Tell me about Max Stirner's philosophy.
Tell me about Max Stirner's philosophy
it me
Everything you don't like is a ghostly abstraction.
Do things to your own benefit. Don't hold beliefs in abstract concepts too closely and don't let them control you.
tell me the one about ghost stories
follow your cause, not the will of God or a king , or the law or anyone but your self. all morality is bull shit justification for someones else means to an end. all property is might makes right, so every thing belongs to you, just that you have yet to take power over it.
>straw man
if it be my will, then so be it.
is this any actual photos of him or is photography a spook too
Stop calling people brainlets unless you can show how they're wrong.
>follow your cause, not the will of God or a king , or the law or anyone but your self. all morality is bull shit justification for someones else means to an end. all property is might makes right, so every thing belongs to you, just that you have yet to take power over it.
'edge' is nothing more than a spook. Present a counterargument anytime, my property
>reddit, the philosopher
So he's obviously right then.
If anything, reddit is the community more constrained by social mores and hierarchy.
>everything I don't like is reddit
Is becoming a atheistic nihilist sociopath actually beneficial in real life outside of the internet meme?
thats not what his philosphy is about.
What is philosophy about?
acknowledging the socially constructed and mutable nature of law, morality and taboos.
Basically nominalism taken to its conclusion. Ideas lack a real substance, and thus shouldn't be put ahead of yourself (which you can be fairly certain has a substantial existence, at least to you). To this end you should consider the ideas present in your life (morals, existential purpose, society, even the notion of humanity as some sort of essence) in terms of how they relate to you, and see to it that these ideas ultimately serve your interests. On this it should be noted that empathy, loyalty, altruism, and even obedience are still ultimately necessary to the pursuit of yourself interest (we're social animals, and all of these are required to function successfully as such), but you shouldn't be sacrificing your own well being and interest to something that ultimately doesn't exist, and even if considered to exist is ultimately concerned primarily with its existence.
Yes and no. Focusing on 1 goal and throwing everything else to the wind is of course an advantage, however sociopaths are impulsive and self-avowed nihilists and people who take atheism super seriously are often easily distracted, they do not work hard towards their goal or they delude themselves into thinking they are and go off on a tangent.
Don't have to tell you, you can read it yourself.
I just like him for shitposting potential
That's a big forehead
He was right, but held back by his cultural baggage, believing he enjoyed acting in line with the morals of his day.
True egoism is realizing that you're the jackboot.
Nah. Getting wrapped up in hierarchy and power structures binds you to your will, limiting your ability to dissolve yourself.
Well, he called himself "Stirner".
Alasdair MacIntyre's book is probably an answer to him. Basically, we are living in a dark ages of "Ethics" and people don't understand what Ethics is and what is it good for.
why do fucking commies always act like they follow Stirner's philosophy when their shitty idealology is full of fucking spooks
Why does Stirner reject being part of a community and just label all ideaology as spooks?
>sees portait photo
It all makes sense now
>implying im a commie
Nihilism is literally the biggest spook debate me athiests
He doesn't, on either account.
He states outright that social interaction and all the behaviors involved are necessary to the pursuit of your self interest, so you'd have to be a part of a community (he makes distinctions between the general society as we see it now and egoistically healthy social units). He also only labels ideologies you attempt to put ahead of yourself, and treat as though they were intrinsically valuable ahead of yourself as spooks. He explains this point more clearly in Stirner's Critics, where he points out that he's not against morals, socialism, or what have you, only sacred morals, sacred socialism, or sacred what have you (as in, they've become untouchable, immutable, and "greater" than yourself).
I like this thread, I'm taking it for myself
Nihilism doesn't work at all. It just defaults to something else, which is usually hedonism and laziness or something similar.
Thats Beckett. There are no photos of him.
sorta dumb. You must realize you function within a society even if you know the normative rules are arbitrary. You can't just go around acting like this... You'll end up in jail.
bestiality is a spook
Ernst Jünger provided in his work "Eumeswil", which was heavily influenced by Stirner's ideas, a distinction between the Anarchist (who politically strives for anarchy) and what he calls the "Anarch", which is Jünger's interpretation of a Stirnerian character.
>The anarchist, as the born foe of authority, will be destroyed by it after damaging it more or less. The anarch, on the other hand, has appropriated authority; he is sovereign. He therefore behaves as a neutral power vis-à-vis state and society. He may like, dislike, or be indifferent to whatever occurs in them. That is what determines his conduct; he invests no emotional values.