just how big was the role of Sorel in the conception of these ideologies, including communism. It seems to make like his influence on last century is underplayed
Just how big was the role of Sorel in the conception of these ideologies, including communism...
>third position
all shit
This picture just serves to show how the third position is the worse political system ever tried in a civilised nation apart from the Khmer Rouge
Note how ~90% of these ideologies are total failures
>a bunch of irrelevant literally whos along with right-wing military dictators LARPing as leftists
What a bunch of cunts
Also what the fuck is the IRA doing up there?
Only Nasser and the I.R.A aren't shit
Oh yeah, let's look at really successful ideologies like liberalism and communism
>nearly all of the successful countries in the world are liberal democracies
Really makes you go hmm
PS liberal democracy and absolute monarchy are the only forms of government that actually work, meme ideologies are for children
Liberalism seems to be working fine desu.
>Obesity rates
>Addiction rates
>Suicide rates
>Constantly invading the middle East and North Africa to promote liberalism that fails and causes a massive reactionary event and civil war
>Fertility rates
>Mass terrorism
>Debt financing taken to it's most absurd extremes
>Replacing culture with consumerism
How could such BIG BRAINS fit such SMALL TRILBIES
lol no
Liberal regimes are transition phases between single-party states desu. They can only really survive if they can isolate a foreign enemy as responsible for the rise of one superior ideology or another, which is what the west is trying to do right now by pinning the rise of the alt-right on Russia.
All this will do, at best, is help the far-left rise, but one of the two sides is gonna win. Liberalism is FINISHED, only SJWism and the alt-right can survive past the 21st century desu.
You mean single-party states are an aberration in the norm of liberal society.
I disagree that every human on Earth should live the same life. I am a liberal.
>subscribing to the standard western ideology over obscure "third positions" makes you a fedoratipper now
realy mak u thing...
>implying SJWism isn't following to socialism/communism
But your meme understanding of politics probably can't tell the difference
That is exactly what I was implying, r*tard. Communism and/or fascism rule the future, liberalism's heyday is coming to an end, and it will not return afterward.
>the "norm" of liberal society
So I guess the only normal regimes in human history began in 1600's England, and maybe a weird phase in Song China that sorta looked like liberalism but not really?
>So I guess the only normal regimes in human history began in 1600's England, and maybe a weird phase in Song China that sorta looked like liberalism but not really?
The norm before the modern age was that the state didn't have that much influence over your life, while you had a direct influence over your own life - we were living like liberals and libertarians want at a lower level of technological development.
The aberration is when a violent idiot decides they know how you should live better than you for their benefit. The modern version is the single-party state, since today it's impossible to gain power without at least pretending people agree with you.
>feudalism was liberalism
u fkn wot
>The norm before the modern age was that the state didn't have that much influence over your life,
Only in relatively newer polities like England and Russia. Older states stack on bureaucrats and legislation, like qing china or the last dynasties of egypt, until the common man is nigh railroaded from birth. End Byzantium was infamous for its stiffling levels of state control, to the point where villages actively defected to the decentralized, newer-and-descended-from-a-tribe ottomans just to avoid the Roman yoke and arcane taxation policy. As a state ages, it stacks on superfluous cruft, arbitrary guidelines, needless taxes, regulation upon regulation and red tape around changing anything because it terrifies the top dogs. Thus, the state begins to lose competitiveness on the world stage.
The larger part of your life that had nothing to do with a violent bureaucracy was similar to the liberal and libertarian ideal.
In the modern age of hyper-powerful states, the game is about demanding and securing these rights from the state. Back then it was about remaining invisible to the state, since you didn't need it to live (except when another state was trying to kill you).
States are not losing competitiveness right now. And single-party states are the statiest of all states. The fascist ideal is every aspect of life being controlled by the state, and every aspect of the state being part of the same organization.