>Wake up
>You suddenly realize that it is 1894, you're Nicholas II, and you just inherited the throne.
What do?
>Wake up
>You suddenly realize that it is 1894, you're Nicholas II, and you just inherited the throne.
What do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill myself
Realize I'm one of the wealthiest individuals on planet Earth.
Invest in Microsoft.
>Slowly transition to Democracy, retain constitutional power but gradually shift power to Duma.
>Focus on rapid industrialization and removing last bits of feudalism in the country
>Rush completion of Trans-Siberian railway
>Stay out of WW1 as much as I can
>Crack down on Socialist revolutionaries but also try to improve living conditions for Urban Proles
>Grant poland, ukraine, belarus and the baltics + finland more autonomy to ensure loyalty
>Look into taking advantage of oil reserves
Make Zhilinsky fuck off and tell infantrymen to stop being retards and let artillerymen do their job. Also fuck Sukhomlinov and his Sukhomlinovites.
>Focus on rapid industrialization and removing last bits of feudalism in the country
>Rush completion of Trans-Siberian railway
>Crack down on Socialist revolutionaries but also try to improve living conditions for Urban Proles
>>Look into taking advantage of oil reserves
He did all of these.
>Restore the League of the Three Emperors
>Stop being a faggot towards A-H, make a deal about influence in the Balkans
>Gradually improve living conditions for all the poor people
>Give the foreign peoples so much autonomy that they're happy but don't get uppity
>Industrialize the country
>Make a deal with Japan about spheres of influence, don't go to war with them
>Eventually build up the economy and develop into an industrial powerhouse
build telephone and automobile factories, encourage craftsmen.
Yeah this.
Yeah, I didn't say he did that wrong. My key point is to focus on staying out of ww1.
Try and mimic the british crown and relegate myself to a ceremonial position, giving the real power to the Duma.
my first idea would be to focus on preventing Japan from expanding their influence anywhere, at home I would try and industrialize as painlessly but as quickly as possible, murk Rasputin, and send Alexandra and the girls away to George before the war starts just in case we still lose
I'd still declare war on Austria-Hungary tho because fuck g*rmans
move to england in 1914
Poop my pants
>Ally with Germany
>Encourage clergymen until 2% in every province
>Reform armies into 20 regiment units of 60,000 (2 Hussars, 8 Infantry, 2 Engineers, 8 Artillery)
>If major conflict, replace infantry with conscripts
>Encourage officers until 0.2% nationwide
>Puppet Persia and have them cede a port province
>Encourage capitalists in major provinces
>Build factories where I have all the required resources in the province
>Encourage craftsmen
>Encourage clerks
invest heavily in propaganda as being the first monarch to look and live like normal people, invest in electricity and avoid wars by all means
declare WAR on the USA
>forgetting to annex African tribes that have tropical wood and Chink regions that have silk to start a luxury monopoly and later telephone/automobile monopoly once rubber kicks in.
>puppet Persia
And now you're into conflict with Britain, at their nominal height.
go away /gsg/
>Britain at their height
Fuck them they already have the Suez
France isn't going to fight over expanding British colonial possessions.
Plus if they do I'll just promise the Indian princes their own Kingdoms and divide up India along ethnic lines.
Gafiate before the commies kill my family.
>Also fuck Sukhomlinov and his Sukhomlinovites.
As Czar, you'd fuck all of them? That could take, like, months.
Name my youngest daughter "Mysteria" to make all the mysterious claims of her surviving and books, movies and plays about her seem forced.
I need to secure their loyalty somehow
>Britain on land
They'd get BTFO
>not leaving industrial development to capitalists
>not running constant army recruitment drives
>Leaving industrial development to capitalists
Does anyone have all the vicky2 comics?
I have this
abdicate and move to France
More please
>this image macro again
make sure that a couple thousand peasants dont get trampled to death at my coronation, and also try to be a little less autistic about the jews.
Start creating a Russian Republic ASAP. Don't involve the Empire in wasteful wars, improve the horrible lot of the peasants, FUCKING PEASANTS, ON THE CUSP OF THE 20TH CENTURY, WTF ARE WE DOING IN RUSSIA!?
what's wrong with it?
I feel really sorry for the poor Greeks.
Serfdom was already abolished. Russia didn't have any "peasants" just poor people who lived in rural areas.
demand a bunch of hot women and lay down and get rimjobs all day until the commies come for me
Go to Japan and get tattooed.
There is no event that could occur and force me to hide my tattoo of a dragon on my forearm for the rest of my life.
Listen to my generals, transfer Rommel to the Eastern Front and wait until summer to invade Russia
Encourage capitalists as well unless you want to be stuck manually building factories for every province and honestly I'd rather kill myself.
>Stay out of WW1 as much as I can
Abandoning Serbia = dropping the pan-slavic idea = revolts all across European Russia.
The whole point of the great game was because the Russians feared the British troops from India invading through central asia.
>Encourage capitalists in major provinces
>Encourage capitalists as well
If you want to burn out building railroads and factories be my guest, I for one have no patience for that bullshit.
user, I was saying that he had already stated to encourage capitalists, right here 4th line from the ending
No, the whole point of the great game was Britain fearing Russia invading India through Central Asia
No, the whole point of the Great Game was Russia realizing that if Britain embargoes their trade, their economy will tank and their government will collapse.
Russia always needed trade with Britain, and sea trade permitted by Britain, to afford its empire.
Ah, well don't I look silly.
That makes no sense, if there was already trade with Britain then having conflict with them in central asia for no reason seems a bit dumb doesn't it?
They were certainly the most powerful nation in the world at the time, in all things except ground forces, which Germany soundly beat.
Take nude photographs of myself then abdicate to marry a Jap just to fuck up the history books. Then I'll move to Japan and invest in Mitsubishi.
Do the only logical thing and realize that your lacking of 20+ more years of aging and studying imperial rule under your father puts you in a completely hopeless position as and absolute monarch. Tell the tzarina to shut the hell up about being an autocrat, gather a group of advisers including some from successful western nations that has parliamentary governments that actually have influence on policy. Try to route out corruption if you're not too retarded or naive to not notice Focus on modernization and industrial strength throughout the empire. Be the revolutionary force that's imminent in the Russian empire and stay one step ahead of the masses revolting by being a liberating force. Don't attack nips, don't allow Bolsheviks to just take over a whole city by just occupying a phone exchange and a rail station.
Do everything to avoid fighting German empire, rape AH with Cossacks and vodka strength if it's possible to do without having Germans invade. Same with Ottoman Empire. Otherwise just avoid war if at all possible and focus on harnessing Russia's fossil fuel economy and getting rich off new technologies
Invite Archduke Franz Ferdinand to visit me on the week of June 28th, 1914 so that he doesn't get assassinated. I've heard he was really into hunting so I'll disguise it as a hunting expedition. During this trip, I inform him that I've received word that a terrorist group is planning to assassinate him and that he should be very cognizant of his personal safety for the next few months. I would also attempt to have the conspirators arrested in Serbia. This may or may not actually prevent WW1, but it will at least delay the start of the war and buy me more time to modernize the army.
Lead the Communist revolution myself
Give all power to the soviets. The actual soviets, not Lenin and his "revolutionary vanguard" party
If you are saying you will war with AH then you will war with Germany. Wilhelm's ideas of Mitteleuropa and basic geopolitics (Germany will be surrounded henceforth by opposing powers)
If you get that, then you get WWI, and you're sunk.
abdicate or tell the duma there in charge nnow
Honestly I'd create a better secret police. I don't care if the people hate me for it, all the rebel scum will disappear in the night.
I would also try to Russianize all the minorities, Russian will become a shared tongue among all peoples in Russia. If that doesn't work I'll take a page from Stalins book, send the noisy minorities to Siberia to make snowmen or take their food and let them starve and replace them with ethnic Russians. It'll be like the USAs manifest destiny except against Balts, Poles, Fins and all the steppe people.
Fuck the Balkans. Befriend Austria-Hungary and Germany. The goal is to try and avoid war in Europe and against Japan and try and build up Russian industry while trying to put large Russian populations in all areas of Russia. Maybe make speaking Russian and being an Orthodox Christian give families slight tax benefits to encourage adoption of Russian culture.
Even if I die horribly with my family the hope will be that there are enough Russians spread among the non-Russian areas of Russia that even if the countries break away one day there are still Russians there. It gives future Russia the chance to control the break away countries using the Russian people there or it allows us to pull similar shit like Crimea.
Make sure the archduke of austria DOESNT go to serbia. Make sure jews dont get into power and get a giant garrison next to my palace with all the security I can afford. Make guns illigal.
wew lad are you actually Russian?
>Make sure jews dont get into power
Jews in Tsarist Russia were already banned from basically every job imaginable and Nicholas II did nothing to change this policy.
>Make sure jews dont get into power
the reason why Jews joined Bolsheviks in the first place was that Nationalists/Monarchists/Conservatives despised the Jews
they had no other option, really
>expecting the G*rmanic to be peaceful without a show of force
Abdicate the throne and become the worlds richest NEET.
why would you do that when there's no anime to jerk off to yet
Because there would be no anime as emperor either. Maybe I would just try to finance animation and try to accelerate it's development.
Yes, and then placate the peasants with it, thus preventing commies from taking over
this desu
let the people govern themselves
Send my youngest daughter to live in the United States, find Stalin/Trotsky/ & Lenin and have them killed.
Do this:
So profound
"the only winning move is not to play. t.user"
Save the fucking faberge eggs first and foremost
Fuck my daughters and kill rasputin first.
Russia is so unreally pretty beyond the Urals. Probably the prettiest nature in the world.
>clean out the treasury and flee to America
Russia is a shithole and he knew it better than anyone. Let the reds have the place a couple of decades early.
me on the right
Enjoy your bear cancer from swimming in radioactive siberian lake all your life
>brainlet doesn't know the difference between Siberia and Far East
Take the money and the senpai and move the Switzerland.
>Reform Russia into a Constitutional Monarchy
>Ban communism, allow SRs
>Implement agrarian reforms or even better let the SRs do it for you so you can save face
>Invest heavily into education
>Take part in battles but don't overrule your Generals so that nobody can blame you for the defeat
>Punish pogroms against Jews and other minorities
>Cultivate strong alliances towards France, Britain and USA to contain Germany
>Settle Siberia and Central Asia, complete the Trans-Siberian Railroad, exactly as in our timeline
>Don't rely on a fucking witch doctor for your son's illness
>Try to produce another backup male heir
>Focus on getting that sweet foreign investment, particularly towards industries, Russia's attractive agricultural exports and lucrative Baku oil
>Focus on electrification and improving infraestructure
BAM! Democratic, developed capitalist Russia by 1970
Nah. I just realise that if I'm Nicky and I want Russia and Russians to remain powerful and not lose their entire empire they need to remove the separatist groups.
Not much use in trying to modernise, create middle class and increase literacy among the average Russian if Russians aren't the majority of my citizens. Best to avoid going the way of Austria-Hungary after a nasty war, or the way of the USSR after a nasty cold one.
Just look at France and Germany, they were very successful in this way. Sure Its more realistic to have Belarusians and Ukrainians become linguistically and culturally Russian than it is to have everyone else do the same but thats why genocide and coercive cultural assimilation exists (think islam but with Russians).
Hell, Ireland and Scotland are probably proof that you can make some groups culturally similar so that they aren't even Irish or Scottish anymore and they still want independence. Maybe genocide really is the answer.
>Invest in railroads to improve logistics in case of a war.
>Try to team up with Germany to dismember AH, avoid getting into a war with Germany at all costs.
>Restrict pan-Slavic aspirations to only include eastern and western slavs, not southern slavs, at the absolute maximum.
>Grant various worker protections and such ASAP so that the workers view me as their protector from evil capitalists like peasants viewed me as their protector from evil nobles.
>Engage in land redistribution so that the rural peasants love me more, really as an excuse to further liquidate the old nobility.
The key to avoiding getting coup'd is that the urban lower class (and the soldiers) like me. A tiny group of revolutionary agitators is useless without an angry mob of peasants.
The problems Russia faced in 1917 were basically all of the problems the rest of Europe faced in 1848, but communism was the hip new ideaology instead of nationalism. Get urban poor on your side with higher wages/better working conditions/better hours and you won't have to worry about at thing, especially if you aren't getting btfo in a war.
perfidious albion
Listen to everything Rasputin says, he's like a wizard or something, he probably knows best
>Be Russia
>Have no major land borders with the world's greatest maritime power
An embargo would probably do more damage to Russia than a land invasion by Germany.
>not fucking Rasputin and killing your daughters
>Grant poland, ukraine, belarus and the baltics finland more autonomy to ensure loyalty
No way, they would have ever become loyal. Maybe Ukraine or Belarus, but the other nations listed were completely different nations who didn't desire any less than being independent.
There is no way the multiethnic nations like Russia, Austria-hungary or the Ottomans could have survived the early 20th century
Look at Catalunya. there is no way you can buy the loyality of someone who ever considered you as oppressor
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