Would you rather make $100 a day or invest 10k in coins and hold for a year?

Would you rather make $100 a day or invest 10k in coins and hold for a year?


if I invest 10k in Ark and hold for a year, how much money will I have

11k ARK

Holding decent projects.

You'll be down 10k

>reddit tier memes

10k in LINK

not as much as if you put 10k in OMG

It's impossible to make consistent gains daytrading with crypto, it's just too volatile, you have to get the most out of the good days and weather the storm on the bad ones.

100 a day

fucking idots holy shit hahaha

lmao, thats what you think

crypto day trader here

is there literally anyone in the world beating these percents?

made more in two weeks than fucking stock faggots make in a year

AND while in a down trend

suck my cock

you idiots who pass up the $100 a day gotta be high on pcp. this was a simple test and you failed.

I take it I made that $100 as 2% interest on the $5000 account I was daytrading with. At that rate in 6 months time, I'll have, let's see, oh that's right $176,604. I'll take the $100 thanks. Take it from king jew in pic related.

365% return is rather low if you pick the right projects

I'd have faith in my own picks.

Both would make insane amounts of gains. Neither is the wrong answer, it depends on your risk tolerance, age, income, goals, available time, etc.

Everyone in the thread who responded is right because their reasons make sense to them.

As a purely theoretical question, it's hard to use for crypto.

My answer: I'd put the entire 10k in verge and myst, maybe 7k verge 3k myst. Maybe 2k myst then 1k spread among ten more.

I'd also be fine flipping a coin, 100 a day is fucking baller.

I make ~200$+ a day staking coins at the moment which is nice which I'm now using to invest in other projects

feels good

Rather go all in on a couple of ICO moon missions

Can't you just get the $100 a day, save up for 100 days? Then you have the investment and the free cash.

100 a day is basically some poorfag wagecucks wage
10k in crypto will make you more than that

$100 a day is $36,500 a year.
So for $10k I'd only need to beat 365%. I'll take my chances holding.

meme makes it seem stupidly easy to day trade.

i tried to day trade and lost almost 50% in like a week

fuck ark, fuck ok cash and fuck my dumbass

I used to be a day trader like you but then I took a BIG 50 percent loss and contemplated committing Sudoku.

Now I'm only hodling BTC, ETH, XMR. ;_;

Is it even day-trading?
It's like hour-trading or even minute-trading

I lost 50% last week thinking that the smart pump would go as high as the IOP pump but it just kept going down and down.

Cool man, enjoy your 36k

Nice 3.6x gains



>Now I'm only hodling BTC, ETH, XMR. ;_;

Good choice. You'll outperform these LARPing shitcoin """traders""" easily with time.

I... started off with 1 btc into NEO.
Fucked me over, jumped to OMG.
Fucked me over, jumped to boosting alts.
Made decent gains, then jumped to a couple other coins that fucked me over.

1 BTC -> 0.15 BTC