>all technological advancement is good
All technological advancement is good
Better to have something and not need than to need it and not have it
Yeah I’m sure glad we synthesized PCP
unironically this
>He's squeamish about the weak being ground to dust under the treads of progress and the ascension of the greater man.
>still believing in good
>the blind pursuit of truth as if it represents the ultimate good
It is...
...Not every application of technology is good.
Knowing how to kill billions often leads to knowledge of how to save billions, it's all a matter of what knowledge you act upon. Be it nuclear bombs and nuclear power, or genetically engineered viruses and cures for cancer.
Billions should not be saved, it only increases the amount of suffering in the world and guarantees that when collapse finally comes it will be much worse than it would be otherwise.
The crystallisation of everything that is wrong with humanity.
Go back into the cave.
All fun now, just wait
it is, fuck off
Early industrialization was terrible dude.
Are you still buying the muh luddits memes?
>including subhumans in your moral calculations
Fuck off kike, industrialization was horrific for the environment. We are killing the planet as we speak.
>muh mother earth
what? who the fuck says this?
>Something which contributes to distancing man from his extinction is bad
We only exist to survive, mate.
I'm way is the rape of nature good? Mother nature isn't why preservation is important. There is no justification for being destructive, especially when said destruction leads to increased emissions, dead oceans, and more trash.
>dude just destroy the planet you live on
Woah...so this...is the power...of capitalism
>better to have climate change inducing inventions
Good one buddy. Face it we would be better of as primitive 75 IQ tribal peoples.
>be a sciencefaggot
>science is good it brings us medicine, transport and we can send a cuck to the moon for no real reason
>same sciencefaggot
> wow lots of our inventions, I.e planes, cars, ect all cause climate change
>climate change is gonna kill us all!
> muh scientific advancement is good for humanity though
> one of those threads that i honest to god cannot tell if it is extreme right or extreme left
you guys need to just fuck already
the price of progress must be absolute
So it's better to have nuclear weapons than to not?
>muh deterrence
When other people have them?
When no one has them?
Still yes
Unabomber was largely right but there has to something of a golden mean between anprim barbarism and full-retard technological advancement.
Not sure what can be done though.
>west puts major controls on technological advancement
>china doesn't give a fuck and goes full AI etc