Post pictures of what is in your opinion the best looking church.
Preferably Christian churches with pre 1900 architecture.
Post pictures of what is in your opinion the best looking church.
Preferably Christian churches with pre 1900 architecture.
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Building began in the 1170s, was completed in the 1490s
Also, the statues were originally painted, but the practice of maintaining them was abandoned long ago
>Building began in the 1170s, was completed in the 1490s
Why do gothic cathedrals always take hundreds of years.
Among other reasons, irregular founding.
Lichfield cathedral
Nice dark gothic design, reminiscent of Cologne cathedral
You can't rush perfection
As user^ says, funding
Though the death of a master craftsman, architect, etc, no doubt impacts it greatly
Then there's the change of local bishops, death of the monarch who may have commissioned it, etc
All of these things impact tastes, which may result in the redesign of an aspect of the church and thus extension of completion time, and capability to build it
posted wrong pic
Threadly reminder that pews need to be removed from all cathedrals
the fortified kind
This, Gothic churches are the best
I work next to St Paul's.
>insert Square mile jews & eternal Anglo joke here
Even though I see it every day it never stops impressing me, it's such a masterpiece. And by contrast all the meme modern buildings in that part of London never stop being annoying and ugly.
>tfw I grew up forced to attend a Pentecostal church that met in a rented Pizza Hut before it opened for Sunday lunch
>tfw every week I was terrified someone from school would come to lunch there and see me in my church clothes
the private kind
I love the statues that often adorn the columns of cathedrals.
Frogfacebookers always have something to whine about.
[pic related]
smaller church from the same town
Shame they charge £18 to enter
Why did your parents attend a literal pleb tier “church?”
No other congregations around?
>Rosslyn Chapel Scotland
Holy grail
Pro-tip: say you want to go in to pray. They have to let you in for free, though you can't get up in the galleries or the vaults
>things burgericans will never have
Speaking of cologne cathedral...
(Excuse the tourists)
all these gothic churches posted here got nothing on pic related. Its a tragedy it fell to muslim hands
Anor Londo
Mashallah brother
That's gorgeous
To be fair, there are cathedrals like Heinz or the national cathedral out here in burgerland, though I'll admit they don't have that feeling of oldness and history that European ones do.
Chapel of Versailles
Not a church, but pretty fucking gorgeous.
By far the largest church building in the world.
Having been there I can safely say it's fucking huge.
I can never get over how ugly and squat the facade looks compared to the rest of the church
I must agree and the interior does indeed look far more effulgent than the outside.
York minster
In my opinion one of the greatest gothic cathedrals.
Gothic is a fucking eye sore.
7th century Anglo-Saxon
Gothic is one of the great architectural styles
t. The Amish
Strasbourg Cathedral Masterrace
that actually looks incredible for a gothic revival building
Praise the sun
By the time it was finished, it was the largest building in the world
thats in Patras Western Greece
i used to hate baroque altars in medieval churches, but i realised they can work together very well
I know it's not as nice as Gothic or Baroque, but I think Art Deco makes for a pretty comfy church.
Even I like Gothic, and I'm an atheist burger.
Can confirm. When you walk in it looks like the other end of the cathedral is a horizon away. It's fucking huge
Looks like a tub of yoghurt
I love the Hagia Sophia and eastern style architecture in general, but if you built it in the US people would probably think it was a mosque.
It has a certain charm to it.
there's Byzantine style churches in America you know
whew that's majestic
I agree user
Mainland cucks will never have a church straight out from Valhalla.
That's mostly because a.) minarets and b.) the Ottomans built a bunch of mosques modeled after it.
Yep it's fucking massive. Absolutely awe inspiring.
Every user here should go if they get the chance.
Largest I'm not sure. But it was the tallest for a few centuries I think.
It was so big it started the reformation
St. John's Abbey Church
Collegeville, Minnesota, USA
Holstebro, Denmark
Église Saint-Pierre
Audinghen, France
Kalundborg, Denmark
Very old too
get out
Thank you.
I don't know if they are the most impressive architectural feats but I do like the look of these.
First one is a monastery in Wadi El Natrun, Egypt.
I would have loved to see a synthesis between the Coptic desert monastery style and that of the mission chapels in the Mexican desert. Maybe this is the closest we'll get to that for now.
This is Mission San Luis Gonzaga. I think a similar looking setting may be featured in some Mexican shoot em' up Mariachi type movie or remake.
Last is the Geghard monastery in Armenia.
is that literally carved inside a mountain?
'sup, fuccbois?
I never really understood that Gothic idea of "Let's put as many spikes on a church as possible". They look positively warhammerish
I think it speaks to us on some subconscious primal level that spikes are awesome.
It's supposed to convay a sense of power and admiration. To do that cathedrals need to be stricking in their apperance.
The spikes also point up to the heavens, if you haven't noticed
Only partially. For full carving check Ethiopia Or Indian temple (so not really a church, but I hope I'll be forgiven for posting it here) of pic related
It doesnt even capture the scale properly. Seems much larger in person. Really worth visiting.
The dome of Florence it's even more beautiful in person when you can actually see the different colour of marble
Art-deco makes for a pretty comfy everything related to a building
A challenger appears.
Saw this on TV, yesterday. It looked great.
As user said, there are some good-looking ones here, and a lot of at-least decent ones. In my city alone, there are tons of respectable churches. But we really don't have enough of them, and have very few grand ones. We're just too new.
Everybody acts as if gothic is the supreme style of cathedral untill they actually see the renaissance style with their own eyes. Santa maria del fiore is truly one of the most beautiful structures ever made
>go to Cologne
>dirtiest city I have ever seen in continental Europe even though Germany is usually tidy
>empty bottles, dog poo, possibly human poo on pavement within sight of the cathedral
>very shady characters on every street corner
>fountain next to cathedral has more cigarette butts than water
One of the most disappointing and depressing experiences in my recent memory.
Imagine being there for the 2006 World Cup and witness literally thousands of English fans pissing on the walls of the Cathedral, vomiting on it, and generally acting like subhuman scum.