>try to liberate their asian bretheren feom European imperialism
>is sanctioned and provoked by Amerikkka
>Amerikkka plans to invade
>is forced to destroy the US pacific navy in a preemptive strike to buy time
>fight couragously against an superior enemy
>enemy comits countless of warcrimes against civilians and POWs
>get shit on for not feeding POWs even tho you could barely feed your own population
>Amerikkka firebombs and kills thousands of civilians
>gets two cities nuked
>are now a joke compared to their former self and is universally hated by all it's neighbours
They didn't deserve it desu
Try to liberate their asian bretheren feom European imperialism
chat shit, get banged lad
they should have actually tried to liberate their asian brethren from white imperialism by supporting the KMT and other nationalist movements in asia rather than wholesale invading
Stop invading your neighbors you stupid cunt
>>try to liberate their asian bretheren feom European imperialism
They were liberating Asia in the same way the Spanish liberated natives from the Aztecs.
nigga, what the japs did at nanking makes the einsatzgruppen look like the fuckin mousketeers
>Veeky Forums - Contrarianism Masquerading As History And "Humanities"
Veeky Forums is built on contrarianism.
>>is forced to destroy the US pacific navy in a preemptive strike to buy time
The American people didn't want war. Roosevelt did, but attacking the US first played right into his hands.
>are now a joke compared to their former self
True for a few decades after the war, Japan is doing very well now.
I know you're memeing but people still seriously use the argument that America's choice as a sovereign nation not to sell goods (specifically oil) to Japan, because they were chimping the fuck out and attacking countries with U.S. business interests, was an act of war
>japan is doing whery well now
Their culture has been polluted by american filth, they have the lowest birthrates in the world, feminised men and skyhigh suicide rates
Did the US even sanction Japan over China or was it because they took Indochina from Vichy France.
>fucking over the KMT with their autistic invasion when they were on the verge of crushing the commies
>looting and pillaging Nanking and countless other cities
>playing bayonet catch with Chinese babies
>liberating their Asian bretheren
Japs truly are the Krauts of Asia. No wonder they were such close autism pals.
>are now a joke compared to their former self
they are the third-largest economy in the world. they are much better now than as an empire
>>looting and pillaging Nanking and countless other cities
>>playing bayonet catch with Chinese babies
>unironically believing in allied and chinese propaganda
Pics or it never happend
t. Yoshimura Tamabayachi
>greedy western pleb thinks money is the only thing that matters
move out of your parent's basement and then you'll see how much wealth and prosperity matters
>liberate Asians from European colonialism
>invade independent China and massacre Chinks
Nah they deserve every amount of hate they get
Yeah, just like supplying the UK and Soviet Union wasn't an act of war against Germany, amirite?
>kill more flips during their couple years than the americans did during their decade long war there
I know some flips who’s relatives actually regret kicking the burgers out.
Oh yeah, by the eve of the occupation the americans weren't really that hated, since they didn't really rule how other colonial powers did. The Philippines had a functioning mostly-democratic government of its own with the governer general mostly keeping his veto powers to himself. Meanwhile, the economy was doing extremely well compared to other regional economies. When the remaining anti-american opposition manifested itself as japanese collaboration that sealed it, America was determined to be the best ever.
>kicking the burgers out
Philipines was already in the process of transitioning to independent country before japanese invasion.
the embargo didn't happen until after the invasion of Indochina in July 1940, but the US government had been working on it for at least 6 months before that
>Yeah, just like supplying the UK and Soviet Union wasn't an act of war against Germany, amirite?
it wasn't