Did Joan of Arc really look like Ramona Flowers?
Did Joan of Arc really look like Ramona Flowers?
No, she was a saber clone
maw bruh she was anime
>boob plate armor
We have descriptions of her. She was short and in good shape, she had black hair, somewhat tan skin, as well as small breasts apparently. She wasn't said to be beautiful but appealing looking, which I assume means she was on the "cute" side rather than "pretty".
Glorified cheerleader
t. shakespeare
some white slut who got burned at the stake for worshipping greek gods.
I knew someone who sort of looked like that
Never had a crush on her, but I did find her attractive and I do have fetish about those features
Should I post pic
Post pics pls.
Cheerleaders don't return to the battlefield after taking an arrow between their neck and shoulder while storming battlements.
>believing French propaganda
Yeah, Joan of Arc never even existed, she was completely made up by the French.
She did exist, she was just a glorified cheerleader, Pierre.
The real question is why would you make a thread about Joan instead of a superior waifu of the Hundred Years War like Bertrand du Guesclin, Geoffrey de Charny, or Boucicaut?
Come now you must share with the rest of the class... we're all waiting.
>Did this established 15th-century historical figure really bear a passing resemblance to a character from a shitty film adaptation of a comic book?
Her nickname was Snow White. Also a massive weeaboo.
She looks like a trap
The Saint Witch
Historically why have female warriors been glorified? You'd think that men, especially in earlier times, would have seen it as embarrassing if anything that they had to be "saved" by young women.
>dark hair
>slightly androgynous
>dirty weeb
Why didn't you jump her bones?
Because they are like a dude, but with lady parts. Also fit chicks are good in the sheets.
I generally do not like thick eyebrows on women, but it kinda works for her.
She can get it, I guess.
1. I found her annoying 2. I had a crush on someone else 3. Why do you think I'm still browsing Veeky Forums?
Get what?
The dick.
Wht did Charlie traveled forward in time to save some D*tch Jew when he should have gone back in time to stop the *nglos from burning a proper French Catholic?
what are your source about black hair . I thought that the color of his hair are a mistory ?
filthy anglo never forget , why germanic love to kill qt so much . romance people are much more romantic
I agree with that. She's remembered over Du Guesclin and the Bureau brothers because GURL WARRIOR XDD
Not the other user, but I've read it in Sven Stolpe's "The Maid of Orleans". He also spoke on how a great deal of the French soldiers were attracted to her but feared her mysticism and image. Lots of confused feelings and boners, I imagine
You're probably just gay.
She's remembered because her story is a lot more epic and original. And yes, being military successful as a woman AND as a peasant is pretty fucking amazing, especially in the middle-age
are you joking? they suffered her at councils and she spoke there
No matter what she looked like, she looked burnt at the end of it all.
I thought she was supposed to have big titties.
Her breasts were described as beautiful. Given what we know about art at the time, smaller breasts were seen as more attractive. And besides flat is justice.
>Also a massive weeaboo.
is she single?
If that's the case people back then had good taste. I wonder what happened, cowtits are ugly and sag and have massive black muffin nipples yet are glorified nowadays.
Why does she look Jewish?
>STILL falling for frog propaganda
Never change
Japaneses should write an otome based on her and her harem of devous knight.
flat =/= small
Just animate it
You mean askhenazi?
Anglos will get the rope
Because she's french
>Her squire d’Aulon helped her into her armor every day that she was in the field and it was he who dressed her wounds. He testified that he often saw her naked legs and breasts and that". . . she was a young girl, beautiful and shapely. ..’ D’Alençon said ". .. I slept with Joan and the soldiers ‘on the straw,’ and sometimes I saw Joan get ready for the night, and sometimes I looked at her breasts, which were beautiful." Yet -- all of Joan’s men -- Jean de Metz, Bertrand de Poulengy, d’Alençon, d’Aulon, Thibault; the men who slept on the ground beside her and saw her in her lovely nakedness, were adamant that they never felt carnal lust for her. Thibault elaborated that while they sometimes felt a carnal urge for Joan, they "never dared give way to it.." They saw a saintly goodness in her and it was shame that prevented them from making advances on her. They felt an exalted pure love for her that they could not bear to sully with carnal words much less deeds.
An ENTIRE ARMY of beta orbiters
Glorified cheerleader.
That depiction of Joan looks better than Ramona Flowers
Joan is really an interesting figure, I wonder how she was as a person to have such an effect on people
Its no wonder she's a saint
Are you going to post her in every Joan thread?
Jk she's pretty, post her as much as you want, she probably wouldn't like it tho.
also she is amazing because her goal was very clever and not impossible, crown the king in orléans. Honneslty i do not know how i would feel as an anglo that even god want them to loose.
Too bad the English were alpha and banged her bumhole
A PURE saint
Probably because she had some Jewish ancestry.
I knew it
>Without Joan of Arc receiving a schizophrenic vision from God at that critical moment America would have not existed on this Earth
>Niggers see statue
>Are too stupid to know which it is
You can't stop Jannu
To be fair Joan of Arc was a right-wing Nazi who supported pogroms against Jews and helped launch slavery as a market.
Not a race, retard
The Bureau brothers' story involves more Hollywood-worthy shit than Jeanne's story.
The battle of Castillon alone could be made into a fucking Michael Bay movie..
What? No we have descriptions that basically said she had a nice body with nice tits and was pretty damn attractive but had such a pure, divine aura about her that none of her men dared to make a mood thinking they'd be pissing off God if they did.
Some people just have innate charisma. Joan's fierce patriotism, willingness to put herself in danger, mingling with the common soldiers and embrace of new technology (cannons) to brutal effectiveness probably helped.
Plus Joan was fairly bloodthirsty. She'd give you a chance to surrender or she'd slaughter your town and she was not bluffing about it..
i hope they change the name of st louis , to ashamed to see the comportement of the current population in the city named in honor of our most holy king.
Damn, she was a proto confederate?
France was once considered “The Mother of the Church”. No more.
lol no, it's "the eldest daughter of the church"
>Given what we know about art at the time, smaller breasts were seen as more attractive.
wtf im a reactionary now