Best culture
Best art
Best food
Best architecture
Best language
If you don't love (not like, LOVE) Italy you are a pleb, brainlet and a philistine
Best culture
Best art
Best food
Best architecture
Best language
If you don't love (not like, LOVE) Italy you are a pleb, brainlet and a philistine
Other urls found in this thread:
What’s a philistine and why would they hate Italy?
An coastal population that lived mainly in 5 city states, hostile to the jews.
They were probably from Cyprus and or/the Aegean
I don't think they would hate Italians since prehistoric Italians might have fought alongside them against the Levantine kingdoms and Egypt
Sometimes i forget how stupid this board is
>Best culture
Not recently.
>Best art
Not recently.
>Best food
Can't really argue with that.
>Best architecture
Not recently.
>Best language
Reminder that Italy is a meme state that shoudn't exist.
Fuck yeah Italy.
But really this is a thread for /int/.
> Best culture
> Best art
> Best food
> Best architecture
> Best language
I am italian (from Friuli) and I hate this country with all my soul
Italy is the boring and less accomplishment brother of Castile and France which are the 2 most important latin nations.
It lacks the spirituality and strugles of Castile or the grandeur of France.Italy is the Jannety of the latin brothers.I would even pick Portugal over them desu
Nice try refugee, you cant assimilate to any culture because you're a Nigger so get back to Africa
Well, I like their soccer.
Washed up hasbeens OP
Women are hairy though, authentic Italian food is pretty tasty though so there's that.
If you love (not like, LOVE) Italy you are a deluded diaspora faggot and probably a mongrel as well
No sane people like this shithole full of garbage
Africans and muslims are 999999 times more evolved and civilized than n*poletans
Not even joking
>Italian food
>relies heavily on new world ingredients
What did they mean by this?
perche sei cosi crudele?
Listen dude, I just like that saucy chicken shit that they call authentic alright? I don't really give a shit about some boot shaped country. I also just wanted another chance to call Italian women hairy because having sex with one is like fucking a carpet.
I mean, you're right and all, but why post a thread like this? People on Veeky Forums are autists with an agenda, there's a reason why discussion about a topic are nearly always better off the right board.
You're only inciting /bant/ tier posts and vulgar behaviour
Are you from Bozen perchance? Shouldn't you be busy pretending to work and say you're Austrian without wanting to be part of Austria?
t. Tuscan
>Best Culture
North's pretty good, South is a bit dodgy.
>Best Art
Up to 1900 yes, best art I see is usually in London or from Japan though.
>Best food
The tiger is out
>Best Architecture
I don't know
>Best language
Could be more widely used but it's certainly the easiest and most logical of the Romance languages.
Not too bad, but could be a lot better (bad institutions/property rights)
btw you can fuck off right into the new Serenissima which is gonna be reborn soon, friulifag
But then how can they pay any tax and shit on the state