I dumped my 75k link

I dumped all my chain link so that I can buy more Nexus and IOC. I don't see how chain link will be useful for anything in the future. I'm also not interested in solving that oracle problem bullshit since the result is minimal and irrelevant to the rest of the world.

Other urls found in this thread:


but user
>the oracle problem

The people that bought in are gonna be really depressed in about 7 weeks

I have 18k link but starting to feel the same way after seeing that dudes YouTube video posted. Dude could hardly answer 1 question. He'll get crushed at sibos looking like a fool. I like the idea of decentralizing this but shit this doesn't seem like it. Like do people here even read before putting $ into something

LINK has way more growth potential at least until mid october.
You dun goof'd.

>le future
You're thinking too longterm. WAY in advance of most crypto investors.

I already recovered the entire cost of my position by selling a little under half of it. I think that's ChainLink is extremely promising LTH but short-term weak-handed little bitches who hate money might forget their principles and drop their shekels.

Fuck them, and fuck you. I'm /comfy/.


It's gonna 10x. Screencap this.

>You're thinking too longterm. WAY in advance of most crypto investors.
Sure, maybe I'm an idiot for thinking longterm on bitcoin, buying 500 of it when it was $300.


I feel like Chainlink is worth as much or more than Veritaseum, and thats at 0.3 ETH each.

Might have made a mistake OP.

So you think ChainLink, which is trading on two atrocious exchanges, will not exceed a $50 mil market cap, and therefore you pulled out at the optimal time, receiving about 1.5x your initial?

Did I call you an idiot? Maybe I should have, because you seem to be thinking like one on this day in the current year.

good try larping fag nolinker.

You better hurry and buy at 2x from the weakhands in debt on RetardDelta before we hit exchanges at 5x.


There are more important and better coins than Link and I don't wanna get left behind holding this garbage. I got my profits anyway so I don't care.

What exchanges

good choice OP I hope everyone sells this GARBAGE

....what YouTube video?

sorry forgot the link:

This is the Chainlink dev??? Wtf man, Just sold all my link. Can't believe you fools talked me into putting my hard earned dollars into this. baka

Oh shit no, my bad just thought you were talking about the hottest video from today.

ARRRRRRRRGGGHHHH played me like a damn fiddle!!!

Nice just bought 75k

FUD harder. This is a literal ticket to lamboland and you aren't making me sell to you.

is that a BBC?

We gonna make it, user.

i think people learned their lesson from the other overhyped coins which essentially 100% retraced after their pump. some have even gone back under ico price. nobody wants to be left holding bags that heavy again.

Larping on an anonymous internet forum


would not sell my LINK on ED. the hype will get real before october 16.

+ there is a pretty good chance that LINK get listed on another bigger exchange before sibos.

How is that a dev from Chainlink? Nice fud

You bought IOC? Dude, they're like the exact same marketcap as Chainlink and IOC's been out for like 3 years and Chainlink came out 2 days ago, you obviously weren't thinking, and if you think the problem they solve is dumb, you really don't deserve the gains we'll be getting in the next month.

Next time jerk off more before making dumb decisions.

Yep, can't believe people can't see this will be a top 20 coin by mid October and higher afterwards.

wtf when was chainlink listed on etherdelta? what price did it list at? max price? ahhhhhhh