Canada Thread

Alright biz

Im done with the US

I've got 20k in student loans, 40k in crypto, and I'm moving to canada in a year

wat do?

where should i move? where are the jobs? hows canada?

>hows canada

Montreal is pretty cool city. Nice people. The rest of Canada is basically pajeets and chinamen nowadays.

also, should i not cash out crypto before i move?

and im going to toronto for a weekend next month. what should i see?

Ottawa is a dece city

Brown. Lots and lots of shades of brown

an american city with pajeets and chinamen.

man, where am i supposed to go then?

i thought thats where civilization would be

going by car so maybe we can change

>falling for the Montreal meme
lol no

First of all, fuck of we're full.

Now that that's out of the way here is some advice.

I hope to whatever God you believe in that you aren't coming to Ontario. Ontario has so many problems and if filled with so many retards that it's frightening. You can't even own a proper car without getting fucked in the ass in Ontario.

Secondly, our politicians are ALL retards, I don't know how we even got this far, I swear. If you kill your enemies, they win. What the fuck is that?

Thirdly, keep your US bank open, most Canadian banks are jews and HATE bitcoin and will close your account if you trade crypto.

Lastly, if you are actually staying in Ontario, welcome to hell. None of us are making it.

i wish you faggots would realize if you are smart and know how to play the system it doesnt matter where you live.

moving to canada is like saying 'hey guise i saved some beans and moved up here because reddit said the world is ebul.

Don't listen to these faggots who hate on Ontario. They probably live in Alberta where it's -50 all the time. The rest of Canada hates Toronto, but if I didn't live here, I'd be jealous too.

People hate it with good reason though. Obviously that's where all the jobs are but Toronto is a shithole...

I live in toronto and its literal shit.

i was looking at ottawa, suggested by the other user, and it looked comfy

and thanks ill just hide my btc then
im just tired of getting scammed for healthcare and want nice neighbors :(

Pretty girls, cheap, good food, safe, no americans in denial... pretty cool place desu

No one here has presented one good reason. Other cities have a terrible inferiority complex when it comes to Toronto and just talk shit without ever even being here.

what are the insecure manlet cities?

i cant live there

Ottawa is a dead bureaucrat city. There are no cars in the streets after 7pm. They have a tulip festival though, much hyped too.

Do you actually live downtown or do you live in the shitty outskirts and just say Toronto?

Dude, the Canadian economy is not doing well, their dollar is turning into monopoly money. Their entire economy is propped up by oil, pic related. If the price of is low, the Canadian economy is bad. Not to mention housing is insanely expensive, good like finding a home just moving there with no friends or family.

The US is currently setting all time highs in the stock market and job growth is crazy, why would you want to leave?

>crumbling infrastructure
>shit public transport
>car insurance costs
>like 65% nonwhite, no racist but kind of makes you feel out of place

I lived in north york for 10 years, never again

hows the cost of living?

are there jobs? can i get a cushy IT job or something?

Pick a city with a hockey team that's not the Leafs and stay the fuck away. People literally cry about how there's too much Toronto hockey news on our sports channels. Literally fucking cry. I'm embarrassed for them.

Toronto has no soul. That's why you have Drake and Justin Bieber. And we have Leonard Cohen and Arcade Fire.

>North York

As I said, shitty outskirts.

Montreal is the city you want to live in in canada but not the one you want to immigrate to. The quebec laws are fucked if you dont speak french. Go to anywhere else first then go to mtl. It is for sure the funnest city in canada.

Drake is the only one from Toronto, so yeah. Cool. That's a valid argument.

Cost of living is not as high as in other major cities. Most people work for the federal gobment. There are probably a lot of IT jobs, I don't know... but it's one fucking boring city my friend. At least Montreal is not so far away, T.O. is doable but a long way still.

Sorry man not everyone is rich like you and lives in Forest Hill

let it crash. im still holding btc anyway. ill buy low

the US is trash. and that growth isnt sustainable either

Isn't Drake from Richmond Hill?

>The US is trash and that growth isn't sustainable either

Where have you lived in the US and what do you do? These questions impact your outlook on America. It seems like you're poor though, and would have a better time moving to a more accommodating part of America before considering moving out of the country. Why you'd consider Canada though when you're into crypto is beyond me.

Fuck off we're full.

Are you implying the shithole that is downtown is better than the countryside? Do you even drive? How can you? It's packed like India.

The US is massive with different places that have different laws and cultures. If you can't find a single state or territory in it that you like, what makes you think you will in Canada?


Not about being rich, it's about hating on a place you never grew up in just because you live 30 minutes away from it.

why the fuck are you moving to canada from usa, i cant think of any good reason... if you hate the darkies theres plenty of nice white towns in new england. if you hate the crypto taxes, go to the caribbean. if you want to live like a king on 40k of crypto, go to SE asia. If you want to set up a business empire, stay in the usa. If you want to forget about your student loans, go to mexico then return to the us as an illegal immigrant. many, many more options; none of them involve canada. explain your reasoning and we can give you a better plan.

i can think of one reason to go to canada; you want to move into the territories and look for gold, and alaska is too tame for you.


It ain't close but I'd go for British Columbia, OP. Jobs, people are OK, nice views, not many pajeets because they can't survive the weather.

I used to work in Etobickoe and before that Scarborough

How FUCKING deep in Toronto do I have to be for my opinion to be relevant? Is etobicoke Toronto????

im just looking for somewhere to stay and chill out for a bit. As long as they get fast internet ill be fine

I think ill stop by ottawa though, thanks user

chicago, work in shit tier IT.

i just dont wanna give the US my tax dollars anymore desu

i know the Canadians will tax me more, but at least ill get healthcare

i can just start over
thanks for working with me here user

i just hate americans.

severely depressed and have been looking for a place to start over. Just got jumped outside my own apt and that was the final straw. im outta here when my lease is up.

Police and hospital wont do anything but scam me and take my money, so im just gonna hang out in canada and take a break

oh, and weed, duh

Enjoy freezing your balls off

Calgary is nice but the job market there is shitty atm with oil prices so low

why would you move to canada with no knowledge of if you can get a job or even if should you move

Fuck off we are full

t. Alberta

cause i have a year to do that research

now im looking into alberta thnx

I was in Alberta last month. Never have I seen it so infested with flips, pajeets and muslims. You seem to have room for all of them

Am I the on BCbro here? Come on out man, the coast is literally paradise.

>don't live in Vancouver or the outlying cities (You couldn't afford it anyway)
>go there to chill, party, and eat asian food/pussy

I'm on Vancouver Island right now and I love it out here. No winter, 4 months of summer, hippies, university kids, gorgeous scenery, oceans, mountains, forests, you name it. There isn't that much work however. What qualifications do you have?

>he thinks I cant afford $4k/month rent
Shoo poorfag

Look up act 22 in puerto rico. That is your answer.

I am moving there before Jan 1 so I can pay 0 cap gains taxes starting from next year.

Real estate might be cheap now too after they just got buttfucked by a hurricane.

Can you recommend any areas/cities in particular? I've been in Ontario pretty much my whole life and I just graduated with a Bsc. biochem so I'm looking for work. I already have lab and research experience under my belt.

This is not actually true. You can l live your whole life in Montreal without knowing a single word in french. I'm in a french Uni right now and half of my teachers are anglos who can barly use Molière's speak.

It is harder to get a job, but it's far from impossible, specially in IT.

Cost of living is half of TO or Vancouver, same with most major expenses. Winter sucks balls though.

holy fuck these apartments are expensive.

Im looking at like 2k for the cheapest 1 bedrooms. i dont think i can afford that, even if that is canadian play money theyre talking about

my plan was working remote or something until i find a real job

ive got a degree in comp sci

this law looks OP, but puerto rico is like bottom tier-US

If you want some anecdotal points, Vancouver is the best city in the world to live in (I've lived in 8 different countries) I would argue. The city is fun and vibrant, it's a short drive to INCREDIBLE nature, the asian food is ridiculously good, and in the summer the weather is incredible.

Housing prices are ridiculous though, and personally I got depressed in the winters with the never-ending rain, but aside from that, I fully intend to move back there in a year or two. The job market isn't super great depending on your skills, but as a CS major you should be fine.

thanks user, I'll look into it too.

in that scenario, would it be best to just buy a condo? do you ever see the housing market crashing?

and could I survive without a car?

I don't see the housing market crashing (despite what a lot of people there will tell you) just because the foreign demand is insane, and even people all over canada want to move there to retire.

Buying a condo would be a good investment I think. My friend's parents bought a condo there in 2013 for ~550k, and it was valued last year at ~800k.

You definitely don't need a car if you live in downtown vancouver/near a skytrain station. I didn't have a car at all when I lived there and went to university. Public transit is great, I miss it a lot where I live now (Bay Area California).

If you actually have an in demand, specialized skill I would have to recommend the Lower Mainland (Greater Vancouver). It's the main hub of the province and affordable (to rent in) if you make $40,000+ a year.

What field of work are you trying to get into? There's always UBC if you don't mind working in your field at a university.

Even if you're not a city guy, I'd still recommend living there to start in BC just to make connections and network. It really is a beautiful, cosmopolitan city with a little grit and just about everything you could imagine going on. There's a lot of hipsters, fags, chinks, persians, and pajeets though.

Specifically within the Lower Mainland I'd recommend Lonsdale, East Van, Kitsilano, South Van, Arbutus, and some parts of Burnaby. Richmond is all chinks, Surrey is all pajeets.

Victoria on Vancouver Island is a smaller, slower city that I find much more chill but with less going on. Fuckloads of uni students though, they party hard. There's a ton of outdoor shit to do all over the island and not a lot of people. Getting off and on the Island is a bit of a bitch though. Also not a ton of work unless you're in the military or a military contractor.

The Okanagan is nice to drive through, but unless you like picking fruit in the summer not a lot of work.

A couple of my buddies have worked up north, but that's hard working and hard living. If you are able to find a job that does good contracts though, you can spend most of your time somewhere much more comfortable.

I hope this has helped, I love my province. (Even if Canada as a whole is going down the shitter)

awesome, thanks

if my crypto takes off, thats where ill go

Yeah, I would highly advise getting room mates. Not only to save money, but in a city with so much going on it never hurts to know as many people as possible.

Yep, everything this user said is pretty accurate. I lived in Kitsilano and Arbutus, and often visited friends in Burnaby when I was there and there are lots of young people & fun stuff going on all the time. The tricky part for most people is making enough money to pay the high cost of living.

There are some sick beaches in PR with great surfing/diving/snorkeling. Plenty of beautiful women.

Certain areas are ghetto, but plenty of areas are extremely nice. Hedge fund billionaires have moved there for the tax bennies. You think they live in some shithole?

You can move there for 6 months next year to establish residency and then travel.

As long as you are not in another country longer than PR you are good after the year you establish residency. Limit for being in US is 90 days though, but sounds like no issue for you.

My plan is to establish residency first half of next year chilling on the beach and then travel south america/eastern europe/SE asia. I can trade from anywhere and this is the only way to legally lock in 0% cap gains as a US citizen.

Probably only spend 3-4 months a year in PR and travel the rest. Money wise this shit is a no brainer with how much I am making in crypto. I will save more in taxes than I could even make in a job.

that actually sounds nice. ill do some more research, thanks.

so even if i just stayed there like a year as well, i could just collect my tax free dollaroos, and move to another country before hurricane season?

>but at least i'll get healthcare
jesus fucking christ you are perhaps the biggest fucking retard ever to come on this board
t. canadian

A lot of Canadians want oil to crash. I'm in Windsor and a strong US dollar makes it easy to find good work.

>t. someone who doesnt know what its like to need to go to the hospital but cant afford to go to the hospital

if you NEED to go to the hospital they cannot deny you care, even in the us

yeah and then they send you a bill for half of your salary

Toronto is great to live if you make 250K+ a year if you make around 60k its awful.

Yeah, once you establish residency you should not lose it unless you did something to establish it in another state (or perhaps spent more time in a particular country than PR). This allows a lot of freedom to see other places while not getting raped by taxes.

I plan to go at least Jan-June next year at a minimum and decide somewhere along the way when I want to start traveling. If hurricane season ends up anything close to this years I'll just book it at that point and return the following year. You do not have to stay continuously once you establish residency to maintain the tax benefits.

If you want to start a business for extra money act 20 is for that. 4% tax and you can pay yourself in dividends at 0%. Only requires 1 employee now (yourself).

Not sure you would make much doing anything on the island, but you could do something online no problem.

There is more complexity to the act 22 individuals law than I have covered (i.e. 5k donation to a PR non profit annually just got added in July), but if you get anywhere near big boy territory in crypto earnings it really is a no brainer.

The island has a rainforest, great beaches, priced in USD, can get by with english, and has most american conveniences since it is our largest territory.

There are plenty of problems as well, but the good (the tax savings, weather, beauty) far outweigh the bad imo.

Vancouver is nice, but absurdly overpriced. I live in WA near the border so I have been plenty. Cannot wait to get out of the PNW. I grew up in a very hot, sunny state and this weather is very depressing.

wtf is this? Vancouver or should I say Hongcouver is full of chinks and pajeets(surrey, abotsford)

Kelowna/Kamloops is alright.

A friendly tip: you can't just wander across the border without a job and get free healthcare, unless of course you're Haitian fleeing Trump or something. We actually have a somewhat functional immigration system.

Full.. yet smaller pop than California


Yes, come to Canada daddy, we will have good time together. We poo in street and eat rice at chink food store.

Thank god for Canada. We can use it as a trash disposal for weak faggots like OP and all our mexicans

itll be perfect

Lol you picked Chicago of all places. I'd recommend moving to another state or city with a cheaper COL. Massachusetts has universal healthcare technically so if you're worried about healthcare that much you could always look into moving to Boston. I'm not saying that Canada is bad, just that it's a lengthy process to get citizenship and you should consider other, less drastic options.