What is the best philosophy?
What is the best philosophy?
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Fundamental Christian worldview based on a strong Biblical foundation.
true centrism
Stoicism so you can deal with all the bullshit in this world
Antinatalism because life is suffering
Gnostic Humanism
Very good
Very good
Can't fault it
This is winning right now
just being urself
Enlightened antisemitism
Legalistic republic that isn't afraid to dirty its hands with the blood of commied
Give example please
Good, but not for everyone (at least not in today's age)
Define please
Also, Neoplatonism is top tier. If I HAD to pick just one, it might be that one.
Law of the Jungle
Fully automated luxury gay space gommunism.
Isn't Neoplatonism just Christianity with a Greco-Roman gloss?
Neoplatonism was retroactively "baptized", as it were, by Augustine and Simplicanus, but they themselves were not Christians.
>stuff that we can sense, feel or have a general concept of is true
>you know that stuff that feels good? do that stuff
>you know that stuff that doesn't feel good? don't do that
>also bromances are fucking dope
Epicurus is functional, and I do love how much they value friendship, but I really do not like their Epistemology
oh also their theology is straight up goofy. If it were simpler one could think that they were just slapping something together to hide their Atheism and not get killed by the State, but its far too developed for that, and instead is just weird
the stuff that i believe.
won't bother explaining to you though. suck it.
yeah it's definitely problematic, even though there's a lot of good stuff in there
the main issue that a lot of greek philosophers had was that there were holes in his logic addressed after he died, and his followers filled those holes, and there were often contradictions in those
even reading about him, a lot of the material discussed is an internal debate over which of his followers offer a more valid point to counter the holes in his philosophy
yeah, it really felt like god in their philosophy was a huge exception that was just assumed to exist, and their concept of "worlds" is neat stuff but pretty odd
but his quasi-hedonistic moral values were really simple and functional, as you said
in principle it's a good philosophy but I feel like simplifying it to "it feels good so do it" could easily lend itself to hedonism
Lucretius really did a lot of develop some of his weaker points, but I often wonder how much of his developments followed the "spirit" of the law and not just the letter. Its all perfectly consistent, and Lucretius knocked it out of the park with the naturalism and "don't fear the gods or death" aspects of the philosophy, but was a little scornful when it came to the "superstitious" whereas it always feels like Epicurus wants to help them to live better without judging them in the process.
Epicureans WERE hedonists, just not in the sense that we understand the word today. He considered the greatest pleasure to be the absence of pain. Once basic utility was satisfied, anything else was excessive and problematic.
fixed for accurate reflection of internet discussion
there are many philosophies, politically, spiritually, morally, etc. which operate between the extremes championed by popular theories.
However, there is only one such philosophy which explicitly defines itself as not having the convictions it sees as harmful in others, and that is "centrism."
If centrists had a firm, broad set of convictions, they would define themselves through what they believe in.
If you are a centrist, what qualities define your worldview and your beliefs?
centrist just means people who have normie political views and don't consistently side with one party.
Scientific Taoism, which provides a foundation for all of the rest of philosophy to stand upon and is grounded in phenomenological experience.
There are two modes of consciousness, being and doing. Being is "being in the present moment," which mindfulness meditation cultivates: past and future are not experienced, only a singular ever-present experiential moment, and instantaneous change in this moment. Doing is the mode of thinking, planning, remembering, and anticipating, where there is a singular line of time, a temporal dimension, and moments are snapshots of it much like frames of a film strip. These are two different reference frames of moment and time, where one is the fixed point of reference and the other variable.
This duality isn't a mere psychological construct, but has been formalized in calculus, the mathematical study of change, as integrals (cumulative change) and derivatives (instantaneous change.) The fundamental theorem of calculus that shows that these are fundamentally related and inverse processes akin to addition and subtraction.
Western and Eastern philosophies tend to emphacize either cumulative or instantaneous change at the expense of the other. In Eastern philosophy the ego is considered an illusion as it is absent in the being mode (it requires temporality to conceptualize, only the present moment is deemed to exist, and spacial integration in the present moment (the whole, parallelism) is the ultimate truth. In Western philosophy the ego is considered the most real of all things (I think, therefore I am,) logic and the linguistic is emphacized, meaning (change in the ego over time) is central to existence, and the moment is an illusion, as it is gone the moment it exists; only the linear dimension of time truly exists.
Scientific Taoism defines the instantaneous and cumulative as the essence of yin and yang, and seek to unify and balance Eastern/Western and being/doing. It is the apparent conflict between these two that is an illusion, the instantaneous and cumulative are complimentary and mutually dependent. This fundamental error in the understanding and application of the nature of time is the source of many cultural and individual problems, for example global corporate capitalism is a hyper-doing that consumes the present, literally a system based upon the establishment of material accumulation as the central organizing factor of society.
>have normie political
>don't consistently side with one party
except being born and bred into siding party, or at least remaining with a single political party for most of your life is an extremely normie thing to do
Watch Louis Theroux: Miami mega jail
Pic related?
If protestant than kys, if anything else than good
Pessimism combined with Asceticism
>than good
>meme philosophy
>calls others gross and children
I think I nutted a little
Non-pacifistic esoteric Buddhism.
>Not being a hedonist
Get a load of this pleb
Unbelievably patrician. Though I will say i think most other eastern religions/ philosoohies (advaita, vedanta, buddhism, zen, chan, etc) are extremely patrician and unironically the truth.
every other answer is incorrect
Humanism, anything else is nihilism.
Christianity is jewified Greco-roman thought friendo
I embrace the absurd beauty of life, and empower my ego so that my 'will' be done. For I know my reality is but will as representation. I am the subject of existence not the object of institutions.
>being within the realm of good and evil
Person would be a better word.
why are there so many autistic christweebs on this board
all evidence to contrary
>Lucretius really did a lot of develop some of his weaker points, but I often wonder how much of his developments followed the "spirit" of the law and not just the letter. Its all perfectly consistent, and Lucretius knocked it out of the park with the naturalism and "don't fear the gods or death" aspects of the philosophy, but was a little scornful when it came to the "superstitious" whereas it always feels like Epicurus wants to help them to live better without judging them in the process.
It's hard to really say how much of Lucretius differs from Epicurus, since so little of Epicurus' work survived.
Preparing for the end of Kali Yuga.
Have fun, no matter who gets killed
Humanism is a pussy Religion
Secular Stoicism.
Epictetus sans the Gods
>you either have to be on my side or fit the strawmanned position of my enemy
This meme is so nasty
Everytime I see it I feel an urge to vomit
Let's just shitpost about the ones we personally don't like.
Dialectal materialism
Weakest attempt at terrorism I've seen lmao
Human Supremacy, with a focus of physicality.
Only humans matter, everything else is a slave or a pet in some way or another. Humans are defined strictly by having human DNA, so sentient shit like aliens, devils, hyper-advanced dolphins, etc. deserves no rights.
As for physicality, that goes into ethics. Don't do stuff that physically hurts humans. Hurting people's feelings or hurting someone emotionally or spiritually or whatever is bad, but you don't need to be punished for it, only physical harm matters. Hurting non-humans like abusing animals or killing puppies for fun is not to be punished, but you still shouldn't do it (but you can with no real repercussions, because, again, non-humans get no rights).
Why do centrists trigger LARPers so hard?
>Eat too little
>Eat too much
>Eat a balanced amount of food
>Live a perfectly fine and happy life
Shit, forgot about money and property. Don't wreck shit that doesn't belong to you and don't steal things. That falls under human's property being protected from other (but not from its own owner, you can burn your own money and kick your own dog if you want)
>neoplatonist metaphysics
>taoist phenomenology
>kierkegaardian ethics
With consciousness the Darwinian process of variation, selection, and expression/reproduction had found a way to bend over and apply to itself in a recursively self-improving way; the creative force of the material universe has created self-creators. Will is selection and representation expression, what you are missing is variation, which is questioning. Without variation there can be no evolution, change stagnates, which is why excluding it is dangerous as a philosophy. Variation is chaos, and selection ordering, without both you either have an incoherent mess or an undifferentiated lump of sameness, nihilism in two different flavors.
We take questioning for granted and as trivial, we are obsessed with postulates and are mostly interested in questions as far as they can summon the postulates or quests we "desire." Questioning is synonymous with awareness, contemplate the spotlight of your awareness as a question mark, a query, a request for information and you will see the truth of this. Self-awareness is our questioning questioning itself, us applying our creative powers to our own being. Make a science of yourself, methodologically question everything about your existence. The ego isn't an illusion nor ultimate reality, but a construct, a work of art that one can either co-create with existence using self-inquiry, or have it written for them by circumstance and blind desire.
Education in the future will be focused on helping people question to the fullest and most effective way they can. The current social state which makes a mockery of human potential is due to the enslavement of questions by postulates, this is the essence of religion and ideology. kiriakakis.net
This so much.
refusing to accept a package deal, not acting according to tribal hiveminds =/= golden mean faggotry or being a "moderate"
centrism is a spook
everyone gets mad at everyone else with different ideologies
Pic related
isn't nihilism inherently optimistic?
Nietszche was a faggot
I'm pretty sure it's just a term to describe the idea that life has no intrinsic value, said idea can be incorporated into some other worldview. If that idea on its own is your philosophy and you proclaim to be one, then you're either edgy or in despair.
Beyond good and evil p6:
>(...) there may even be puritanical fanatics of conscience, who prefer to put their last trust in a sure nothing, rather than an uncertain something.
>But that is Nihilism, and a sign of a mortally wearied soul, notwithstanding the courageous bearing such a virtue might display
Nietzsche himself mocks nihilism and his views can even be described as anti-nihilist. Ascribing to the idea but understanding it's you who creates solid values to give life meaning could be called positive nihilism or some shit but who'd want the negative connotations from the term
Hobbesian hierarchal capitalism
I don't know how to call it, but basically just making the whole human race as well as livestock constantly being high in some psychoactive substance which would :
-Make any labor seem fun
-Eradicate hate and aggressiveness
-Make people indifferent towards having two kids maximum in their lifetime.
That's it. The end of philosophy. Everybody is happy forever and we can live in peace of intellectual struggle.
Let's do it. I'll get the drugs, you convince everyone to take them.