If the US hadn't fought Vietnam and supported right wing dictators in Latin America and Southeast Asia, would a massive spread of communism have posed a threat to the Free World?
Domino Theory
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how so
Well the Philippines toppled their right wing dictator...and they're still non-communist. So it was all for nothing, really, just a lot of lives fucked up.
>Mfw a Populist Leftie is in power in the Philippines right now.
GG btw.
what about cases like Chile, where the alternative was an Allende, or in Indonesia
If the USA did not fight Communism, who would? It was spreading during Carter. Reagan put an end to it. Had the USA continued withdrawing during the Cold War like Carter did, more nations would be influenced by Communism rather than Americanism, and we'd be all Communists today. Even the USA.
All I know is Southeast Asia was safe. Those shitholes have traditions & beliefs that were just inimical to communism to thrive.
Vietnam was special because the Vietnamese Socialists became fucking desperate and latched on to Commies in their bid to rid France.
>because some Latin American shitholes become communist the USA will too
Do you fear the Hispanic warrior?
>Southeast Asia was safe
>Pol Pot
>Pathet Lao
Not to mention that Sukarno and Nehru were basically in the Soviet sphere even if they weren't orthodox commies
>Soviets create a string of nations that can be used to channel arms and supplies to communist malcontents
>Do this in America's backyard
>When one nation falls, it spreads to another
Just look at all the international activity Cuba did ffs, commies have a nasty habit of not minding their own shit
Pol Pot was supported by the USA though, surely he can't count as part of a domino theory when their own foreign policy legitimized him
>Cede the world to one super power
>Get surprised their influence increases
You learned nothing?
Disregard that example then. What abut Inejiro Asanuma? You still haven't confronted the other examples.
>Pol Pot
>Pathet Lao
Literally Vietnam installing those people.
But I doubt major Southeast Asian countries wouldve fallen to Commies, like Muslim SEA, Catholic Philippines, and Burma/Thailand.
>Sukarno and Nehru
Someone doesn't know what "Third World Non-Aligned" meant.
Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge was propped up by Vietnam.
>Ever in danger of being communist.
Jesus fucking Christ, someone took that stupid assassination meme seriously.
>Inejiro Asanuma
You mean the guy who was unpopular even within his own socialist party for being a chinkaboo faggot and had no chance of winning an election? There's a reason the LDP has held Japanese government almost continuously
Vietnam fucking invaded Democratic Kampuchea you brainlet
>A China fucked up by the effects of the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution could politically dominate a prosperous Japan in the 60s.
This is your brain, on /pol/.
Actually had no clue he was so unpopular, so my bad on there.
>Literally VIetnam installing those people
The US literally backed Pol Pot against Vietnam when they invaded. And even assuming you're correct, doesn't the fact that Vietnam installed those people prove that the Domino Theory is right- that if Vietnam becomes communist, Vietnam will then influence communist movements in its neighboring states? Kick down enough states and pretty soon the US has lost its strategic allies and may even become communist itself.
Cambodian and Vietnamese communism never really got along, the Cambodians resented the Vietnamese using their territory for the Ho Chi Minh trail and acted entirely on their own. They're both descended from the Viet Minh though, but they were mostly armed by America as well because they needed someone to fight the Japs
The Philippines actually had one of the worst Communist Rebellions in SEA- the HUKS-, but a Joint effort by the CIA and the Philippine Armed Forces broke their back in the early 60s. Which is why the Americans were confident they can do the same in Vietnam.
Nowadays there are still Communist rebels in the Philippines, but its our own fucking fault because the Marcos Dictatorship's crony capitalism drove a lot of people- peasants mostly- to think that communism wasn't so bad after all. But it was never as powerful as the HUK movement.
They're still active but pretty weak. There were major arrests of Communist Leaders a few years ago, but it all went to fucking shit because Duterte wanted to be popular among the Leftists for his election. That fucking hick.
>Soviet Sphere
Indonesia was non aligned and stayed neutral
>That time Lansdale sent people to give coffee and chocolate to the Huk protestors and laced it with laxative
NPA commies are pretty much privileged college kids that LARP as revolutionaries.
In theory yes, but historically no. The turn to communism was less due to neighboring powers influencing regime change and more due to internal forces rallying against exploitation from western powers. If the US had entered a dialogue with Northern Vietnam instead of pursuing all-out military action they could have acted as an arbiter of conflict in the region and as a liaison between europe and its periphery states in the pursuit of post-colonial societies. Sure there were some socialist elements which the US would have had to concede to, but a semi-capitalist ally is better than a fully communist enemy which has to be eradicated. Not to sure about South America though, but exploitation from corrupt politicians was also a big issues there, you'll find that people care more about their immediate well being than the auspices of a foreign power -capitalist or soviet.
USSR =/= communism
Only Khmer Rouge were more communist.
> Communism rather than Americanism, and we'd be all Communists today. Even the USA.
What a gross over estimation of USSR foreign policy
SEA was a hotbed of communism 2nd only to Latin America before USA came along
I can't speak for Southeast Asia but there really was an insignificant presence or semblance of a threat of Communism in the mainland Central America countries. The only and I mean only reason the US was down there was to basically be Los Zetas for the United Fruit Company.
That's Bagong Alyansang Makabayan.
NPA are mostly peasants and children of NPA members.
>communism doesn't work and is for children
>if we didn't commit mass illegal regime change we'd all be communist
I think King of the Hill summed up US actions during the Cold War better than anyone else ever could
Yes. The blow to the morale of the communist cause was enormous. About 1/10 adult men in North Vietnam died in combat and more died indirectly due to the disruption in food and medicine. The disgruntled factory worker in Thailand wanted none of it.