Was he Nordic?
Was he Nordic?
he was a kang
He was a turk
he was a slav
He was maybe probably greek and German
so can you guys explain this meme?
he was a latin speaking dalmatian peasant
come on
did you just assume my gender
Veeky Forums meme....someone posted the pic of fat bugs one day on Veeky Forums and someone innocently responded "bugs..easy on the carrots" and this post got a lot of responses and that was that. There really isn't much more behind it.
>Was he Nordic?
He did manage to fuck up the Roman Empire, so yes.
Literally FYROM not disgusting t*Urkick-Greek
Holy kek hahahahaha. He wasn't even Macedonian let alone a sl*v
Yes, every great leader in history was in fact a nordic among meds
Byzantine Greek LARPy-Roman Empire was NOT ruled by Nordics. This is why it was so pathetic until it died.
The WRE and the real Rome were Nordish-ruled, and they fell because they lost to more racially pure Nordid Germanic tribes.
>He doesn't even realize it was all one person
Well... I mean he WAS.