>Here's my view on Communism I'm sure everyone is respectful.
Commies hate themselves more than they hate others. You could make it all God tier and they'd still argue.
I vomited in my mouth looking at this picture
Titoism isn't even communism, it's just meme socialism
shit chart. guevara was a marxist, so what the fuck is guevarism? you stupid shit for brains mouth breathing piece of filth
the only one above shit tier is dengism
I think guevarism is like communism except you just consume capitalist products sold with guevera's face on them
>small brain: "communism"
>medium brain: Marxism-Leninism
>big brain: Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
>ascended brain: Hoxhaism
So Asians can't into communism?
>mfw Xiism #1
>socialism with Chinese characteristics
revisionists need to go
If only all the liberal nu-atheists and reactionary anti-islamists knew about based Hoxha. This nigga fucking wrecked islam in his country, does Albania have problems with islamic terrorism?
Also, his party won the elections this year.
>left wing deviations of leftism
what in the name of high school football
Communism: You can see it from space!
>In February 1967, the authorities launched a violent campaign to extinguish religious life in Albania, claiming that religion had divided the Albanian nation and kept it mired in backwardness. Student agitators combed the countryside, forcing Albanians to quit practicing their faith. Despite complaints, even by APL members, all churches, mosques, monasteries, and other religious institutions were closed or converted into warehouses, gymnasiums, and workshops by year's end. A special decree abrogated the charters by which the country's main religious communities had operated. The campaign culminated in an announcement that Albania had become the world's first atheistic state, a feat trumpeted as one of Enver Hoxha's greatest achievements.
>Traditional kinship links in Albania, centered on the patriarchal family, were shattered by the postwar repression of clan leaders, collectivization of agriculture, industrialization, migration from the countryside to urban areas, and suppression of religion.[13][14][15] The postwar regime brought a radical change in the status of Albania's women. Considered second-class citizens in traditional Albanian society, women performed most of the work at home and in the fields. Before World War II, about 90% of Albania's women were illiterate, and in many areas they were regarded as chattels under ancient tribal laws and customs. During the Cultural and Ideological Revolution, the party encouraged women to take jobs outside the home in an effort to compensate for labor shortages and to overcome their conservatism. Hoxha himself proclaimed that anyone who trampled on the party's edict on women's rights should be "hurled into the fire."
metal af
Is hoxha reddit personified
Nice photoshoped Zionist propaganda you got there.
Ok kim
>state actions are somehow capitalism
>Says while posting an actual photoshopped picture
You tankies are funny.
How come there are a hundred photos like mine and only one like yours?
黑 猫 白 猫,能 捉 到 老 鼠 就 是 好 猫.
The only source proving this is the black book of communism, which isnt a good source considering its full of bullshit and the writers themselves said that the numbers where inflated by a lot
Needs to be destroyed.
End of story.
>don't true capitalism
Stupid lolbert
>65 000
top kek, 280 people were executed for political reasons, most of them Jews on Stalin´s order in early 50´s, 374 were shot on borders. About 5000 died in prison (life sentence) this includes collaborators with Hitler. If we also include 1968 invasion, we get another 137. Id liek to see source for those numbers.
this pic is literally drawing
The source is the black book of communism, thats all they got lmaoo
Don't tell me you didn't know about capitalist conquests of the hittite empire.
But seriously the existence of useful idiots is so baffling that I think they're all larping anyway.
Are commies really that common in countries that never suffered through marxist idea?
>suffered trough marxist idea
I know right, those 1000 acre farm owners deserved to keep their farm!!! Fucking commies wanting to take away my land and slav- I mean workers
communism has never changed any of that
>what is collectivisation
Wow wat a nice example of communism failure North fucking Korea, you fucking moron
more people died under communism from all of those causes in the maoist, stalnist, and pol-pot regime than before.
something that did nothing to help anyone?
Capitalist governments exist to protect and support capitalism.
Who runs out politics? Why do they do what they do? Do you really think the British Empire was not a capitalistic project?
I still think you're a baiter. But I'm gonna pretend you're really that dumb.
You're talking about Lenin's dictatorship and I was talking about the time the commies conquered my country. At first it was a genocidal regime usual communist stuff. Then just changed into totalitarian oppressive shithole with failing economy. Try convince the generation of my parents that what they have now is super bad and that really it would be better if the country went back to the communist times again.
It's not gonna happen because it's only a possible option for some damaged kids of rich parents who have no ambition and who can't believe that their favorite revolutionaries were perverted mass murderers.
And Lenin promised everyone land. It was impossible to do but for those who did get land (that was stolen from someone else) there was a catch. They didn't own anything that grew on it. It was called War Communism and was the reason for many brutally crushed rebellions like Antonov revolt or Kronsdadt. Lenin's response was to tell the poor to blame those who had more money than them and it resulted in genocide. This is why I don't feel like playing along.
It did result in many deaths. When Germans reached the farms in 1941 the peasants started re-collectivization themselves. Unfortunately Germans decided to keep them collectivized.
No, communism has brought some really impressive improvements to the quality of life in China, Russia, Cuba, and Eastern Europe.
Problem is that every socialist country except Yugoslavia followed the Stalinist model to all its gruesome implications, and every society that has gone communist was pretty poor to begin with.
Socialism in developed countries, with democratic institutions and cybernetic planning, would really be something to behold.
Would you prefer a Soviet example?
Meanwhile in capitalist-land.
It's true that good times create weak men. Meanwhile young market economies are growing. I envy Estonia.
The greatest fedora lord
But who benefits?
>fucking Spain and Moortugal had stronger GDC per capita growth all the way back to the 60s
How can Sovietlets even compete?
You are fucking idiot.
People from east bloc actually want communism back (Russia: newsweek.com
serbia: balkaninsight.com
>lenin's dictatorship
you dont know how the USSR worked so dont talk shit and go read about it.
>b-but only rich kids want communism
Sorry to bust your bubble kiddo but thats not the case, I am member of a Communist youth organization and they are overwhelming prole's
>that drop after capitalism was estabilished
the american suffer because they turned to marxism. Just look at all the faggoty laws that got put in palce, globalist free-trade, worker's compensation, hiring laws, non-discrimination toward women, quotas in colleges that dumb the students down, along with refusing to fight in wars as much et al. How much money people make is almost all theology.
>after the soviet union balkanizes
capitalism strikes again. how many children will it kill before it stops?
End yourself, communism ruined eastern europe
just wait for another crash and we are all fucked
>Switzerland, Singapore, Hong Kong
>heh, look at how shitty the USSR looks compared to the fastest growing economies after WWII
go to war more than you faggot. WW2 made bith the USA and the USSR rich as fuck.
Of course Russians want it. Their country was a shithole and still is a shithole but they want to be feared which they think is respect. They want to matter and current Russian government takes care to protect old Soviet-era myths.
Try the same with the countries of the former eastern block. You won't find anyone because life under communism was worse than life today in every possible way and marxist left doesn't exist here as a political entity. It has no chance. It lost and we're free. Useful idiot.
>blaming socialism when its clear that the shift to capitalism is what caused massive poverty
He will tell you he knows better than you and your family and that you all want communist back. Tanks on the street, lines for bread, dirt and grey commieblocks. There's no cure for this delusion. I'm just grateful that there are no people like this in countries that actually know what it means. Commies are no longer threatning here thank God.
Yeah, I'm sure capitalism was to blame for the DDR being consistently worse than the BRD in just about every aspect ever since the 60s
What measures "betterness" in this situation?
>suppressing revolts
>famines caused by weather
>war casualties
Im russian you fucking mongol, ill refer you to this post I made click the two links and see by yourself that people actually do want socialism back.
Also, how much soviet stereotypes can you make in one post lmao
>suppressing revolts
>famines caused by weather
>war casualties
nobody needed your help to convince them that russians are retarded
You freaks can't function without a boot stamping on your back.
And? USA had a lower growth rate than both of those countries, as shown on the graph. Portugal and Spain weren't always shitty PIGS countries.
I literally posted serbia there, are blind?
Also there is a reason why east germany votes leftist parties a lot more.
Russia was a shit-hole until massive industrialisation happened thanks to communism where it literally elevated to superpower and its shit now because Putin and his goons are stripping it away from all its wealth
I don't care what institutionalized Russians think. I spoke with many who know that USSR was no Russia. Whatever they do I don't care as long as they stay in their own shitty country for once.
You think that only Russians want communism back? lmaooo
On one hand countries becoming communist again (though impossible because communists lost their chance of global domination forever) would mean less competition for normal countries but what to do with all the refugees? Would commies build more walls to keep their people in?
>NK is in a state of war and is afraid of being bombed by SK and the US, they shut down lights at night to avoid detection of key sites
>Meanwhile on a mongolian nail painting website the average burger believes NK does not have electricity because of "muh gommunism"
The absolute state of this board
top kek
ah yes clearly they shut down the lights in all those important key military sites like the peasant villages
Nobody who matters. Russia is still rule in the post-Soviet style so who cares. They're lost no matter what they do.
I think dreaming retards from rich countries that never had communism want it. I'm almost tempted to wish them well. I don't know how many would be ready to be the ones pulling the trigger but some would definitely end up on the other side of the barrel.
>this piece of garbage is shinier than these other piece of garbage
none of these are intrinsically bad
here comes communism with its multitude of presups about morals!!
Oh, I dunno, how about the fact that you didn't have to wait 15 years for a car, that you could actually vote for one of several political parties or that your kids wouldn't barred from highschool/ university because you wouldn't join the party
this is utter bullshit.
The Stasi didn't kill tens of thousands. Albania didn't have a hundred thousand deaths. Amnesty International reports about five thousand over a forty year period.
I thought commie bait threads were deleted.
I still don't believe these guys are for real. Kind of like Antifa or flat earthers. Animals in a zoo that you don't expect to meet in the wild.
*teleports behind you*
*unsheathes Todesstreifen*
Unlike a certain US politician, commies are actually pretty good at building walls
they exist in the real word,especially here in California, and they're usually all-around dumb asses on virtually any other subject too. interesting spectacles to see though.
What a dumb infograph. You're saying that everything you claim could be prevented by your non-falsifiable, non tested ideology is the fault of capitalism. Well shucks, I too believe in my own ideology, anonism. Anonism recognizes the inherent goodnes in all human beings, and if we just ya-know, had an "anonist" mindset everyone would help each other and such. Ergo everything bad caused ever is your fault because you don't accept anonism.
>only people I like are worth listening to
Tell me more about this rich people who looove this ideology that wants to strip them away of their capital
damn how do i sign up