Alright boys, listen up, in traffic today, God told me to buy Ark. Now, I know this sounds insane...

Alright boys, listen up, in traffic today, God told me to buy Ark. Now, I know this sounds insane, but I just went nuts deep in the bitch. How fucked am I?

Oh user, if you've been here for any amount of time, you know the answer

if you live by gods rule you shall be golden

I had a dream last night where I had $30,000 in crypto and the only thing I hold is 3000 Ark

Ark to $10 soon

If God told you to then its probably a good idea

you should've waited longer, its still gonna drop for a bit

I had a dream this morning that I was holding a silver trinket in my hands trying to figure out what it means. It was shaped like the currency symbol for Ark.

I still have FAITH in yhwh's ability to give gains.

I had a draem I had a boner then I woke up and it was rael zomg

>tfw I went all in at 100k sats

YHWH Mana is about to fall about His Children like The Flame on The Day of Pentecost.

whale wall games

Completely fucked. It mooned yesterday.

it didn't really moon. it wen't back up like 15-20 percent for a little bit then back down further. might be gearing up for basically the same thing right now but these whale wall games you never know

In traffic as well and I saw a van pull up with ARC on its back. Some company. Then I saw a Bitcoin sticker in the bathroom at unit.

deployable blockchains will push her up past $5

strap in, vote for biz_classic, wait awhile. There isn't an end to the releases they have planned. And they have the money to keep developing over a long period of time

YHWH Delivers.

Market conditions havent changed. Whales are still scalping because the downward trend still holds. Its at upper resistance. Sell here and buy back around 70K max in 12 hours or so

fucked. shitcoin. it is easily the worst bags I carry along with stratis and Sia. it's dead in the water cunt

Sia. lol. I was thinking of maybe buying if it goes sub 100 sats but i dont even know about that any more.

Just sold at 80. Will buy back at 68.

Nice, 80 is the best we'll be seeing for a while. I still think the coin has long term potential, but Im loving the buy in opportunities we've been getting. Boosted my stack by 30% just following whales.

I've stopped following crypto really and just want to check back in a year to see how high ARK is.
It's been fun but since Bittrex hasn't added anything in months, the hype isn't in me anymore.

Sinners be warned, ye shalt not daytrade Ark!


i had a very weird, vivid and sexual dream about a tranny but that doesn't mean i'm gonna go and try to bang a trap.

if god told me to do something i would first try to figure out if it was really god or just some weird cognitive problem i was having.

Whales tanked our holdings 50% what do you expectt us to do? Eat shit and bark at the moon while getting ass raped? No.

Ye Shalt Not Daytrade Ark!