Was the B-29 the most advanced and bestest airplane of ww2?
Was the B-29 the most advanced and bestest airplane of ww2?
It was certainly good at killing facists. The most advanced can be argued for one of the jet engine models or the Horten Ho 229
>most advanced
>doesn't have jet engines
>most advanced
technologically, no
>and bestest
subjective opinion, and no.
>killing facists
The B29 never flew over Europe.
The ho is just some wunderwaffe that only flew once, besides, it's made out of wood. nothing special, just two jet engines strapped to that wooden chassis.
japan was fascidddsstt
>Japan was fascist
>fully-pressurized cabin
>gunners sit in armored citadel, controlling guns via CCTV
>biggest payload, highest speed, highest flight ceiling of all WW2-era heavy bombers
>dropped the atomic bombs
Yes OP, yes it was. I love the B29 so much I collect parts. So far I've got a flaps indicator gauge, an identification light switchbox, and an oil volume gauge.
It had gun ranging radars and targetting computers for its defensive .50s and a pressurized interior. It cost more to develop than the atomic bomb.
But no it was totally outclassed by some balsa wood wunderwaffe that barely flew.
It's not like the Ho 229 was some ridiculous impractical thing like the maus tank. It's unfitting to call it a wunderwaffe. If you want a wunderwaffe look at the me-163 or the silbervogel
>most advanced
If you only count operational planes that saw action, I'd say yes, along with the Me 262 and Gloster Meteor.
Best strategic bomber, definitely.
What do you intend to do with the parts?
Almost all of the jet engines at the time were utter garbage.
Its clearly the most advanced bomber by far. It flies higher, goes faster, and had the largest capacity for bombs. It was also pressurized and had a computer to aid in the operation of its defensive armament. Also drove the Germans nuts as they attempted to design interceptors to counter it even though it never flew over Germany.
The Me-163 was really just an incredibly intricate coffin that could also serve as a crematoria.
Realistically, just collect them all. My dream though is to get the consoles and everything to install them in, so I can have a complete B29 cockpit in my den. I've seen damaged consoles on E-bay before, so perhaps one day a complete one will show up.
>Almost all of the jet engines at the time were utter garbage.
Advanced doesn't necesarrily mean good
What's with the wire(s) on top?
Fine, an imperialistic dictatorship seeking an "Asia for Asians". Totally different than Nazi Facism.
True, it had teething and reliability issues, but overall it was a pretty good aircraft. We literally burned down Japan with it. Though the question was, "what was the most advanced" not "what is the best".
Steering the tail fin, I think.
Pretty sure its a radio antenna, the control line for the stabilizer is inside of the aircraft.
wire antenna
>german nationalists wanted all germanic lands, had to fight the whole world for them
>japanese imperialism wanted to conquer and rule over all of asia in general to benefit from their resources, captain good guy america came to the rescue (as soon as asian resources that they controlled were threatened as well)
That actually saw significant service? I'd say yeah.
It had its problems and was less advanced in some areas than other planes (mainly in that it didn't have jets), but otherwise it was undoubtedly the most advanced bomber of the war. In terms of range and payload, it was in an entirely different class than anything else available at the time, and it was filled with advanced technology like
>the advanced remote-controlled turrets
>pressurized cabin
>AN/APS-13 bombing radar
Really bummed I missed seeing one in person last year. There's only two left that still fly, and one was at the National Warplane Museum in Geneseo, NY last August. I visited the museum only a week after it left.
You just don't get a good sense of how fucking huge these heavy bombers are without seeing them in person. Photos don't do them justice. The B17 for instance is about as tall as a two-story house when it's sitting on the ground. The B29 is even bigger, so that must be truly stunning to see.
>Poland, France, Eastern Europe, and Russia are germanic lands
>American never had a close friendship with China, Japan never struck first