman times it meant the indigenous people living in the region, which included Basques and peoples related to them who were NOT related to the Celts also living in Iberia.
Thanks for the detailed reply. I know who the Slavs are, I wanted to know who they are descended from?
Why is that while Germanics perhaps form the largest proportion of contemporary Europe, the Celts seem to be few and far between?
Are the people of Spain and Portugal descended from Celts or Iberians?
Who were the Picts?
>Even if you're a non-Euro you should know this one, Russians and Balkanlars.
You literally listed out the most non-slavic slavs.
cheers lad
>Russians and Balkanlars
>literally Mongols and Turks respectively
The only actual Slavs are West Slavs and Slovenians, the rest are mixed trash.
>I wanted to know who they are descended from?
There's no specific "notable" group they descend from, they come from people living in Eastern/Central Europe and there's a number of theories about where specifically their original homeland is. Linguistically their closest relatives are the Balts (Latvians, Lithuanians, and a bunch of extinct languages).
>Why is that while Germanics perhaps form the largest proportion of contemporary Europe, the Celts seem to be few and far between?
Because the Celts were either culturally assimilated into Roman culture before the Germanic migrations (like in France and Italy) or were culturally overwhelmed by the Germanics after the migrations began. So genetically Celts didn't disappear, but culturally they were replaced. The places that are still Celtic today really never faced significant foreign domination until the middle ages which is why Celtic culture survived there.
>Are the people of Spain and Portugal descended from Celts or Iberians?
Both, plus other migratory groups and a Germanic ruling class after the fall of Rome, all of whom assimilated into Latin culture which is what created the modern cultures of Iberia.
>Who were the Picts?
They were the original inhabitants of northern Scotland who were most likely also Celtic (but Brythonic Celtish instead of Gaelic Celtish) but combined with a migration of Gaels from Ireland to become the Scottish.
Celt basically means empireless heathens.
They were Natives, thats enough
All barbarians except iberians and gauls
This. Also Belarussians.
Wide ranging group of peoples that speak the Celtic languages. For example: Irish, Welsh, Breton. Originated in South Germany (probably).
Wide ranging group of peoples that speak the German languages such as English, German, Dutch. Originated in Sweden.
A group of Celts from what is now France. The Romans called France Gaul or Gallia after them.
Another group of Celts, this time from Ireland. Though I think this one includes British 'Insular' Celts. Notice how similar Gaul and Gael is? The Greeks also referred to a group of Celts that managed to reach Anatolia as 'Galatians'. This is likely where the term 'Celt' comes from.
German group that gave their name to what is now Swabia. Half the Suebi tribe invaded Rome and settled in Spain.
Wide ranging group of peoples that speak the Slavic languages. Serbs, Russians, Poles. Originating from Belarus and North Ukraine.
Either people living in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) of mixed ancestry (mostly European by increasingly Arab the further South you go), OR the pre-Hispanic population of the area (which was Celtic and pre-Indo European, such as Basque) OR a small medieval Georgian-speaking kingdom in the Caucasus near Russia, with the name being complete coincidence.
Germanic tribe, a very large one that split into two groups. The Visigoths, or Western Goths, conquered Spain while the Ostrogoths, or Eastern Goths, conquered Italy and thus one of the major ones that led to the collapse of Western Rome.
More German tribes. Franks invaded France, hence the name changing from Gaul to France. Saxons lived in North Germany around Denmark and invaded Britain alongside the Angles who gave their name to England. (Angleland > England).
Celtic tribe from Northern Scotland, not much is known about them and they were probably a blanket term given by the Romans towards all Celts North of Hadrians Wall.
I know someone else posted it, but fuck it. I spent too long writing this up for it not to be posted.
Much appreciated, man. Also, dubs
>pre-Indo European, such as Basque
Wait, what? These guys preceded the Aryans? Any idea what they looked like?
Iberians were pre IE master race
haha dumb faggots they got rekt topkek
You are genetically 10% Anglo-Saxon and 90% Celt, Nigel
>Refugee Welcome-tier
Were there a germanic named like that?
They were stuck in the iron age. Even the Germanics managed to adapt something like Roman tactics with the shield wall and organized polities with the witenagemot preserving their beloved liberties so that they could field large effective armies.
The celts were literally still a bunch of disunited tribes going "I hate those guys let's steal some of their cows lol" as Anglo redcoats were firing musket volleys at them.
>The celts were literally still a bunch of disunited tribes going "I hate those guys let's steal some of their cows lol" as Anglo redcoats were firing musket volleys at them.
if you're talking about highland scots im pretty sure they were only clans by that point
>God tier
>Visigoths and Franks
>Refugees welcome-tier
They're all natural enemies.
they had ptsd from the huns
this and they also in turn pushed out and/or assimilated others for similar reasons like the lands they happened to occupy were highly desirable
>The group of Celts living in the British Isles who are now known as Scots, Irish, and Manx. They are different from the Welsh, Breton and Cornish who are ALSO Celts who live/lived in the British Isles but are a separate group known as Brythonic
Also, the Picts who lived in Scotland before the Scots migrated there from Ireland (in the 4th/5th centuries, around the time the Anglo-Saxons were landing in the south) spoke a Brythonic language similar to Welsh, Cornish and Breton.
Another language of the same group was Cumbric, spoken in North-West England and South-West Scotland until the 12th century.
Today its legacy is pretty much limited to place names, such as Pen-y-ghent
Scottish Gaelic and Manx are basically dialects of Irish
not the guy, but apparently if you were to look at present-day Basques or Sards, you would a get a vague idea as they are among the populations with the highest percentage of pre-indo-european dna.
I have a feeling that your question has an important subtext, that is, how do they look like in comparison to the aryans, as in, do they had pale hair and blue eyes ? Recently, I have heard that researchers were able to show that they did have pale hair too, so it's not an Aryan export. As for the blue eyes, they come from two-three different mutations that happened to some guys long ago. One of them, if I am correct, was near the Black Sea and was likely indo-european. As for the two others, idk lol so maybe they did, those pre-indo-europeans
They weren't "genocided". The Germanic tribes just moved in and intermixed with them.
imagine being a romanized gaul surrounded by joe dirts in pajamas
The Celts are not gone, yet; they still exist. They just speak a different language.