He isn't holding IOC

>he isn't holding IOC

But I own 6K IOC OP, pretty comfy since IOC doesn't care about BTC price

DIONS, bro. 2k IOC reporting in, we gon make it

Don't worry I'm holdin

Poorfag hodler, in at 70k. This is one of the only things in the green right now.

Hoping my 2.4k will take me places.

Dion bro reporting in

Hola, this is Joel.

Gracias por funding my luxurious lifestyle.

I will be hiring more hotties to dance around my mansion with your btc.

Have fun!!! Dionsbro!!! Fintech awards! Get hypy its muy caliente

>it won an award
didn't those europoors give obama a peace prize?

DIONS, bro.

merit no longer matters. only skin colour and status as an oppressed minority.

that's why it's impressive that Joel can succeed because he's a spic from some tiny faggot island called peurto rico. the usa doesn't even want it to be a state lel.

he does seem well off though if you look at his fagy selfie photos and videos. so he's doing something right.

Hahaha underrated but I'm also holding 11k IOC

i'm really surprised how immune DIONSbros are to FUD

i mean we just had the sero shitreport come out, price is dropping, btc crashing yet DIONSbros just keep chanting DIONS(bro) and holding

you guys are something else lol

Many DIONS bros have been hodling for years, throughout Crypto winter, respect to them. It'd take a FUD of apocalyptic proportions to weaken their handz

When you're holding the next ANS/NEO, you don't worry about FUD

jajaja si amigo, dions is muy bueno buy now or hold if you already have

many thanks gringo

we work hard for you to make I/O digital #1 ok.

respect, i bought some yesterday and will be hodling with you guys


I sold because of the report. That was shit and I didn't realize that the whole project was resting on one mystery developer. Christ alive...

dude don't you participate in the slack, they have to keep his identity super-secret because he's working hard on covert top-secret dionstuff bro

stop being negative and just hold like a good goy

My bad, I will sell LINK and buy back in.

I like this coin but the team kills me. How can you trust a guy who was an ex rapper to create high level tech? Also the whole secret other member is also bullshit. It's just a literal who.

They dont have any tech. Its a fucking weird one. I had 2500 of them an got the fuck out. Either they have pajeets in the background working for them because Joel doesnt not have the skills to code something like this and the other cheese head cant even compile a wallet. You might make some gains this week and more power to you but its fucking odd as fuck.

Spero report was full of inconsistencies... it claims they have already won the 2017 Fintech awards and that the code was made open source in jun 2017. This is going to be fun to watch.

Im the extremist FUDDER from yesterday. If the IOC team are here im playing nice and my FUD stays on Veeky Forums. But if this turns out to be a scam and my Veeky Forums bros get burned ill be making it my life goal to help them track you down.

Will rebuy once it gets under 0.00060000

>Mysterious developer

That sounds familiar, wasn't this the case for that one other crypto? The one that starts with B ?

>Buy Obsidian

Comparing ioc to Bitcoin. This is why no one takes this shitcoin seriously.

>Implying people only buy one coin and not the other.

nice dude, I respect that.
I have also been trying to just bring some reality to these threads. not even FUD just telling people how it is. For example the fact that the one lead developer is a rapper with no real IT skills, this coin is sketchy as fuck.