For me it's buying myself more time to spend with my family plus I want to give my folks a comfortable retirement.
What motivates you Veeky Forums?
My family are normies
Nothing is worth living for
Not missing out on putting disposable income into the next google.
So are mine but I love them all the same and I want to make the most of them while they're still around. Both my folks lost their parents young and I know how much they regret not being able to do the same.
Just to stop wageing. I've been doing this for ten years now and it never gets easier.
Enslaving all of mankind.
Well atm i'm pretty financially unstable. I make enough money but i got lots of bills. I work 2 jobs and go to school. I got a 60k student debt and about 7k in debt (cc,shopping websites etc). A few years ago i was a retard and just thought who the fuck cares lend all you can. Right now i got older and i hope wiser. When i finish my study in 1 year my debt will go from 60k to 30k. I hope with crypto trading to make myself more financially stable and comftorable. I want to use it to erase my debt and maybe even some more. I'm currently studying Dutch law so when i'm done i'm sure i will have a above average paycheck. But that's still a year atleast.
I just wanna laugh at all the nocoiners
whut? dutch law as an american? otherwise how the fuck do you end up with 60k student loans? studying is almost for free in europe?
buying a big car and having a 18yo gf
no creative motive
It's not free in The Netherlands...
It used to be alot cheaper yes, but they changed the system in where it now is a 100$ loan to get student money.
Having money to pay for my pilots license
The NEET life was boring me so i decided to get a hobby, becoming the Overgod of the Omniverse.
>Veeky Forums
>60k in het rood
Hoe krijg je dat voor elkaar, debiel? Wat doe je hier met zo'n grote schuld? En veel plezier met je studie. HBO rechten of uni?
last night's 10 millionaire user ama
I trade crypto out of boredom. It gives me meaning and something to waste time on. At least I make money doing it.
to be in Spain in two months for the birth of my child and rent apartment with girl who I knocked up :) and I got into crypto when it was at it's peak #rip
Congratz on your child, user.
dubs names your child
ok dubs, (if you would like then) name her and screencap, *if* I'm going to make it there and it's a normal name, I'll post proof
Ebin win
You sound like a nice guy. Never be a nice guy. They're the ones who realize the truth too late and an hero.
I can't sell a boy's name
t-the truth?