Stalin wasn't white. He was a light brown skinned Asian man (like me) who rose to dominate Europe. He might have got paler in old age but that is common. Even in the region I'm from a lot of us are pale as small children then we start becoming light brown for most of our lives but in our old age we become paler again. This is common in regions such as the Mediterranean, Iran, Caucuses, Punjab etc. As a light brown skinned caucasoidal asian person I'm am extremely proud of what my brother Stalin did when he ruled over so many wh*Tes. Wh*Tes in Imperial times thought they were so much better then us but he outsmarted them all
Stalin wasn't white. He was a light brown skinned Asian man (like me) who rose to dominate Europe...
Is there no limit to your LARPing?
How does it feel to be cucked by Georgians you tur*(d)s
Sorry I'm not Turkish.
>Uses wh*Te
>Not Turkish
Stop LARPing as one of our resident shitposters then, come up with your own bullshit
Then why use retarded ''wh*Te'' spelling
I admit Turks invented the wh*Te meme but it's pretty common on /int/ now, everyone uses it, I find it funny
>another insane asian mass murderer
add it to the list boys
Were all the famines just a plot to murder wh*Tes Maybe he even maximised the deaths in WW2 to murder the most wh*Tes possible. The brown mans anger must have been smouldering in his heart
Georgians and other peoples of the Caucasus are as white as, for example, Italians and Greeks. They are not as white as Nothern or Western Europeans, but they are not swarthy enough to be considered “brown”.
But are they wh*Te?
Whenever a brown man achieves something snow niggers claim he's white
Feel free to claim, no one wants a mass murderer in his race
No they arent
I always imagined him as descending from one of those steppe tribes that originally migrated from Western Europe and mixed with the local tribes.
Well you were wrong
Yeah I know I am but he jist gives me that vibe. Like when I look at some Afghan villagers and think abiut Alexander's army coming through and leaving behind their genetic features in the gene pool of that area.
>Stalin wasn't white
Of course he wasn't, he was from Georgia
They're not further from Estonians than Sicilians are.
Yes they are? Look at their position on both the x and y axis. They cluster with assyrians,iranians,kurds and turks. Are those people also white?
Georgians are white you light brown turd.
Also you clearly have deep inferiority issues. Seek medical help before you bomb your school mates, you fucking terrorist.
>Georgians are whi-
These people are definitely white. If they are not white then most people from southern Europe, the Balkans and a lot of people from eastern Europe are not white. I live in Bosnia and a huge amount of people here could pass as locals.
This was actually a big part of White propaganda, and later Nazi stuff. Stalin was portrayed as a swarthy beast.
If these people are white then turks are white
If these people are white then so are Turks,Armenians and Iranians?
>Alexander's army coming through and leaving behind their genetic features in the gene pool of that area.
So that is why they are all brown or do you think greeks were pale skinned people with blonde hair?
So many cuted there
Georgians and Armenians are Europeans if not "European"ish if only for their Christianity and long periods of being ruled by Russia imho
>being a Christian makes you European
The same race as white people, but with darker skin. Do you really think your race only had 3 shades of skin color to it?
>x aren't white
work evertime
> people unironically think people from Georgia ( country in ASIA) are white
No one ever said Stalin was white OP
Whiteness is entirely fuckin arbitrary and defined by the standards of the time. I would argue that because he was not part of the dominant Christian-Slavic culture Stalin would not be considered "white" by the standards of his time and place, along with Jews like Trotsky and Kaganovich or other Caucasians like Mikoyan and Ordzhonikidze.
But if Stalin would have moved to Alabama in the 1930s he wouldn't have had any trouble getting a table at a diner.