Where do Christians get off pulling the 'muh persecution' card when they are worse the moment they get in control?
Where do Christians get off pulling the 'muh persecution' card when they are worse the moment they get in control?
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Human nature
Crypto-kikes gonna crypto-kike.
Constantius II did nothing wrong.
I wonder why followers of a jewish based faith would play the victim card while they persecute others. That would be a previously unheard of phenomenon.
Christianity was the Marxism of Ancient Rome.
Both were invented by a Jew to radicalize the low IQ plebeian masses against their leaders.
Saul of Tarsus and Chaim "Marx" Mordechai are the greatest sons of Yiiiyisrayeheelelelyeielelelelelelelll (speaks in Jew).
wtf I love the jews
Imagine being this retarded.
t. Christurd
Worse how?
Did they feed pagans to double-lions or something?
Ever heard of the Albigensian crusade? The Northern Crusades? The Inquisition? The burning of the library of Alexandria? The brutal persecution of gnostic, manicheians, and other "heretical" sects?
Also the romans didn't want to eliminate all religions but their own, and erase their history Marxist style. They only persecuted Christianity because it was a Jewy seditious and subversive movement.
That lion thing never happened.
>was a Jewy seditious and subversive movement.
>being this retarded
>implying that they believed that
So they killed some people, big deal.
Romans killed loads of people, they even sold literally an entire civilization into slavery.
Roman Catholicism =/= Christianity
this but unironically
>Colosseum denial
Is there no depth to which Veeky Forums won't sink?
i remember when trolls were subtle
The romans didn't feed Christians to lions for being Christian. This was a punishment that applied to any person to didn't participate in certain ceremonies.
>Catholics aren't christian
unironically this.
Actual motive was to exert more royal influence in Southern France
>Northern Crusade
Germans had been fighting raiding Baltic tribes since Charlemagne's time
Enlightenment meme along the lines of the Black Legend
>Library of Alexandria
was burned by Julius Caesar, destroyed by Aurelian, sacked by the Muslims
>Brutal persecution
Sectarian conflicts are not unique to Christians and by contrast they really weren't that bad
ITT: christards in full damage control.
Keep worshipping a kike. How is Marxism, feminism, multiculturalism working out for you? All bastard children of Christianity.
What's that famous Christian saying? An eye for an eye?
muh catholic church being real Christians argument ad nauseum online 24/7 for little atheists who want an excuse to not follow the greatest teacher to ever live.
Religions is handled my man so it will never be perfect. Because of this, people will use it for their own goals. Religion had and always will be mixed with politics, etc...
You're right, Catholicism is actually Norse paganism, how silly of me.
At last I truly see...
Ceremonies that they refused to participate in because it was violation of their religion?
He's so cool!
>muh actual motive therefore everything is justified
The actual motive that 6 gorillion christards were mauled in the colosseum was because they were subversives. There I gave you a reason. Everything is just fine now you can quit whining about muh persecution.
Because burning incense is so hard. There were only two times an emperor targeted christians. Nero and Diocletian, the latter for 10 years only in the Eastern portion. Pagans were targeted until it was no more.
>it's just incense brah!
This is your brain on atheism.
Unironically agreed.
Except, like Marxism, the creation eventually broke free from its creator and backfired on their original intentions miserably.
Not an argument you troglodyte.
(((Rootless cosmopolitan)))
LMAO Soviets were woke af.
This sounds more like it applies to Islam
With the various dessert tribes in arabia
>b-but Paul wasn't a Jew, he converted to Christianity and wrote in Greek!
>b-but Marx wasn't a Jew, he converted to protestantism and considered himself a German!
The "cosmopolitan jew" trying to infiltrate the gentiles and poison the well has been a theme ever since the Hellenistic urban class in Cesarea and Antioch.
>Assuming I'm athiest
You don't have to be in denial of history to be christian. They had a violent history, so what.
Muhammad was not a Jew and there are no dessert tribes in Arabia
Literally mudslime revisionism
I'm pretty sure there was at least one vanilla ice cream tribe.