What went wrong with segregation?
What went wrong with segregation?
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Dehumanized black people
Black Americans were separate, but not, in fact, equal.
>inb4 /pol/tards say there was nothing wrong with segregation
Basically OP black people got tired of living like second class citizens
Important fact white people also got tied of treating them like second class citizens.
It didn't send the blacks back to Africa.
If people wanted to be segregated you wouldn't need a law.
Most but not all white people
It ended.
Wallace didn't even believe that, he just said it to get elected.
>if people didn't like murder you wouldn't need a law
why do they complain now about "gentrification" isn't that the opposite of segregation? also why fight so bad to get to be around white people and stuff if they hate them so much?
It raises property value to the point that they can't afford to live there anymore and are forced to move
It ended
The economy changed. You'd hire a negro to port suitcases or they want to spend money in your store then some hick would sperg out over it and you'd think "hmm ok".
The problem wasn't really desegregation, it was civil rights, which should have never been allowed.
It's the other way around bucko. While there were Jim Crow laws in the South, most people in America segregated voluntarily. You could legally refuse to have black tenants as a white landlord. And this voluntary segregation ended through law.
Get a job then
You solved gentrification, get this man a Nobel Prize!
so you'd rather live in a place with low property values than high property values? you are complaining about people literally raising the standards of living
also, every scientific study on gentrification shows that not only do poor people move out in lower rates than they would in "non gentrified" neighborhoods but these same neighborhoods were more attractive to poor minorities and that they raised the incomes of the minorities living there
so when whites move out its white flight and racist, but when they move in its gentrification and also racist? it looks more like this isnt really an issue about segregation, but people with weird racial inferiority complexes and insecurities who want to kill whites, so how is segregation a bad thing again?
Money. If black people are going to black owned businesses you aren't getting any of their money. By making it acceptable for them to come to your store you get their money and can kill the black owned business by being able to undercut them and survive, and when all the black owned businesses are dead you raise the prices back up.
>solved gentrification
There is nothing to solve, gentrification is a positive thing. Literally cleaning up destroyed neighborhoods and getting rid of gangs and drug addicts. Do you know what NYC was like before the 90s? Literal shithole.
I've moved three times in the last 7 years since college to follow my career. What makes these darkies think they have some right to stay in a particular place regardless of their ability to pay?
Desegregation was merely a grab at white wealth.
>black schools paid for by black tax dollars are poor due to blacks being poor
>"desegregate" and suddenly white tax dollars flow into black school systems
>"desegregate" and blacks can now forcibly enter into white businesses
They just wanted white money
I'm not saying that, I'm just saying that it is a side effect
and i'm saying this side effect is often times for the vast majority overblown or just made up, read even leftist sources admit the so called gentrification phenomenon is usually not harmful and a lot of times a positive for the people living there
It means that poor people have to move as the value of rent and Cost of living increase. It's not a urban thing only it happens in rural areas too (like San Fran workers trucking up house prices in irrelvant towns)
>live in a fucking shithole
>your house is worth 20k because it's a complete dump
>rich white homosexuals come into your neighborhood and start buying up houses
>soon the entire neighborhood is great
>you can now sell your house for 80k based on the neighborhood value alone
What's the drawback?
the fact it wasn't in reality equal and never would be in the south or probably anywhere in the US e
Slumlord has rentsa palce out, barely does anything to upkeep thep alce, is absenta lot of the times.
Suddenly middle class people/yuppies/hipsters with fund money want to move in urban tholes because they are desperate for a place to live in. Slumlord ramps up rent prices to kick out old tenants and does upgrades to woo new more rent paying people to come in.
poor just move into the next place with low rent. It solved the issue of a bad neighborhood but just more the "badness" into another part of the city or god forbid a surburb.
Most don't own the place and that is especially so for blacks (who in the past couldn't become homeowners or had bullshit thrown their way to make homeowning a massive exercise in bullshit coping with redlining and banks being assholes)
>when a shop owner can deny you service if you have a brownish tan
Non-owners deserve to get fucked. On that I won't budge.
>bank is why I don't own a house
>Ronald Reagan is why I smoke crack
>cops being raciss is why I got arrested 7 times
>slavery is why I'm violent and poor
Is there ANYTHING negative about black people that black people are actually responsible for?
i will again refer you to and the instances you two describe are usually pretty rare as every study on this has shown and aside from egyptsearch tier blogs no one will seriously say these are the representative for what happens when a neighborhood gets """gentrified""" as i said even leftist websites admit the end results of gentrification are positive with people moving out below the levels of non gentrified neighborhoods and a rise in income, but hey its nice to see leftypol advocating for segregation
i wonder if most of these gentrification complaints are just the traditional black community leaders losing power to the growing hispanic population and their own leaders
also >muh landlords
you this guy? oy vey leftypol remember antisemitism is a fascist trait
It was ended
I'll start off by stating the obvious. This meme comes from 4 chan, which has a bad reputation for racist drivel. The meme concerns the Rhodesian Bush War, which is a topic that often attracts a certain type of commentary fetishizing the tactics and efficiency of the Rhodesian military and ignoring political or racial aspects of the war. The meme purports to tell "something I read" but doesn't actually provide a citation to back it up, and makes sweeping statements.
All of those factors raise red flags, and your skepticism is warranted.
The ZAPU armed wing Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA) received extensive materiel support and training from the Soviet Union, with the notion that ZAPU would form a conventional army to take on the Rhodesian armed forces head-on.
But, I hasten to mention that this meme's conclusion that
none of them knew what a sight was for, they think that choosing the higher number makes the gun shoot harder.
is highly implausible, and I read it as racist hogwash.
In fact, for all of the faults of the Rhodesian regime in the 1960s and 1970s, it did strive to provide a decent standard of education for black subjects. To quote William Reno3:
By 1959 Rhodesia’s segregated education system served 80 percent of seven- to fifteen-year-old African children, very high by African standards of that time. Primary and secondary schools were operated mainly by religious missions, although the state provided limited funding (about the same amount as provided for white pupils, who were one-sixteenth as numerous). In that same year, the country had twenty-four African secondary schools organized on the internationally recognized British Cambridge system. This differed radically from South Africa, where “Bantu education” was designed to produce unskilled and semi-skilled laborers.
The ""whites"" in that pic already look like the 56% face
What's your point?
You don't need a law.
Exactly. Gentrification is a nonissue.
The law isn't to prevent murder, it's to punish those that do.
>The law isn't to prevent murder
Actually it is.
This. It was inteded to be such, but it never actually was that way.
Then why can't we arrest people for thoughtcrime?
So basically, there isn't anything wrong with the separation. It's about equity. Government couldn't afford quality public services for both blacks and whites.
The solution? Drop the public services and let the market handle things.
Whites get shitty fountains, blacks get shitty fountains, they both start trading labor and capital while maintaining their own neighborhoods and eventually they get the water running.
Once blacks feel good enough they can secede entirely and form a country whose history they don't have to be ashamed of.
Queue Civil War Pt.II: The Finale
The thoughts of murder are handled by the thought of being arrested.
>Government couldn't afford quality public services for both blacks and whites.
>couldn't afford
More like in most cases couldn't be assed to do it
That's what they get for relying on government to provide public services! The solution is the same!
It was a stupid idea. Instead of killing off or relocating the jungle savages back to their continent we got the retarded idea to keep these things on our land and just seperate them from us. Look at the Caribbean they once had segregation and now those former white countries are some of the most dangerous shitholes in the Western Hemisphere.
What the fuck? The negro had already been seen as a troublesome chaotic form of man so why pretend as though they will one day act just like us? Why not remove them? Why keep them? WHY????!!!
The arrogance of the west european will lead to the ruin of his society.
user I don't think whites were going to provide it whether the government said so or not, and the blacks couldn't really do it because they had shit all in terms of money.
>white countries
What are you smoking? Caribbean colonies were always slave/native majority
Because we don't have a mind reading device.
Honestly who cares about the slave spawn. The actual proof of nigger subhumanity is what they do in Africa.
>former white
They were literally never white.
You're still conflating "public" and "private".
Public = government provides.
The idea is that whites and blacks without public aid will build their own schools and water fountains, nobody will provide for them.
Rich white guy doesn't want to share his money or hire black workers? Fine. That's his prerogative.
He might want to when they start offering cheap labor, but if not, that's his prerogative.
Similarly Blacks, not being tied to public funding, are free to create their own wealth, provided anti-competitive moves from racist monopolists are sufficiently blocked by good policy.
The fact that in the south there are quite a few black people, not as many as white, but many nonetheless and for some reason they wanted universal water fountain use cuz its pretty hot there.
The average salary you need to be middle class in the San Francisco bay area is $200,000 a year.
Are there a plethora of jobs offering $200,000 a year that the thousands of people who've been living there for decades should be getting but are just choosing not to?
its to do both
>using the most expensive city in America as an example
Move the fuck out of San Francisco then.
The bank thing is extremely documented.
Black Rhodies couldn't get jobs that weren't menial labour at all. getting into a high school and affording it was expensive (they have to pay out of pocket).
>hmm who should I hire. The Black man with the HS education (rare) or the WHITE man with the HS education? Tough choice.
>Similarly Blacks, not being tied to public funding, are free to create their own wealth, provided anti-competitive moves from racist monopolists are sufficiently blocked by good policy.
Black wealth got fucked hard in segregation era. Being successful is like putting a target on your head in many places down south and getting loans is easier said then done. They did do that stuff but they were gimped compared to white businesses. A lot of your posts seem to be based on extremely disconnected from reality autism.
If this was actually true the Civil Rights movement would have never happened and we'd still be segregated, because segregation is actually the ideal for a multicultural society.
No people would still want to interact with each other an not be a fucking parallel society. Like at its core it's pretty messed how intrusive it us in daily life.
>hmm do i pick the guy who got his education easy or the guy who had to face adversity and needed dedication to succeed
thats of course assuming the interviewer wasnt a total raciest
>implying """African""" Americans aren't even more mixed than the white Americans
What insecure European did this?
Segregation does not mean complete social isolation, it means separate institutions for different groups.
It's the ideal solution to dealing with ethnic tension caused by multicultural environments but people decided to throw the baby out with the bathwater instead of refining the system.
There's a good chance some of those people are second or third generation European immigrants.
>no Spanish
How prevalent were Spanish Americans back then?
>sending people who haven't seen West Africa in over a hundred years back to Africa (at the time of 1865)
I feel like you're a Slav.
Yes, the Bahamas, St. Kitts and Barbados are SUCH shitholes...
>You don't own your house
>landlord raises the rent as fast as he is legally allowed
>Your $400 a month apartment is now pushing $1,500 a month
>The only place you can find within your price range triples your commute
>You leave at 4am return at 8pm for a job that pays $12 dollars an hour
St. Kitts is indeed a fucking shithole. Never visited the other two but they're microscopic countries anyway.
>$400 a month to $1500 a month
Such a raise doesn't happen overnight so you have plenty of time to prepare, plus it's easy as hell to find a new cheap place in a big city. Also you have a lease agreement so you know what you're getting into unless you're one of those shitstains who have month to month tenancy in which case you should be shot. Speaking from experience (poorfag myself).
If america had maintained segregation, it would not be such a shithole today
>We didn't send blacks back to Africa
You do know that Liberia was a state founded by the United States and sent African-Americans back to Africa, right?
Should threads like these be allowed on /his? People are just going to shitpost their opinion rather than historical fact and go full /pol/.
There's some actual good discussion on the effects of gentrification going on though
They probably should have immigrated to Africa where they could like first class citizens instead.
>Americans will defend this
What would these guys say upon meeting modern day niggers?
>nixon will end this
It seems like many blacks had high aspiration back then, now they all want to play in NBA
Why are you generalizing all blacks to ghetto thrash? This is like generalizing all whites to trailer thrash. Both of you, learn to chill the fuck out.
Ignore them. They're either trolls or fresh off the train from r/imgoingtohellforthis.
what is "conspiracy to commit murder"
Yes, because the percentage of ghetto trash to blacks is exactly the same of white trash to whites. You get a gold star!!!!
not him but
i think what he's getting at is "the people will build their own roads" argument
he trying to say that government shouldn't have been involved save of implementing anticompetitive business laws.
i agree with this to a certain point but its assuming everyone has the same quality of education and material wealth. all this would have done was move blacks from government subsidised shanty towns to privately owned shanty towns.
> our land
> Africans are forcibly brought to America in 1600s
> Due to slave labor, America becomes agricultural and economic superpower
Fast forward 250 years
> Fucking Irish cannot even grow potatoes without starving half their people
> Come to America
> See black people
> Freak out
> This is our land! Our rights!
> All you Kneegros go back to Africa!
How about fuck you, we were here first.
but what about in places like paris where there is near total segregation of ethnic groups by their own choice, shouldn't we integrate new ethnicities into an umbrella identity like in the u.s.?
>mfw blacks have started resegregating themselves
Another twenty years and they'll be back in chains
You can tell who has never lived around blacks before, this cuck thinks the thugs arent the majority of niggers.
>it means separate institutions for different groups.
There will always be big disparities in those institutions. Also the majority will always dominate the minorities hard-core and get mist of the funding. It also adds ANOTHER layer to bureaucracy and red tape having to deal with twice the institutions and shit.
The system was refined and it was a complete shithole.