Have 10+ million dollars in btc

>have 10+ million dollars in btc


for proof I'll be moving 3000 btc to 3P1b2iwWYxKDKRKW88oWVK1MiMCnEQqGdZ within the next 5 minutes

Other urls found in this thread:



ill have 100k to invest next month which coins should i keep and hodl

send proof to


it's a secure non-government address


K OP we're waiting. You gonna be showering us plebs or wut?

Gib 1 million don't be a bitch


Post your peanus weanus

moved fyi.


cool waves address bro

So... when are you selling? ARE you selling?


the absolute madman

no really


is the only address they'll believe user

holee fuck u did it

Wow, someone is actually legit rich here and not a bait beg thread.

I have a question. Buy Bitbean fagit.

c-can you send me 1 btc?, pretty please

can you give me some? I lost over $2000 of my shekels this week making shit trades plz help i can't buy food

Holy shit.

OP must have bought some ANT.


c-can i have some ;_;

Veeky Forums has ruined my life, it's a long story


>not a bait beg thread.
Just wait...




your post was too late

A proper verification should involve you reacting to some post here. I can't think of exactly how it would be likely, but you could've known that some exchange was going to use that address.

But if you send to an address or send an amount or do something based on the timing of something in this thread, that would definitely verify it.

Send 0.1337 of that btc that arrived in that address to another address. Or sign "hi Veeky Forums" with that address's key.

OP how did you get $10,000,000? Early buyer?

Jeezus and I just sold 1 BTC to pay my credit card off. fml

not enough sharpies in assholes

Help a brother out, senpai 1D8nx7PJH7DSAWZZdrNVDJVFZMjYuad3g4

Dont just hand it out, buy advertising for whatever you want, coming from a g4p background I have no ethics and will get your message to tens of people. It could be anything you want it to be. contact me on my youtube page: youtu.be/BVviWZTcxDI


Send me btc user. Fuck you for being so wealthy.

do you belong to a secret whale club?

>Be rich
>hang out with loser

Are you lonely?

You gonna get suicided dawg

you guys are idiots

you realize he can just sign a message from the address, like "hi Veeky Forums", and it'd confirm 100%?

he wont do this.

>I moved 3k therefore I have 10MM

poorfag help me out OP thanks.

Nice, op. Congratz

Whoa dude nice
Not gonna beg, genuinely impressed.
So how did you do it?

how did this happen OP?

if you're such a big dick op you should just hand some out


This -- ignore the fucking beggars and give us some insights. What is your overall allocation? All BTC? All crypto? How did you build your position? What are your long term plans for holding and/or cashing out?

thread over

leave you idiots

Throw 1 here user:
I have 0 currently...

how long did it take?

Kept using my change addresses so I did 1337.1337

early buyer in btc/eth
lucky as fuck family

give him a sec nig

What shitcoins are you holding?

you come from wealth? initial split in BTC/ETH? When did you buy?

please make one of my coins moon. I'm stuck in this hell because none of these will go 100x.

what year and what entry price

If real, congratz. impressive.

Plz user :( it would mean so much even just .01

What do you mean by "hang out with loser"
But yes I am lonely

Can't sign segwit address from trezor. Idk why, I'll move it to a legacy address and sign if you really want


pls op help a poorfag

good god you guys are embarrassing
maybe get some advice to make your own wealth instead of begging like losers

also, how old are you?

fuck off pajeet

>holding 10 million+ on a trezor

you have some serious trust in them.

nice OP.

If dubs, send 2BTC pls

Kys if you don't send me at least 1 btc

are those segwit addresses op? i have a similar amount and i dont feel too comfortable updating to segwit yet, have you had any issues?

Can i go to 0.1BTC OP?, pls 16N8qDdLiHdmiG1QTmzQMv9M76koXE86bL

stop begging you fucks. the adults are talking.

>What do you mean by "hang out with loser"

Did you more or less just hold? Any shitcoin worth it? But to be a fraction of your wealth, OP, but which shitcoin to throw a grand into?

I feel the "smart" thing is to all in on bitcoin and hodl.

Listen you fucking "look at me guys!!" little faggot. Send btcs now or get the fuck out of here.


don't make me mad and send me btc 1MQUEdF2QSnV6oxfVcA7rncnZ9g2gCskdY
you wouldnt like me when i'm mad

If you look at the blockchain transaction, he holds his BTC on multiple wallets

How do you feel compared to when you were average? Powerful? Satisfied? Ashamed? Apathetic? Disillusioned? Content?

No fuck you thats fucked up if you have 10 mill (probably more) and don't want to spread the wealth with your autistic friends

Pls OP I have 2 kids


>reee why won't people throw their money away and give me free shit

i tried before in another AMA but got no answer

i'm white with blue/green eyes but dark brown hair. i even have some blonde hairs in my beard ans mustache.

my question is, why is the hair on my asscrack and balls pitch black?


Yup yup

Yeah they are

I just held. I had a ton of eth and sold it when it was $9. Fucking stupid of me

>tfw you have too many btc
You could give everyone in this threas 1btc but rather have a boring thread

Alright OP, you said AMA.

What do you mean by "early buyer"?
When did you get in, and how much did you invest?
Did you trade alts, or just leave it in BTC/ETH?


whats the most expensive thing you've bought since you became rich?

dont be a faggot and buy my shitcoins

nothing wrong with trezor, faggot

:( lmao crazy times we live in, I can watch $10M transactions while literally not being able to eat lol

O-op 16N8qDdLiHdmiG1QTmzQMv9M76koXE86bL

Man could you imagine if he did that? It would be the most amazing party thread ever.

The board would be lit all night if he gave BTC to us all

Dear god

if i get dubs you must send me some

dear god pls


Op do you believe in omisego?

>3 posts by this ID
Not OPs fault God is culling the poorfags

Hi op. How high will Bitcoin be for you to cash out?

Do you think the bank will be cool with 10million bucks into your account? Assuming you pay capital gains

Well at least you have 3000btc, I also sold alot of eth around that price could of been rich but I guess some of us are not meant to be.

I stand with rand actually kys

so this is what ascension looks like

make me rich if dubs OP!


21? I call shennanigans. You were buying at 13-15 years old?

Please OP

My wife only likes money and I put the last of it into fucking ARK

have mercy on me


Did you get into any other alts?

Finally, not another LARP thread.

Good on you, OP. My dreams are a bit more modest. I just want to crack 100k one day...

It's pretty.. weird.. to show off to fellow-Veeky Forums-autists and not even be willing to share. it's not like he's happy if he's posting wojaks and asking for people to talk to him.

Then let him take me but fuck can I have one last meal