Can the Middle East be considered multicultural?

Can the Middle East be considered multicultural?

jews, arabs, persians, turks

yes, it's multiculutral

Well it has a lot of different cultures in it so... maybe?

Yes, very much. Shia, Sunni and Kurds faffing about comes to mind (the majority of the last being majority Sunni iirc).

it is, different countries, many religions coexist even though sometimes hardly. different languages, different ethnicities.


Definitely. Multiculturalism is one of the primary reasons why the Middle East is so unstable today.

How so?

Is there a more multicultural country in the world than Iraq? There are so many ethnic and religious groups: Sunnis, Shias, Arabs, Kurds, Turkmens, Assyrians, Yazidis, Shabakis, Jews, Chaldeans, Armenians, Circassians, Mandeas, Kawliya, Chechens, Sufis, Salafis, Catholics, Orthodox Christians. It’s crazy, no wonder there is so much sectarian violence in this country.

Middle eastern people are always fighting with each other so the answer must be yes.

this genetic difference between a a bedouin and a turk is about three or four times as large as between a sicilian and a swede.

Yeah, its also a major reason why its a shithole

Do you realize every developed piece of land has several cultures too?

No, you fucking retarded brainlet. The reason why there so much tension and ethnic conflicts in the Middle East; Iraq/Kurdistan, Shia vs Sunni, Muslims vs Jews is due to the British and French fucking everything over, shitting on their promises to the Arabs during World War I, and the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire which more or less stiffled normative growth within different regions under their control.

the middle east is not a singular entity and does NOT include "Istanbul", dummy.

Turkey is part of the Middle East.

daily reminder
that there's no such thing as "Middle East"
it's a term made up by crackers
the correct term is "West Asia"

this is the correct map
red: west asia
green: southwest asia

They're about as multicultural as Europe so yeah

genetics doesn't equal culture buddy

>muh Sykes-Picot
this meme needs to die
the real problem is americans funding terrorists during the cold war to stick it to the SU and its allies in the middle east

Anatolia is part of the Middle East, kind of but not really. Like the Caucasus mountains kind of are, but really you're stretching.

Istanbul is on the Eurasian plate.

Turkey might as well not even exist anymore.

It could (past tense, before Islam)

Nothing makes you hate people more than having to live next to them
t. someone who lives next to a housing project

All of colored pic: Southwest Asia
Green: Arabian peninsula


I mean, there are many different cultures inhabiting a certain region. Doesn't mean they value or like each other ... at all even

>no argument

How is the Middle East not multicultural today?

Compared to the Middle East before Islam? Are you being facetious or are you just stupid?

Religious and ethnic minorities really haven't faired well in the era of Middle Eastern strongmen dictators
They might be around but it's been getting more and more homogenized in the last 50 years

Because that is like saying "Asia is multicultural" when
>They all hate each other
>Just because they exist next to each other does not make them multicultural

You can say the same about Europe before Christendom.

So what? You must think I'm European or something, why raise such an irrelevant point?

But Asia is multicultural. I think you don’t understand what multiculturalism means.

>Asia is multicultural
the entire world is multicultural by your logic, you aren't saying anything meaningful

Nice non-sequitur.