Is there an afterlife? Do you still feel pain, think, or can you do anything after you're said to be dead?

Is there an afterlife? Do you still feel pain, think, or can you do anything after you're said to be dead?

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The only way it would be possible is if memories are actually stored somewhere other than the brain

>inb4 the brain having a memory storage proves memories exist only in the brain
It could also be possible you are reborn with your memories intact as your brain grows in what it can attain.

My issue is more that brain damage can cause you to have a different personality or lose your memories. That only leaves two possibilities in my mind: that the brain is not what stores your memories & personality and instead it just allows you to "access" them, or the brain does store all of that and when it's gone, you're gone. All of what we currently know about the brain suggests the latter, but I would be interested if something is ever discovered that suggests the former.

A large part of what a person can define themselves as is where they are, if a person were to multidimensionally travel to another world that very experience of itself will change who they are. So no, you; as defined by where and what you are at this moment, cannot exist after death. Whatever death is will change whatever 'you' are into 'you who has experience death', which could be anything.


Why is it so hard for brainlets to conceptualize the nothingness after death?


Look up near death experiences.

>inb4 its just brain chemicals
That theory has already been thoroughly debunked.

Any concept of the afterlife is romantic wishful thinking.
Notice that it is usually solicited as a REWARD for obedience to an authority figure... hmmm....

I doubt you yourself are really truly "conceptualizing" it. You're not meant to. It's paradoxical for a thinking mind that's entire world is based on existing and thinking to truly comprehend stopping existing permanently.


The brain has no "hard drive" where memories are stored. Memory is a pattern of neurons firing.

Repeat the pattern, and you repeat the memory. If the universe is eternal and unbound, then the pattern has infinite repetitions, ergo, given a long enough span of time, you will eventually reappear, in fact you may have reappeared a countless number of times in the distant past, and will reappear a countless number of times in the future. The last time you close your eyes as an old man may be the first time you open them as an infant, passing through a vast quantity of time unconscious of the journey.

Is nothingness any less of a miracle than substance? Is a googol any closer to infinity than -1?

I don't know man, i've never died in my life to confirm that

>Any concept of the afterlife is romantic wishful thinking.
So is the concept of nothingness. So is the concept of eternal recurrence, so is the concept of Nirvana.

Ultimately we are speculating over something which can never truly be described, but only experienced in our own due time

Being reborn in the same body constantly would just be hell tbqh.

Yes, you still feel everything that happens to your body and just aren't able to respond. Don't get cremated.

>Ultimately we are speculating over something which can never truly be described, but only experienced in our own due time
Ironically the concept of an "afterlife" can literally ONLY EVER be described and never actually experienced.

>Is there an afterlife?
IMHO nope, but according to this guy reincarnation is real and proven empirically


Read the Bible.


Don't read the Bible.


It's already been conclusively proven.

>life is already a living hell full of suffering, even harder back in the day
>lol thinking about that girl gave you an erection, you're now going to hell eternally to be tortured, nothing personel kiddo
What deranged mind can imagine such a thing and what a weak one can believe it?

Probably those sense deprivation experiments are a similar experience to it.

Yes, and maybe.

Before you, billions of years passed; ahead of you, trillions of years will pass. There will never be the same incarnation of you, and there never has been before now. You relied on the slim chance that your parents conceived you, that your birth went well; likewise, they relied on the even slimmer chance that their parents conceived them. The chance becomes exponentially odd against you; but after a few billion years of life existing you managed to come into existence against those odds. The universe itself seems to be very biocentric; life didn't just evolve, but it became aware of itself, and even pondered its own existence.

But we're just space dust. How can we ever be an authority on these truths? If you are part of the statistic/demographic, you lose choice in the matter; you become as fallible as any other element being studied. We were born to avoid this fallibility. For most of us, it's hard to say "We can't know objective truth about the universe". For even more of us, it's hard to say "I don't know that I even exist".

We were born to think that we're an authority on reality.

For if souls existed, evolution would inevitably converge on a life form that could give itself cosmic authorization.

We do not exist as a result of the universe.
The universe exists as conditioned by the need for souls to exist on a physical plane.

The Universe exists as a reflection of the spiritual world, the paths, and the people.

>For if souls existed, evolution would inevitably converge on a life form that could give itself cosmic authorization.
What are you basing this on?
What even information COULD you base this on?
Sounds made up.

There is an afterlife but the Jews are hiding it.

No one's ever come back to tell us

That basically just says "but man it's gonna suck if I'm wrong"

>There will never be the same incarnation of you, and there never has been before now.
The probability of both possibilities is the same

There's only one way to find out, OP.

No there isnt as it makes no sense for one species of creatures to gave their consiousness moved to another universe upon death.

However an afterlife could be created with very advanced technology. Upon death your mind is uploaded into another dimension where what happens depends on who runs the place.

Better to he immortal though.

Very simple actually.

Think of it like this: rather than wondering what kind of environmental pressures cause, let's say, an apple to evolve and exist; instead imagine the apple as an objective constant, that we can only exist in a reality where apples exist; that would essentially make the universe converge around apples.

In point,
(YOU), the qualia or essence of your consciousness requires a reality where your physical body exists, hence the existence of your physical body (an astronomical unlikelihood, ie a miracle). There could be infinite realities; but specifically there was a reality chosen where you would live and die; don't think of it as pre-destiny; think of it as conditioning; the reality only exists to give you life.