Was it a mistake?
Civil Rights Act
LBJ was a mistake
yes, it set a precedent where different segments of the mob try to abuse democracy to gain advantages and privileges over each other through force in the belief they have to drag others down to achieve "equality", it erected barriers instead of removing them
this was founded as a huwhite country.
multiculturalism is a mistake.
diversity makes us weaker and is only a source of conflict.
racial prejudice is rational because the races are different.
I can't believe Veeky Forums is so racist. This place has been filled with poltards
cry more.
racism is just biological reality.
Opened the door for the passage of hate crime laws which are an utter abomination.
Neither Italians nor Spaniards look as dark as your shitty cartoon implies.
Pic related is a Spaniard.
>posts people from asturias.
>treating people equally under the law is a mistake.
What the fuck is with the snowniggers and Slavs in this picture?
Nice cherry-picked image, Varg.
3/5ths was far too generous desu
Humans are naturally meant to be segregated. Whether it be cliques, clubs, or homogeneous neighborhoods, humans have a natural wish for segregation because of similarity that allows them to thrive. The Civil Rights Act made whites and blacks have to involuntarily mix and thus destroy their natural communities.
So then kindly segregate yourself to /pol/.
>/history & humanities/
>discussing human traits belongs in /politically incorrect/
really pops my corn.
>Inder singh block
From which part of Spain/Italy are they? Los Angeles or Napoli?
they want to be part of the glorious med masterrace.
>The Civil Rights Act made whites and blacks have to involuntarily mix and thus destroy their natural communities.
Segregation made unnatural communities
Id be all for this train of logic if the Whyte man didn't keep disstabilizing every black and brown country with oil. Fair enough the white is good at destroying dark skin cultures, that cant beat him, so they join him. Its the blow back of the white mans burden. You built those slave ships, slave mentalities and slave labor conditions, now youre stuck with us. Deal with it; we do...
No, but failure to live up to it and constant sabotage was a huge mistake.
Its almoat as if Europe isnt the ethnically monolithic Utopia poltards circle jerk it to be.
>dude cut out social programs and stand on your feet.
It's almost like "white" isn't a race or ethnicity.
How about I stop paying taxes while Im at it. Lets dismantle selective service too.
But 1960-70s radicalism and the sexual revolution undermined existing power structures and norms in the Black community and basically destroyed marriage.
The wealth and income gap between Whites and Blacks is larger now than under Jim Crow and violent crime exploded for an entire generation and still haunts black ghettos.
The law was a great idea. The radicalism that followed was not.
>niggers paying taxes
top laff
>Great Society
still keking at that one.
>violent crime exploded for an entire generation and still haunts black ghettos.
Niggers commit by far the most interracial crime too, of course this has also only increased since segregation ended. Niggers voting sure as hell doesn't help either. Hell, the key reason sex was also included as a protected category was cause they feared it would lead to discrimination against white women in favor of nigresses.
kek. man you're so right. you sure taught me.
I guess niggers really do pay taxes. silly me.
The black poverty rate in 1960 was 80%.
It is now 40%.
That 40% of the knee-grow population that is no longer in poverty now pays taxes and otherwise increases America's GDP
Homicide is about the same as it was in the fifties.
Basically, it's just southfags that are triggered that they no longer have somebody to feel inferior to.
>Blacks and other minroties are able to fight and die for their country and pay taxes
>But are not allowed to be equal with the rest of the citizens.
The poverty lines has been moved to make things like they've gotten better famalam.
Of course it was not a mistake
Everyone enjoys these rights... and Supreme Court rulings reflect this.
Even in defence of white people does this bill reflect. And the approach for the Bill of Rights as being "color blind," has protected unalienable rights for every one. Even to groups like:
>Westboro Baptist Church
The moment this bill is not upheld, then the regressive left would have won. Because to them, everyone who is white cannot be protected.
No it wasn't, it was 55%.
Poverty rates across races dropped rapidly from 1960 on due to massive government spending.
People above the poverty level have net negative effects on public finance. Between EITC, food stamps, and the cost of Medicaid or Obamacare subzidies a solid 48% of households aren't net federal tax contributors.
It's even worse on the local level because poors don't pay property tax and local sales tax comes nowhere near the costs of education children. Guess who is hugely over represented for kids in US public schools due to their parents shitting out a ton of kids? Poors.
Basically 30% of the country pays for the other 70%
Partly that's due to wealth inequality and exploitative capitalism but it's also due to mass migration from third world shit holes and poor people having 8 kids with 8 different fathers
>mass migration
The US or any first world country is pretty fucking hard to immigrate into.
1 in 5 American residents are immigrants (legal and illegal)
yes, and the US is the economic hub of the world. You can't have flows of capital and not have flows of labour
They WERE treated equally!
Separately, but equally.
It's almost as if you need to fuck off and stop undermining White ethnnic identity.
>Africa is the most genetically diverse continent on Earth supposedly.
>libshits insist everyone in Africa is black, and you are a racist if you don't consider Egypt to be a Black civilization
>. And the approach for the Bill of Rights as being "color blind," has protected unalienable rights for every one. Even to groups like:
>Westboro Baptist Church
Westboro Baptist Church is a meme with ten members and the KKK can't organize a fucking bingo night without a horde of communist rioters descending on them like a swarm of locusts.
>You can't have flows of capital and not have flows of labour
There's literally no reason you can't dingus.
>hurr We build cars in Mexico so that means we have to import laborers from Mexico to pick tomatoes.
>>Stop undermining White ethnic identity
How can I undermine something that doesn't exist?
>>Africa is the most genetically diverse continent on Earth supposedly.
Yes, this is a fact.
>>libshits insist everyone in Africa is black, and you are a racist if you don't consider Egypt to be a Black civilization
Nice non-argument.
>hurr if they're seperated then it must not be equal!!!!
>White ethnicity doesn't exist!
>Black identity does though
You don't see the problem with claiming that white ethnic identity does not exist because of the genetic and cultural diversity of Europe, then turning around and claiming Egypt as a Black civilization in spite of the supposed genetic and cultural diversity of Africa?
>you can't.
enjoy sliding into obsolescence then.
If american citizens would be working for those wages there would be no need for mexicans crossing the border.
Turns out apart from a few afrocentrists on twitter no one takes egypt = black seriously.
Encouraging the free migration of human labor does nothing to stem human obsolescence in the face of increasing automation and logistical efficiency. In fact encouraging the use of low wage foreign labor only ensures your nation's reliance on obsolete industrial and agricultural techniques as other nations shift over more technologically sophisticated methods as your nation stagnates like the economy of the slave labor reliant Confederacy.
There's nothing more pathetic than seeing a libshit aping anarcho-capitalism arguments it doesn't actually understand.
Even if we pretend that no one other than a few Twitter activists consider Egypt to be Black, it is objectively true that "African Americans", Jamaicans and Ethiopians are all considered to be Black despite the vast genetic and cultural differences between them as well.
It is only white people who are denied such an identity.
When did I say "black identity" exists?
Isn't the state of Africa a pretty good indication that a "pan-African" identity doesn't exist?
Tell a Jamaican or an Ethiopian that he's the same as an American Black. I dare you.
No, its american autists who have to classify everything based on skin colour.
So you're saying there's no such as Black people user? Is it also just a few irrelevant afrocentrists on Twitter who believe themselves to be Black as well?
>you have to keep importing people who will work for pennies, until there are no more people willing to work for pennies
>globalists literally think like this
If you're entire identity is based off of a physical characteristic then I think you have more pressing matters to attend to.
>>inb4 RACE ISN'T JUST SKIN COLOR sperging
White people choose to not have such an identity. No one forces white people to obsess over the minutae of their heritage. "Dude IRISH pride lol" "dud Italian pride muh anglo pride".
Who said anything about them being the same as Black Americans?
I said they will all identify as Black.
>free migration
again, the united states does not have free migration. You assume that the united states is some sort of economic paragon of advancement while it continues to stutter and countries like china and economic unions keep picking up the slack.
It's not what my identity is based on, but it is still a part of my identity and I don't appreciate you trying to take that from me.
Nice strawman argument.
no one is taking that away from you retard. people choose to not assert that part of their identity. Why the fuck would someone who has traceable heritage from the old world identify as white before a particular country?
Enjoy your assembly line job
White people choose to not have what identity?
White identity?
Ethnic European identity?
Both identities are suppressed, be it the people in this thread who claim that white people don't exist or the dismantling of ethnic European neighborhoods in America through desegregation, it is objective fact that White people are not allowed to identify as anything other than interchangeable and standardized cosmopolitan consumer units.
No, they identify as Jamaican, or Ethiopian, or Bahamian, etc.
Hell, I'm not even sure you could say American blacks have a single cohesive identity.
>no one is taking that part of your identity away from you
>we're just trying to get you to believe that part of your identity doesn't actually exist
lol ok
> was givning citizens of your country equal rights a mistake
>no one is taking that away from you retard
>literally illegal to choose to hire white people or to do business with only white people.
"European" is not an ethnicity.
"Italian" is. "Greek" is. "English" is.
"European" is not.
And yes, "African" is not an ethnicity either, or "Asian."
I'm not a Mexican user, I don't work on an assembly line.
>You can be an African American
>You can be an Asian American
>You cannot be a European American
>americans are retarded
yes, we know.
>>What are "Italian-Americans?"
>>What are "Polish-Americans?"
>>What are "Greek-Americans?"
et. al
>"European" is not an ethnicity.
It's a race rather than ethnicity.
FYI ethnicity =/= blood. You're confusing "ethnos" with "genos".
>"European" is not an ethnicity
>"Italian" is. "Greek" is. "English" is.
That's funny and here I was thinking ethnicity wasn't just a piece of paper granted by the government
Things that don't really exist anymore thanks to European immigrants foolishly assimilating into the now taboo White ethnic identity.
>Hurr I am Irish American because I get drunk on St. Patrick's day just like every other American!
It's not really a race either. Peoples of Europe are closely related to peoples of the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia (aka Caucasoids).
Ethnicity refers to blood/genetics. What you're referring to is nationality, which does not have to do with blood/genetics.
>>Implying potato niggers "assimilated"
>>Pretending Irish pride parades/Italian festivals/Greek festivals don't happen in the contemporary United States
Were you dropped on your head as a child, repeatedly?
>every european mixed into a goop and forgot their heritage.
lmao, look at this mutt
>Med masterrace
>Depends entirely on handouts from Germanics
>Peoples of Europe are closely related to peoples of the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia (aka Caucasoids)
They aren't really.
>Ethnicity refers to blood/genetics.
Do you understand the difference between ethnos and genos? Yes or no? Ethnicity is mostly about culture, "German ethnicity" is tied to German language, German culture and German identity. Germans however don't necessarily share blood with one another.
Genos, where the word "genetics" come from is strictly biological, no cultural clutter added.
But white people are the ones who lumped them all together
Fuck off, anti-white.
Once again, doing something that everybody else does does not make an ethnic identity.
If the extent of your Italian identity is eating the same pizza and lasagna that every other American eats, going to the same parade that every other American goes to, and the extent of your knowledge of the Italian language is limited to the same meme-phrases every non-Italian speaker knows (ayy gaba goo! Mama Mia!) you're not actually Italian.
There was a deliberate social engineering campaign to break up and destroy ethnic European communities in America. Unless I can drop you off back in the Old Country and you can slip right back into society without experiencing culture shock you've forgotten your heritage too, no matter how much you LARP on the holidays.
If they are seperated then it is not equal. If the accomadation one race receives is better than another, then they are not equal.
The water fountain is the biggest example, just because something is seperate doesnt mean they are going to be equal. Equality is everyone gets the same standards. If ihave ti drink from a piss poor made water fountain, you have to drink from it too. If you get a special made one for race and I cant drink from it, then its not equal.
>>They aren't really.
Compared to other groups, they are. You do realize that humans are extremely closely related to one another regardless of race, yes?
>>Ethnicity is mostly about culture.
If you're standing beside this argument, would you say that an Indian person, for example, who emigrates to Britain, immerses himself in the culture and believes in its values can call himself British?
Buy a better water fountain and stop bitching that the White man didn't buy it for you.
>but we be's po'!
I thought you were equal....
>amerishart logic
equal means equal opportunity.
And public facilities are not brought by private individuals.
>If you're standing beside this argument, would you say that an Indian person, for example, who emigrates to Britain, immerses himself in the culture and believes in its values can call himself British?
He probably is British, he's just not English or Scottish.
Anyway, Lothrop Stoddard went over this in his "Rising Tide of Color" published in 1920, that racial combinations don't really correspond to identities, that there could be one racially Nordic person in Germany and the other one in Russia, but the former would consider himself a Germanic and the latter a Slav (both being lingusitic combination rather than racial), despite being racially identical.