Objectionably, were the Nuremberg trials fair? Also, in your own opinion what do you think would have happened if Hitler had not committed suicide, and had lived to see trial? What would have been the likely outcome, what would have been his defense?
Nuremberg Trials
As fair as could be expected of a trial of mass murderers.
Stormfags like to give the trials shit for various petty reasons whilst ignoring the fact that the proposed alternative was the indiscriminate execution of several thousand German officers. Or that had the Germans won, they wouldn't have even bothered with the illusion of a fair trial and just had Roland Freisler go on one of his autistic screeching fits before sentencing everyone to death.
you lefties are annoying and you trash up this board. leave.
Why do people think that Hess didn't deserve life imprisonment?
I watched that docudrama the bcc did on this, they split it up based on major players like Goering and Hess and speer and others dedicating an episode to each. Hess was a lolcow
No, they were mostly a joke.
>people get sentenced to 10-20 years to life
>get released a few years later anyway
Most of denazification was a joke
Fair? Nah, it was a public spectacle to humiliate what's left of the Nazi government before sending them off to their execution and give the audience an appearance of serving justice. I'm not even a right-winger, just don't think the Allies had a motive other than propagating their own self-interest like every nation-state does, especially when they pardon criminals like TF731 or Wernher von Braun when it's convenient for them.
He wasn't part of war planning and he risked his life to create peace and end the war on the Western side.
He also is pretty badass, learning to fly just to sneak into Britain.
>Most of denazification was a joke
Only in the west
>He wasn't part of war planning
You realise he was Deputy Fuhrer from 33 until 41, right?
>you lefties
I'm far right, boy.
>Hess is badass
When this meme end? He just used his Rainman abilities to speedrun aviation, any sufficiently autistic person could accomplish that
The trials were unnecessary red tape run by skinhead sympathizers in the west.
The Soviets had a better idea: a kangaroo court verdict followed by an efficient bullet in the head.
There's literally no other response to white supremacy and fascism.
We're not so different from 1945. The world is still treating far right lunatics like human beings instead of fucking killing them.
what show trials have lasted 288 days?
Can you get a name or trip?
>the jew larping as a Southerner returns
You forgot your name Forrest.
In the GDR as well, they were just more thorough with teachers and judges/ lawyers
I think at Yalta (or whatever conference the big 3 had in spring of '45) They were deciding how to deal with the nazis after the war. Stalin suggested something along the lines of taking 10,000 of their officers in the German army and shooting them on the spot. Churchill thinking he was joking suggested that they should make it 20,000. To this Stalin grunted in agreement.
Eh, only after they realized the Nazis they gulaged were excellent bureaucrats and administrators and """East"""" Germany was in short supply of those.
Don't reply to the ironic Rick and Morty anti-fascism poster, it only encourages him
>implying I'm NBF
NBF is literally halfway to a Nazi himself with his homicidal hatred of Northerners.
Why were they pardoned?
Scientific research mostly. Unit 731 received immunity in exchange for their bioweapons research, von Braun for his expertise in rocketry.
is that gif real?
No, its animation.
So much for the tolerant left
Achtung! Zis is a complete Dresden!
Racism: You beat the shit outta them
Bulling: You beat the shit outta them
Hate on gays: You beat the shit outta them
Animal abuse: You beat the shit outta them
Sexism: You beat beat the shit outta them
Trolling: You beat the shit outta them
it's largely agreed upon that they were a farce and an example of victors justice. not only that they were poorly carried out and nips got off extremely easy. Hitler would have never, ever seen trial. He would have offed himself before capture, or during capture, or after capture and in prison. If he did get a trial, he'd be executed, no amount of lawyer work or anything would have helped him skirt fate. His defense would've probably relied on preaching and trying to rationalize his actions. That or he'd have to point to US/British/Soviet hypocrisy and colonialism. Not that it'd work. War crimes and breaking of treaties would've guaranteed him death.
This is the most reddit post I have ever seen, I don't know whether it was meant to be ironic but everything about is completely abhorrent:
The spacing
The Rick and Morty gif
The hatred of right-wing ideas
The glorification of the soviets
The ad hominem
The sign off "Insanity"
Its disgusting, it makes me physically hurt and that is what makes it so beautiful. I bet you're Canadian.
Also, there was little rhyme or reason to most of the judgements. Schacht got off scot free while Schwerin von Krosigk got 10 years. A lot of Wehrmacht dudes got life sentences while Dönitz only got 20 years. Most of the prisoners got released after less than 10 years while Speer and Hess had to sit out their sentences.
Only stormfags think it was a farce. Real historians still use transcripts from Nuremberg trials.
well they weren't objective, this was said by the US prosecutor at the time. However, those fucktards deserved nothing less than what they got so hey...
This happened thanks to Adenauer's policy. Until the 1960s the Germans considered themselves victims blaming everything on Hitler and his party. Wehrmacht was clean and shouldn't be treated as war criminals. The USA helped to spread this propaganda because they needed West Germany in their anti-communist camp.
Some things of them were ridiculously unfair. Speer basically getting a slap in the wrist while Streicher, as unpleasant as he was, sentenced to death for basically saying mean words about Jews. I get the pragmatic aspect of these (Speer was not very fanatical and him getting off would give the Allies an image of fairness, and Streicher was so dumb he could very well attempt to regroup the NSDAP), but still, you can't possibly say shit like this was fair.
Streicher also came out almost saying "Gasser Hitler do it again" unironically which really didn't help his case
>Only stormfags think it was a farce.
mmmmm no sweetie
>"If I had known seven months ago what I know today, I would never have come here, te high ideals announced as the motives for creating these tribunals have not been evident"
>The entire atmosphere here is unwholesome ... Lawyers, clerks, interpreters and researchers were employed who became Americans only in recent years, whose backgrounds were imbedded in Europe's hatreds and prejudices."
I wonder who he is referring to
>"Most of the evidence in the trials was documentary, selected from the large tonnage of captured records. The selection was made by the prosecution. The defense had access only to those documents which the prosecution considered material to the case."
>"the trials were to have convinced the Germans of the guilt of their leaders. They convinced the Germans merely that their leaders lost the war to tough conquerors."
-Charles F. Wennerstrum, Iowa Supreme Court justice who served as presiding judge in the Nuremberg trial
>saying mean words about Jews.
He spent 25 years of his life as a nazi inciting his fellow country men to kill jews and infecting anyone he interacted with with antisemitism. There is no doubt that his words spurred others to kill.
Yeah user, it was his words and not actions by the Jews. The Jews never do anything worthy of death.
How would you have done it differently? Use the soviet's preferred method of "justice"?
I don't want to put words in your mouth, but are you suggesting that the Jews of Europe were somehow responsible for what the nazis did to them?
He wasn't high ranking, the party wanted nothing to do with him and his magazine wasn't even widely read. Might as well have hanged teachers in Nazi kindergardens too.
>no sweetie
Yes. He said this during the trial. Today, 70 years later we can look at it in a more objective way. And this guy was not the only judge at Nuremberg. No one who seriously studies it considers it a farce.
It's a pretty blatant /pol/cuck shitpost.
I can't understand how you missed it.
Are you suggesting the Jews are responsible for what Isabel and Ferdinand did to them?
Are you suggesting the Jews are responsible for what Pius V did to them?
Are you suggesting the Jews are responsible for what Lusius Quietus did to them?
Are you suggesting the Jews are responsible for what Martin Luther did to them?
Multiple different time periods, nations, religions, and circumstances but no, it was never the Jew's fault.
If anything, it proves that the West is committed to at least try to create fair judgment in a official and organized setting.
They could've just executed everyone with just a passing allegiance to Nazi-Germany and just burned the documents, but they didn't. They chose to make it public, and they chose to judge people officially.
It should count for something, but I guess it depends upon if you care more about the legality than the theatricality.
Martin Luther didn't do anything to them except write some elaborate shitposts because they wouldn't be his friends
But user, words incite violence according to this fag
>an ethno-religious group that is almost always a minority in the hyper-religious/nationalistic/xenophobic society it finds itself in, following a different religion, often speaking a different language
>'durr it's always their fault I have no evidence just think about it bro XD'
kill yourself
He probably wouldn't have gotten the death sentence for it if he wasn't constantly screeching "FUCK THE KIKES"
There were 12 other nuremberg trials after the main one..trials for doctors, einsatzgruppen, various companies in germany, etc. and they got off relatively scott free. The only ones that were found guilty of major crimes like in the main trial was in the Einsatzgruppen trial. Otherwise an overwhelming majority of those found guilty never spent more than 4 or 5 years in jail.
His position declined in relevancy by the time actual war broke out.
Yes user, every period in European history was defined as cenophobic hyper-nationalistic
>continue to exist in these nations without integrating
>ignoring expulsions by the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, etc.
>Speer basically getting a slap in the wrist
He was imprisoned for 20 years, mate
The Allies weren't strict enough.
I bet you didn't know that of the 100,000 jews who fought in the First World War 12,000 of them gave their life for their country they loved. And a further 18,000 were awarded the iron cross for their service.
*fought in the first world war in a german uniform
I honestly don't know of a single historian who does not at least believe Nuremberg was skewed. Not prosecuting the soviets who literally entered into an agreement with the germans to fuck over poland? Katyn being investigated and determined to have been committed under soviet rule, but conveniently ignored? How do you even try and say that isn't
You need proof beyond a reasonable doubt and what not, especially for an execution. But you don't care, you just want to find a reason to hang someone who said mean things.
>Real historians still use transcripts from Nuremberg trials.
Not an arguent towards whether or not the trials were just/ fair. You can also use a transcript from the Volksgerichtshof if you're studying history, doesn't mean it wasn't a total mockery of justice
No one says the Nuremberg trials were fully fair, but calling it a farce is too much. Tons of evidence was presented, some outrageous stories were dismissed, not all high ranking Nazis were sentenced to death or prison.
>At the trials in 1946, Soviet General Roman Rudenko raised the indictment, stating that "one of the most important criminal acts for which the major war criminals are responsible was the mass execution of Polish prisoners of war shot in the Katyn forest near Smolensk by the German fascist invaders",[74] but failed to make the case and the U.S. and British judges dismissed the charges.[75] It was not the purpose of the court to determine whether Germany or the Soviet Union was responsible for the crime, but rather to attribute the crime to at least one of the defendants, which the court was unable to do.[76]
farce is strong, yes, but nurmeberg has some major problems
Of the 13 million Germans who served 2 million Germans died, 12,000 is an minute number compared, not even 0.6% of Germany's total losses.
>Jewish census of Germany in 1910 is 500,000
>100,000 Jews served in the military
Half of the 500,000 is female, so scratch 250,000 of that. So the almost half of the male population served- when eliminating the elderly above 40 and youth below say 17 this would mean almost all of the Jewish male population of fighting age served. Amazing really.
If you believe that you the most gullible moron. For reference the 1910 census showed 65 million living in Germany, of which 13 million served, a far more accurate figure.
But why would I be shocked at Jews distorting figures?
Not him, but he might refer to ethnic jews, which by 1910 wouldn't have been classified as jews. Personally I haven't heard that 100000 thousand number either though
Its a ridiculous and, literally, impossible number, which is par for the course.
Neither were tried at Nuremberg, you retard. Meanwhile, what scuentidic research did the actual acquitted, like Hans Frizrchse or Franz von Papen get up to?
All soldiers who fought in a German uniform didn't have to originate from Germany.
For example hitler tried to get in the Austrian army but was rejected so he joined the German army despite being Austrian.
>so he joined the German army
Bavarian Landwehr actually, which had its own recruitment standards even though it was subordinate to the Reichsheer, Imperial Germany was a little weird in regards to this
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that in 1916, German High command thought that the Jews in their empire were not pulling their weight when it came to military service. So, they conducted a census to prove that Jews were unpatriotic. And what did they find?
They found that Jews were overrepresented in the German military...in fact they were the largest minority group (in terms of % and number) in the German armed forces.
Having found out that their conclusion was wrong, they never published their findings and the myth that the jews were unpatriotic lived on.
fine, duckduckgo the word "Judenzählung"
Sure, lets discuss a "classified" document only learned about as a memo between generals years after the war ended.
Statistically speaking non-jews were twice as likely to die serving in the German army during world war one than Jews.
>They found that Jews were overrepresented in the German military...in fact they were the largest minority group (in terms of % and number) in the German armed forces.
Ah, yes, because a million Poles that served in the German army didn't exist.
If 12 thousand Jews died serving in the German army during world war then that's roughly 2% of the total Jewish population which is a roughly 500 thousand Jews.
2 million Germans died serving in the German army or roughly 3-4% of the total German population.
Would anyone care to explain this? Especially considering the claims that Jews were over represented in front line units (which suffered the highest casualties)?
see Explain
>you will never shitpost so hard that you get executed for it
f to my nigga Stericher
>Especially considering the claims that Jews were over represented in front line units (which suffered the highest casualties)
I haven't checked any of the actual sources, but the german version of the wikipedia article that dude linked actually claims the opposite
>1922 ergab eine genaue Untersuchung, dass mit 17,3 Prozent anteilig ebenso viele deutsche Juden wie Nichtjuden zum Kriegsdienst eingezogen worden waren
Proportionally, there were about as many jews as non-jews in the armed forces
>77 Prozent von ihnen hatten an Fronteinsätzen teilgenommen. Sie stellten damit proportional fast ebenso viele Frontsoldaten wie die Nichtjuden
77% of those jews saw frontline service which was slightly less than non-jews
>Streicher got executed for his mad bantz
Man, Americans really can't take a joke, can they?
>Proportionally, there were about as many jews as non-jews in the armed forces
Its almost as if conscription was in effect? I'm asking you why were Jews under represented in terms of casualties. Why were Jews twice as likely to survive the war compared with your average German citizen that was likewise conscripted?
Secondly, why are claims made that Jews were the largest minority serving in the German army when there were more Poles serving in it?
>Its almost as if conscription was in effect? I'm asking you why were Jews under represented in terms of casualties. Why were Jews twice as likely to survive the war compared with your average German citizen that was likewise conscripted?
I don't know, why would I? I'm not the guy who posted the article, just giving my opinion on it.
Petty criminals often get more than this. Speer ran a war machine built on slave labor, that should be enough even if you accept that he didn't know about the Holocaust (which he did).
>Speer ran a war machine built on slave labor, that should be enough even if you accept that he didn't know about the Holocaust (which he did).
That's all fine and everything but then you'll also have to shoot every soviet in the building and not have them part of the prosecution.
Not going through with Operation Unthinkable truly was a mistake
Gee I wonder who could ne behind the "fuck whites" post
A chronic shitposter?
Most likely a /pol/cuck with delusions of subtlety.
>must be /pol/
Last time I checked /pol/ worshiped Nazis
based retard
>sentenced to death for basically saying mean words about Jews.
That's a very simplistic way of looking at it.
>user in charge of not being retarded
>Was it fair trial?
No. Those men were dead the second they were captured.
>Was there any way it could have been fair?
No, not really. Allies needed to execute someone And since Uncle Adolf was dead already his friends were next on the list. Only other alternative was to execute massive amount of lesser G*rman officers, otherwise Soviets would start autistically screeching.
>>continue to exist in these nations without integrating
You can't be this thick
Ashkenazis were very well integrated in German society
>were the Nuremberg trials fair?
of course not, it's a sham trial to execute the "villains" of the narrative the allies were building
>Ashkenazis were very well integrated in German society
Why were they Jews then? Why didn't they assimilate into German society?
i wish i could meet the writers of this show IRL
i wonder what butt hurt episode they will write after i knock their teeth out
Nice propaganda image